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  • hi , just say about rating store the staff can be polite and helpfull but not professional just if you can separate this
    I tried to call on behalf of a friend who's english is not perfect, it concerns she has received a collection notice, she has tried to deal with this with the credit dept, her last name is wong, as common as smith in this country, the information the credit dept sent her lists, a different address, different date of birth, the only common thing is her first name, ALSO, a very common asian name, so in fact we have only common thing is "john smith". the canadian tire position is we investigated and it is closed, she owes the money, results of thier investigation, "confidential" even from her, no appeal, no customer service, rude, ignorant people on the phone, refuse to give names, or supervisors, thier position ,in the hands of a collection agency, my n ine year old could have done a better investigation, and certainly better manners
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