How do you rate 11839 Kingsway Ave, Edmonton, AB store?

How do you rate this store? (You may check muliple boxes)

  • [color=green]Overall experience was GOOD.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Overall experience was BAD.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=green]Staff is/was POLILTE, HELPFUL and PROFESSIONAL.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Staff is/was UNPLEASANT and UNHELPFUL.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=green]Store is/was well stocked and organized.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Store is/was NOT well stocked and organized.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=green]Store is/was neat and clean.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Store is/was dirty, neglected and untidy.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=green]YES I am satisfied with the products / service.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]NO I am NOT satisfied with the products / service.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=green]YES I would recommend this store to others.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]NO I would NOT recommend this store to others.[/color]

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Rate this Canadian Tire store?

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  • You may select multiple choices.
  • Only choose the options that apply.
  • Try to be honest.
Post other opinions and thought on this particular store below.
Do not go to Canadian Tire Kingsway
if you are lgbtqia2s+ this location discrimates
against you the basis of who you are and because
of your disabilities.

Do not give this hateful and transphobic franchise
any money!

So back in December 2023 I took my car in because
the car would just randomly die. The battery would
be totally dead so the Canadian Tire Kingsway automotiv
garage said oh its your battery so they replaced it.
And the problem still continued to happen with a new
battery. I took it back to them again the garage said
we don't know and refused to do anything about it.

So now it is April 8 2023 I have an unrelated problem
with my power steering being really hard to turn so
I dropped the car off April 7 2024 over night and left the
keys in their drop box I get a call the next morning
from the manager of the automotive department saying
we refuse to look at the car. He said that there was a
note on the account saying not to look at my car.

I call the Canadian Tire Customer service and I find out
that it was the franchise that put the note there
and now refuses to deal with the car in any way.

Customer service claims that I intimidated the staff
there now I am a woman and transgender I don't think
that the staff there also likes that either and
discriminates against me because of who I am.

I am also diagnosed with Asperger's Sydnrome as well
and Canadian Tire has been told this in the past.
Simply because I have trouble in social situations and
the staff doesn't understand my disabilities does not
give them the right to discriminate against me.
I deny intimidating anyone and that is nothing more
than a lie. I believe this is a retaliation by the
franchise for making a complaint to the Canadiantire
Corporate head office back in December 2023 about the
no starting issue. I did nothing wrong. This franchise
is hateful and transphobic! do not go to this location
I would give this store 0 rating if I could!

I have emailed the Canadian Tire customer service
already about this and spoke to them on this phone
about this matter. Canadian Tire tells me
we can't force the franchise to fix my car,
they don't seem to want to do much about it.

Avoid this location at all costs! The franchise is
hateful and discriminates against people on the
basis of their gender identity and their mental

Canadian Tire Downtown
11839 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 3J7
Phone #: (780) 413-8473

Avoid this location at all costs!
So I get a call from the store manager around
3:10 PM MDT (GMT-0600) on April 8 2024
now accusing me of being the top 10% of the
people that complain to corporate head office.

So this is retaliation by the franchise for making
a complaint about his store back in December 2023.
The store manager Wayne told me this on the call.
Maybe if this Canadian Tire store treated people better
they wouldn't get so many complaints. Wow Canadian Tire
just sucks!
Here is an email I sent to Canadian Tire just now
I am done with these clowns!

The audio clip of the voice mail message left to me
can be heard at

So April 11 2023 at about 9:21 AM I get this phone call from this idiot
Kelly who is supposed to be the "store manager"

What the franchisee doesn't have the balls to call me himself and talk
to a woman instead he has his manager do it for him. Shows how
low the franchisee really is that owns the Kingsway location.

Canadian Tire Edmonton Downtown
11839 Kingsway NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T5G 3J7

Phone #: 780-451-0315
Fax #: 780-451-2037

You know what I am sick of you Canadian Tire! This franchisee is outright
retaliating against me because I made a complaint about the Kingsway store
in December 2023.

The store never even TRIED to meet my service needs the complaint I made
back in December 2023 to the corporate head office had nothing to do
with the complaint now!

It is also my intention as soon as I can find another credit card to NOT use your
credit card any more so sometime in the near future I won't be using the
Canadian Tire credit card either.

Your company is abusive and allow your franchisee to get away with retaliating
against a customer that makes a complaint.

This guy Kelly isn't sorry what so ever listen to his voice in the message he
is a complete ahole as much as the owner.

You need to remove this franchisee from your brand now Canadian Tire as
this franchisee is in no way representing your brand in a good way for
retaliating against a customer who made a complaint to the corporate office
back in December 2023. This is absolutely wrong and I do need an immediate
response from the corporate head office.

In the message he says we won't be inviting you back to service your car
as far as I am concerned Canadian Tire can stick it! I am done with you I will
NEVER go to any of your stores ever for anything! You have lost a customer
forever and I was a good customer spending thousands of dollars at
your garage over many many years.

