
  1. G

    Sign the Petition Against Canadian Tire

    And get everyone you know to sign it too. The more negative attention we bring to Canadian tire the more likely they will be to change their business practices or suffer the financial consequences of too many customers associating Canadian Tire with the unethical practices they employ. Get the...
  2. M

    Auto Center - Ill never go to any Canadian tire again

    They lied to me saying maintenance was regular required maintenance. I talked to 5 people including the store manager, the auto center manager, a CSR, a higher CSR, the CSR manager, and finally the store manager. The store manager in the end implied I may be just lying (even though everyone...
  3. Y

    Bad Service

    Service at Canadian tire is going from bad to worst. Buyer be ware: reed your receipt before leaving the store you might have bought something that's a final sale or repair only they will not tell you but just print it on your receipt. this happened to me recently and gues what canadian tire...
  4. A

    Technical Difficulties...

    We are back! Sorry about the down time, this shouldn't happen again. Our host had some server problems which caused the sever to crash. Thank god we had a backup only a week old. We were able to recover 100% of the site. Sorry about the inconvenience this may have caused. Admin
  5. G

    From the management?

    Why I'm Angry with you the assho... oops I mean customer. Someone complained about not being able to return a treadmill 2 days after buying it! This sounds f___ing rediculous doesn't it? But... I know why, to return that treadmill, excercise bike, or whatever excercise equipment you...
  6. G

    Fun and profitable

    Heres my story. I'm 14 and i hate Canadian tire!!! i saved up my own money and bought a bike which appeared great but turned out to be nothing but problems. One year i also saved up my money once again and bought my dad a whipper snipper for fathers day. The charger for the whipper snipper was...
  7. P

    RAT Problem Pointe West Golf Course Amherstburg Ontario Canada!

    I would like to warn the public, so that anyone who might golf and/or eat the food at Pointe West Golf Course Amherstburg Ontario Canada. DO NOT EAT THE FOOD THERE!! They have a BIG RAT problem, have no plans to clean it up and are putting their customers health at risk. The problem started from...
  8. G

    When a Warranty Isn?t a Warranty

    On 30 December 2006 we purchased a new battery for my car. This battery model comes with a 2 year warranty. In December 2007, I started having problems with a dead battery on a regular basis. Our other car is a hybrid, so we can?t use it for jump starting another car. We took the battery to...
  9. B

    Return policy

    A few weeks ago I purchased several items from a local CT. I made it as far as the parking lot when I realized that one of the items was packaged incorrectly -- the contents of the box were not what they should have been. So I went to the return desk. The woman working the desk was the same...
  10. G

    Customer service

    Seriously the big box stores really need to hire more people to work the floors. God knows they can afford it. Just look for local mom and pop style stores from now on. All it takes is yellowpages online and thats it. Really i stopped going to home depot and crappy tire for over a year now since...
  11. C

    A Consumer's War against CTC

    Do you really know what the mechanics at the Canadian Tire Auto Service are doing to your car? (I) On Jan 7, 2008, my car's condition was checked by a mechanic at the Tony Graham dealership: (1) No vibration felt at highway speeds (2) Checked for beating noise - nothing heard (3) Inspected...
  12. A

    Canadian Free speech rights.

    Here is the law that gives us the right to have this site. The full "CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS" can be found here:
  13. A

    Poll: Does Canadian Tire Suck?

    Please vote in the poll and then post comments as to why you voted one way or the other.
  14. IKnowThings

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello everyone! I look forward to getting into some nice in-depth conversations about the crap that is "Canadian Tire". I used to work there for a very short time, but learned a lot about the BS about the store's (and the managers') functionality.