CTC steals Dealers Equity and then threatens him......


New member
Well Mark, we are a team ( a concept you never understood) - we all work together and my "mommy" should you decide to fight her, would make you go pale - just try to fuck with her, you have no idea what, or who, you are dealing with. I know this is a difficult concept for your pea brain to comprehend, but there have been tens thousands of people involved in this enterprise from 1922 - people who actually care for our business - but you are as useless fart in a windstorm. You decided to ride on the coat tails of generations of people - which is fine - it's life - but we are all bigger than you - little man. You will be forgotten.

So - cast your petty barbs. In the end, CTC will stand strong and proud.

Owen G. Billes
From: Mark Healy [mvhealy@ctc152.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:34 PM
To: Owen Billes
Subject: RE: ADR, Arbitration

Why do you keep emailing your Mother little man....getting Mommy to fight your battles as usual.....

I am trying to save the Brand from some of the Crooks you guys hired and endorsed.....

Shame on you Owen Billes, get all the facts before you judge people...

Very disappointed in you Owen...when are you going to grow up...

Get a life ok...


-----Original Message-----
From: Owen Billes [mailto:eek:billes@ctas118.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:28 PM
To: Mark Healy
Cc: Maureen.Sabia@cantire.com; Martha Billes (tirelady@ctire.com)
Subject: RE: ADR, Arbitration

I am sad for you.

Get over yourself. I thought more of you, but hoped for too much I guess.

Good luck with whatever you do,

From: Mark Healy [mvhealy@ctc152.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:26 PM
To: Owen Billes
Subject: RE: ADR, Arbitration

Truth hurts eh Buddy

-----Original Message-----
From: Owen Billes [mailto:eek:billes@ctas118.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:08 PM
To: Mark Healy
Cc: Maureen.Sabia@cantire.com; Martha Billes (tirelady@ctire.com)
Subject: RE: ADR, Arbitration


You and your approach to business disgust me. You have done nothing to enhance our brand - or done anything to better the triangle in the eyes of Canadian consumers.

Do not email me again.

Owen Billes
From: Mark Healy [mvhealy@ctc152.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2:07 PM
To: gvallance@ct426.com; clheureux422@ctmail.ca; Brian Domelle
Subject: ADR, Arbitration

Chairman of the Board

Graham Savage
Chairman, Audit Committee
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited
2180 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 2V8

Maureen, Graham, please see our attached letter which our Lawyer George Crossman will be sending you the original, transcripts, exhibits, schedules in the next day or so by registered mail/courier.


Mark V. Healy
CTC Associate Dealer
Store 152
Mississauga, Ontario


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Does this Mark guy have mental issues? Seems like a wacko and it looks like Canadian Tire figured that out too. Guy posts his home addres and phone number in the attachment. Stupid.