Canadian Tire can shove it where the sun don't shine!

Oh and I got my car fixed at a garage that knows what they are doing unlike
your clowns at your garage on Kingsway!

I want an immediate response from the senior management of Canadian Tire
immediately on this!

Any response in this matter is to be done via email only! But yet the
manager of this store still calls me.
April 15 2024,

ATTN: Greg Hicks (CEO Canadian Tire)
Jim Christie (Executive Vice-President, Canadian Tire)
Lisa Damiani (Executive Vice-President and General Counsel)
Susan O'Brien (Executive Vice President & Chief Brand & Customer Officer, Canadian Tire )
Martha Billes (Controlling Shareholder Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd.)

Discretion ? your franchisee is discriminating against me and retaliating
against me for making a complaint to your head office and because of
who I am being transgender that is wrong!

What this franchisee is doing is WRONG and is an ethics issue.
If you allow your franchisee to do this then that shows how crappy
of a company you really are it is no wonder Canadian Tire earned the
name of Crappy Tire.

Canadian Tire Edmonton Downtown
11839 Kingsway NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T5G 3J7

Phone #: 780-451-0315
Fax #: 780-451-2037

I demand the senior management at Canadian Tire now! This
is absolutely wrong!

"it is at their discretion to determine if they are well-positioned to provide the
requested automotive repairs. Canadian Tire Kingsway does not feel that they
are best suited to provide this service to your satisfaction. As the Corporation,
we respect their decision."

That is BS your franchisee is retaliating against me for making
a complaint against his store in December 2023 and because of who I am
being Transgender.

This has NOTHING to do with the fact that they are not the best
to provide the service to my satisfaction as the store never
even tried to fix this unrelated issue which was a power steering
hose issue. They never even TRIED! So if they don't try how
are they going to know if they are best suited to provide service
to my vehicle.

This has nothing to do about this this is retaliation against me
for making a complaint to your head office back in December 2023.
and quite possibly because of who I am being transgender.

The store never even TRIED to fix the issue and was NOT
even related the problem that I had back in December 2023.

Your store never even tried to fix the new issue that was totally
unrelated to the problem I complained about back in December

As per your code of conduct at the link bellow.

"CTC will not tolerate any retaliation for reports made in good faith."

Yet a customer makes a complaint about your retail location / garage and
the franchisee retaliates against me because of that complaint and
you are saying at the corporate head office that you allow this.

This is absolute garbage thyis is a violation of your code of

What this franchisee is doing is unethical by retaliating against
me because of me making a complaint to your head office and because
of who I am being transgender.

And yet you claim that you support this decision which goes against
your own code of conduct.

Your franchisee is an ass hole and is violating your code of conduct
and you need to take steps to remove this franchisee from your

Also your code of contact states

"Harassment, including sexual harassment, is a
form of discrimination. Harassment means any
conduct, comment or gesture that is inappropriate
and likely to:

Reasonably cause offence or humiliation to
any employee or customer"

But yet your allow your franchisee to cause humiliation
towards me in this outright discrimination against me and
you say that you support that.


Every Employee has an obligation to be aware
of and to comply with all applicable laws, rules,
regulations and Company policies that apply to our
business operations, and in particular, those which
impact our roles within such business areas."

So this would apply to a franchisee as well who
should be aware of Alberta Human Rights Laws.

Under the Alberta Human Rights Act section 4 it states
the following

Discrimination re goods, services, accommodation, facilities

4 No person shall

(a) deny to any person or class of persons any goods, services,
accommodation or facilities that are customarily available
to the public, or

(b) discriminate against any person or class of persons with respect
to any goods, services, accommodation or facilities that are customarily
available to the public,

because of the race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression,
physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income,
family status or sexual orientation of that person or class of persons or of any other person or
class of persons.

Which your franchisee is violating here as well.

And yet Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Continues to turn a blind eye to this
and tell me that you support this discrimination by this franchisee.

This complaint also needs to go to your V.P. of Human Resources as well.

You absolutely suck! Canadian Tire!

You can not let your franchisee's retaliate against a person for
making a complaint against them to your head office and that is
exactly what your franchisee is doing!

Get me the senior management at Canadian Tire now! Before I file
a law suit against your company. This matter is NOT resolved.
Your franchisee has NO right to do this what so ever.

I will do everything in my power to see that this store doesn't
make a dime and that they go out of business if you are going to allow
this garbage to happen! I will see as many bad reviews about this
store is also posted about them anywhere I can.

You can not allow your franchisee to retaliate against a customer that
makes a complaint to your head office like I did back in December 2023.

I want the senior management of Canadian Tire now! This matter
is NOT resolved!

I want the senior management of Canadian Tire NOW! I do not want some low
level customer service rep responding to me on this that clearly doesn't know
anything about discrimination and retaliation clearly your customer service
reps are clueless!

Any response is to be done via email only absolutely no phone calls!