
Posted by an unregistered user
What the HELL is with all these STUPID terms and being spread on this website.. "Angry CT Guy" ?? Who the hell is that? "Faker Advocate" ??? What?? And what's the with telling people to donate at the top of the page.. What the HELL does that have to do with these posts??
What the HELL is with all these STUPID terms and being spread on this website.. "Angry CT Guy" ?? Who the hell is that? "Faker Advocate" ??? What?? And what's the with telling people to donate at the top of the page.. What the HELL does that have to do with these posts??

"Angry CT Guy" is the name that some consumers have given to an unregistered poster, who frequently responds with anger and hostility when consumers post information and opinions that are critical of Canadian Tire.

A common feature of Angry CT Guy's posts are insults directed at consumers, such as:

- Calling consumers "losers".
- Claming that consumers who post here are mentally ill, alcoholic or have "tourette's" (syndrome).
- Saying consumers don't respond to so-called 'challenges'.
- Calling consumers 'liars' (although no specific instances are mentioned).

Here is a recent response to a consumer's post, with an emphasis on insults:

The vast majority of Angry CT Guy's post contain references to:

- The alleged existence of "600 sites" for "every major retailer, restaurant and corporation."
- The presense of a "donate" button on this web site.
- The option to donate via Paypal. Sometimes U.S. currency is mentioned.

Although the rationale is unclear, the general theme is that this site is supposedly an "e-commerce" site, and therefore cannot be trusted. However, this has been shown to be untrue.

At one point, Angry CT Guy was claiming a connection between this site and a group of related "" sites owned by an American, but the evidence does not support any connection.

Angry CT Guy has also invented a fictional character he calls "faker advocate". This is a composite of some or all of the consumers who post here, and Angry CT Guy claims that this single consumer has 'multiple personalities' who post on this site as different users.

There are indications that Angry CT Guy thinks the owner of this site is actaully the "faker advocate" character, and is posting here to generate revenue.

Early posts can be found here:

The references to alcoholism, mental illness, multiple personalities, Tourette's Syndrome, and a belief in conspiracy theories may well be auto-biographical.
"Angry CT Guy" is the name that some consumers have given to an unregistered poster, who frequently responds with anger and hostility when consumers post information and opinions that are critical of Canadian Tire.

A common feature of Angry CT Guy's posts are insults directed at consumers, such as:

- Calling consumers "losers".
- Claming that consumers who post here are mentally ill, alcoholic or have "tourette's" (syndrome).
- Saying consumers don't respond to so-called 'challenges'.
- Calling consumers 'liars' (although no specific instances are mentioned).

Here is a recent response to a consumer's post, with an emphasis on insults:

The vast majority of Angry CT Guy's post contain references to:

- The alleged existence of "600 sites" for "every major retailer, restaurant and corporation."
- The presense of a "donate" button on this web site.
- The option to donate via Paypal. Sometimes U.S. currency is mentioned.

Although the rationale is unclear, the general theme is that this site is supposedly an "e-commerce" site, and therefore cannot be trusted. However, this has been shown to be untrue.

At one point, Angry CT Guy was claiming a connection between this site and a group of related "" sites owned by an American, but the evidence does not support any connection.

Angry CT Guy has also invented a fictional character he calls "faker advocate". This is a composite of some or all of the consumers who post here, and Angry CT Guy claims that this single consumer has 'multiple personalities' who post on this site as different users.

There are indications that Angry CT Guy thinks the owner of this site is actaully the "faker advocate" character, and is posting here to generate revenue.

Early posts can be found here:

The references to alcoholism, mental illness, multiple personalities, Tourette's Syndrome, and a belief in conspiracy theories may well be auto-biographical.

the angry ct guys is a real nut job

which wouldnt be so bad if he wasnt so annoying

after all people can be pleasant nut jobs too
I do admire the efficiency of the ct Angry Guy

By always posting the same basic thing, he saves a lot of time

He doesn't have ot do any research, come up with new phrases, or even formulate new ideas

He just has to copy-and-paste what he wrote last time

A big time saver!!!
We took that idea from you guys

Thousands of your posts simply state the same terms over and over....
"That's illegal under the CPA & SGA"
"Wannabe millionaire"
"You're a liar"
"YOu've been proven wrong over and over again"
"You killed a customer in Hamilton"
As my pappy use to say...if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...then it's a duck!

Faker advocate doesn't like his opinions being exposed. He also apparently doesn't like facts and math. Often when challenged, he resorts to posting under various aliases.

As for the 600 sites and donate button....feel free to visit these sites....many look just like this one. Google Dan Parisi and see what you get.
As my pappy use to say...if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...then it's a duck!

Faker advocate doesn't like his opinions being exposed. He also apparently doesn't like facts and math. Often when challenged, he resorts to posting under various aliases.

As for the 600 sites and donate button....feel free to visit these sites....many look just like this one. Google Dan Parisi and see what you get.

Good ol' Angry CT Guy.

Not a single new phrase in the whole post.

Sure does save time, to only use Control-C and Control-V, LOL!
the ct angry guys strategy is kind of interesting

he avoids statements that can be either proven or disproven

so its mostly vague generalities and opinions

its admirable for sheer tenacity - 6 month with very little deviation incontent

its more like negative noise, creating a disruptive haze of disagreement

but mostly its just annoying
There must not be any good businesses left, given the 600 sites and multiple complaint blogs....LOL
Don't forget to donate on this fine e-commerce site. Mr. Parisi has kids now and wants out of the porn business.

Angry CT Guy has several persistent delusions.

One is that this site (Canadian Tire Sucks Forum - Canadian Tire Sucks Portal) is somehow affiliated with other sites that he calls "" sites.

This was disproven some time ago, and he even admitted that there is no association.

