CT Ruined my brake rotors and won't refund or even look into it.


New member
Quote from the service manager "The rotors machined with a true face, giving neither of the technicians any reason to condemn the rotors as not machine able."

Here is a video of the rotors they claim are straight. They never even asked to see them or investigate. How does this company stay in business????

Basically they could have stopped during any one of the 4 rotors and told me they were bad, but they did not. Just close your eyes, turn them and give them back to the customer, that's how they roll. Any good tech would inspect the straightness along the way and advise the customer if there was an issue. Not CT.
we are used to it!!! you are not alone in thinking that CT is the crappiest most incompetent and probably fraudulent company in canada
Quote from the service manager "The rotors machined with a true face, giving neither of the technicians any reason to condemn the rotors as not machine able."

Here is a video of the rotors they claim are straight. They never even asked to see them or investigate. How does this company stay in business????

Basically they could have stopped during any one of the 4 rotors and told me they were bad, but they did not. Just close your eyes, turn them and give them back to the customer, that's how they roll. Any good tech would inspect the straightness along the way and advise the customer if there was an issue. Not CT.
too bad so sad .. will you please tell me how you expect to straighten out a warped rotor . the warp goes all the way through the metal .. you asked for them to be machined .. the were .. you cannot machine a warped rotor with any good results that will last longer then a month . you got what you asked ask for .. they were machined to minimum spec .. bye new rotors end of story
can you at least also show us the face on view of the rotor to see if it actually machined or would that be asking too much
get a life .. back that up

These rotors were machined to flat face but obviously mounted them wrong on the lathe, most likely an incorrect hub adapter. All they had to do was inspect the work, but no they were pricks about it from the first second. Then they said I had an attitude. I have a very unprofessional email from the dick head owner, but I'm saving that for a very special occasion.

You get a life and don't expect another response from me douche bag.
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So you installed the rotors you had machined while doing your own brake job? When you installed them initially you didnt spin them to see if they were warped ?That would have been the time to bring them back machined off axis and still unused...After you ran the car its kinda late to go back, unfortunately.. They are thinking you cooked the brakes on the brake in and warped the rotors.