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  • I have worked in the merritt B.C store for many years and have seen everything that has happened at this store.This has been the worst case of employee disrespect and open and deliberate intent to harm people I have ever seen.This practice must stop!this is one of the main reasons for the poor customer service,and customer dissatisfaction.The management in this store( like many others) is the problem.WE all need to stop this now! Im in a position with my inside knowledge to make a differance but I need your help.Complain,lodge as many complaints about the merritt store as possible.complain to head office ,complain directly to the dealer(like that will help) we need to let everyone know that the problem with canadian tire is the management and NOT the employees.If we can force corporate canadian tire to change this one store thru public opinion it will force them to deal with a problem they know themselves is out of control!
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