Another of Angry CT Guy's delusions is that is a 'porn' site. If you bother to visit, you'll only find advertisements for personal injury lawyers and t-shirts. This has been the case since for almost 6 years, according to - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Anybody care to venture a diagnosis of Angry CT Guy?
How was that disproven again? Long ago you say?

The saga of -

Why? Because you say so?

You obviously have a high opinion of your opinions. Too bad people aren't that stupid.

Nice try though, I hope you donated's quite the e-commerce venture.
Angry crappy guy is pissed, I think due to his false facade quickly unraveling. He's maybe up to the hilt in credit, and maybe overextended and overdue on everything else. How long can he hold out till the banks start calling in those loans? What's next after that I wonder?

Could be why he's lashing out at everybody.
Angry crappy guy is pissed, I think due to his false facade quickly unraveling. He's maybe up to the hilt in credit, and maybe overextended and overdue on everything else. How long can he hold out till the banks start calling in those loans? What's next after that I wonder?

Could be why he's lashing out at everybody.

Stating the obvious is "lashing" out in faker advocates world of multiple personalities. But as fakers go, this persona has nothing of value to add. Yep, he proves that any wacko can post here. Luckily, we can see his wackoness with all the fake dribble he posts.
It's nice of Angry CT Guy to post directly to this thread. It makes it easier to see into this weird view of the world.

He lives in a strange world of “fakers”, “multiple personalities” and “wackos”.

He is obsessed with Dan Parisi and porn sites, even though there’s not evidence that they are in any way connected with this site (except that they both have “suck” somewhere in the URL).

His hostility towards consumers is both disturbing, and disturbed.

He calls web sites that don’t sell products “e-commerce” sites.

He accuses people of “fraud”, without there being any evidence that the activities described are even a crime.

And, when he uses the term “dribble”, I do believe he means “drivel” – which is something he obsessively posts almost daily.

Any progress on that diagnosis?

I particularly like the disclaimer on this site. "as is". No guarantee that anything faker advocate says is truthful. That'swhy he's a faker. Too bad he doesn't try a real outlet for his opinions , such as a better business bureau or the ministry of consumer affairs. Then he wouldn't be such a faker. Wonder why he doesn't do that though?

Very bizarre.

Comparing an open internet forum to a retailer. Strange, indeed.

For sure, no content that is provided for free by anonymous volunteers comes with a guarantee.

It's standard, and perfectly reasonable, for sites such state all material is provided "as-is".

Is this an "e-commmence" site? No, not if it has nothing to sell, LOL!

But what of a retailer store, that charges for the goods and services it provides? There are laws governing their operations, and they cannot just create any policy they like, to attempt to circumvent those laws.

Does any of this make the site a 'fake' site? Not at all - just like other internet forums.

Are consumers who post here automatically 'fakers'? Not at all - just ordinary people trying to help one-another.

Do consumers have any obligation to do research for the Crappy People who post here? Of course not. They can provide whatever they feel is worth their time and effort, and individual consumers can take it from there.

Very strange ideas bounce around in the noggin of the Angry CT Guy.
Very bizarre.

Comparing an open internet forum to a retailer. Strange, indeed.

For sure, no content that is provided for free by anonymous volunteers comes with a guarantee.

It's standard, and perfectly reasonable, for sites such state all material is provided "as-is".

Is this an "e-commmence" site? No, not if it has nothing to sell, LOL!

But what of a retailer store, that charges for the goods and services it provides? There are laws governing their operations, and they cannot just create any policy they like, to attempt to circumvent those laws.

Does any of this make the site a 'fake' site? Not at all - just like other internet forums.

Are consumers who post here automatically 'fakers'? Not at all - just ordinary people trying to help one-another.

Do consumers have any obligation to do research for the Crappy People who post here? Of course not. They can provide whatever they feel is worth their time and effort, and individual consumers can take it from there.

Very strange ideas bounce around in the noggin of the Angry CT Guy.

That's right, there is no admission of truth on any open Internet forum, where anyone (wacko or otherwise) can post whatever they want. They can state their opinion as facts, they can outright lie, and they can assume whatever they want. That makes them fakers through and through. Real advocates go to credible sources to clarify or have changed the wrongs of the world. Anyone here make the effort to contact the BBB to correct their outdated posting on returns (so say the fakers)? Nope. Anyone contact the Ministry for clarification like I did on repair only items? Nope.
We all know why that is, but call black is white as often as you doesn't make it any more true.
And you would have to be pretty gullible if you don't think Parisi's venture wasn't a "for profit" e-commerce ideal.
No one said everyone here was a faker advocate, but they're are a few....and easy to spot.
That's right, there is no admission of truth on any open Internet forum, where anyone (wacko or otherwise) can post whatever they want. They can state their opinion as facts, they can outright lie, and they can assume whatever they want. That makes them fakers through and through. Real advocates go to credible sources to clarify or have changed the wrongs of the world. Anyone here make the effort to contact the BBB to correct their outdated posting on returns (so say the fakers)? Nope. Anyone contact the Ministry for clarification like I did on repair only items? Nope.
We all know why that is, but call black is white as often as you doesn't make it any more true.
And you would have to be pretty gullible if you don't think Parisi's venture wasn't a "for profit" e-commerce ideal.
No one said everyone here was a faker advocate, but they're are a few....and easy to spot.

No need to 'diagnose' Angry CT Guy.

He's just a persistent Troll.

Have a look at the Wikipedia definition - he fits it to a tee:

Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- inflammatory (insulting consumers who post here)
- off-topic (TTC bus drivers, Dan Parisi, porn)
- disrupting discussion (repetitive posts)

Probably the best approach is to not bother responding in the other threads.

As the saying goes, "Please Don't Feed the Troll".