canadian tire sucks

  1. J

    The bogus scratch and win event

    I live in Gibsons,about 10 miles from the CTC store.I saw in the new flyer an item on sale that I needed for some time now to finish a kitchen project.NEW KITCHEN FAUCETS.So I take myself to the store and flyer in hand make my way to the section where the items are displayed.I found the said...
  2. E

    CT ain't what it used to be....

    Here's my whole told in email: Ernie Evil-Grafix Moore Customer service talks in circles. I let this go last year but ain'y gonna do it this time. I am sick and tired of the lack of respect from CT! DO NOT BUY ANY BIKE FROM CT!!! I spent almost $100 last year on three bike from CT. 2 were...