
  1. G

    STUPID TERMS used on this site!!!!!!!

    What the HELL is with all these STUPID terms and being spread on this website.. "Angry CT Guy" ?? Who the hell is that? "Faker Advocate" ??? What?? And what's the with telling people to donate at the top of the page.. What the HELL does that have to do with these posts??
  2. C

    Crappy Tire's Financial State

    It's good to see some financial information that isn't distored by the Crappy Tire Defenders. It turns out that this "cash only" buy-out of Forzani wasn't really "cash only" after all. Crappy Tire's debt went up from $2.3 billion to $3.3 billion. There was assumed debt and transaction costs...
  3. D

    Returning Unwanted Goods - CT Has the Worst Policies

    A topic that deserves its own thread is the Canadian Tire policies for the return of unwanted goods. Note that this is NOT the same thing as a consumer returning: - A defective product. - A product that is not fit for its intended purpose. (Defective and unfit products are discussed under...
  4. D

    "Repair Only Warranty" - No Refund, No Exchange

    A Canadian Tire policy that seems to cause a large number of complaints is their “Repair Only Warranty”. The name doesn’t sound so bad. It seems like it’s only telling you something about the manufacturer’s warranty. After all, how could a “Repair Only Warranty” doesn't sound a whole lot...
  5. G

    Stupid return policy to hide employee theft?

    According to Mr.CT Manager his customers are all potential fraudsters to justify the stupid invasion of privacy for returns and exchanges. He goes on and on about how bad his experiences are and how many times he's caught them with fraud. Any study on the break down of his customer base? Age...
  6. G

    oil filters / tires

    warning motomaster oil filters recalled due to manufacturing defects which causes them to leak note also these oil filters are made in China not by Fram several types of motomaster tires are also made in China check the sidewall for country of origin employes typically say motomaster tires are...
  7. F

    That Money

    Here's what happened to me. And yes - I was the guy on "Marketplace"... I bought a paddling pool for my little boy from crappy tire last June, inflated it...and it went straight down again. So - I took it back and exchanged it. Same problem - it wouldn't inflate. (CBC neglected to include that...