new contest



When you fill up with gas, you are given a ticket to go to the internet and win prizez. Only problem is, the site they give you isnot valid.
When you fill up with gas, you are given a ticket to go to the internet and win prizez. Only problem is, the site they give you isnot valid.

? works for me and everyone else that i know who has tried. Perhaps while your back in school to learn proper spelling and grammer you can get some lessons on typeing url's.
? works for me and everyone else that i know who has tried. Perhaps while your back in school to learn proper spelling and grammer you can get some lessons on typeing url's.

I'm all for people spelling things properly, but take a few lessons yourself. "Your" should be "you're" in the context you used it. "Grammer" should be "grammar". "Typeing" should be "typing". The pronoun "I" should always be capitalized. How about capitalizing the first letter in all your sentences too?
I'm all for people spelling things properly, but take a few lessons yourself. "Your" should be "you're" in the context you used it. "Grammer" should be "grammar". "Typeing" should be "typing". The pronoun "I" should always be capitalized. How about capitalizing the first letter in all your sentences too?

wow! yet another douche bag spell checker!!!! Awesome!!!
Wow! Yet another moron who would lose a large portion of his vocabulary if you removed the terms "douche bag" and "awesome" from the English language.

Wow!!! good response!!! You dont have enough brains to come up with an argument that makes sense, but you can insult people and point out spelling errors. Good job!!!!!
Wow!!! good response!!! You dont have enough brains to come up with an argument that makes sense, but you can insult people and point out spelling errors. Good job!!!!!

Do you see the irony in your silly little postings? Don't come to a gunfight while carrying only a pea-shooter. Unlike you, I don't come here to argue. I have a life, so I wonder if you have one. I'd point out your fallacies, but morons never get it.
Now come back with your inevitably inane retort.
Do you see the irony in your silly little postings? Don't come to a gunfight while carrying only a pea-shooter. Unlike you, I don't come here to argue. I have a life, so I wonder if you have one. I'd point out your fallacies, but morons never get it.
Now come back with your inevitably inane retort.

If you understood the definition or irony that last post wouldn't exist.
I understand it quite well, since I made it past grade three, unlike CT employees.
I think I'll hang around awhile and see just how pathetic you are.

So your calling others pathetic and your gonna hang around just to put your time in to people you consider pathetic.... I believe thats another case of irony
So your calling others pathetic and your gonna hang around just to put your time in to people you consider pathetic.... I believe thats another case of irony

I'm not the one whining about spending time here, there, and everywhere. It takes five minutes out of my 24 hour day to read your graffiti-like postings and grin.
I have found most of these contests on the would wide interweb with no problem and have minimal schooling, problem could be with your server or site just too busy. All these contests really want is a link to you so they can sell you more shit anyway. But I am injoying the response you are getting from CT staff or some other loser that has nothing better to do than grip about your eduction and/or grammer when like you said his posts are like graffiti.
I have found most of these contests on the would wide interweb with no problem and have minimal schooling, problem could be with your server or site just too busy. All these contests really want is a link to you so they can sell you more shit anyway. But I am injoying the response you are getting from CT staff or some other loser that has nothing better to do than grip about your eduction and/or grammer when like you said his posts are like graffiti.

i truly hope that this post was an attempt to be funny