Return Policies: Do Customers Want More Restrictions, or More Options

CT Challenger

New member
Some of the other threads are getting clogged up with claims from The S-Angria-Troll, that consumers themselves don't actually want retailers to take things back, if the customer is genuinely unsatisfied with a product (that doesn't suit their needs, is too noisy, was poorly designed, doesn't fit, won't work in their environment, etc., etc.)

As absurd as that sound, we keep getting Trolled on this, so it's worth it's own thread, I guess.
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Clearly you didn't read the commentary from the vast majority of people that just don't think like you. The VAST majority thinks that people like you cost us all more money with your "attitude". There are a few that think they are entitled to a no questions asked return policy, but AGAIN, the vast majority quickly shut them down with their own comments. Continue to spew your crap, under whichever name you choose to post under on this blog, but after reading HUNDREDS of commentary in 1 day on 1 article, it's pretty clear you don't have the support of the MAJORITY......LOL.

The vast majority of people who commented on the CBC story about returns for genuinely unsatisfactory products said that they want retailers to take things back, and give a refund.

Anybody who cares to, can review these comments for themselves at Refunds: why retailers are making it harder for you to get them - Business - CBC News

I spent some time searching through several hundred posts, and only found 2 that said genuinely unsatisfied consumers should not be allowed to return things.

If that's not enough to satisfy people, there is also a poll at

"I should be able to return/exchange what I buy: 1 - For store credit only 2 - For a full refund 3 - The store shouldn’t have to take things back"

The S-Angry-Troll claims that the "MAJORITY" selelected "3".

Actually, 82% voted "Full Refund" - big friggin' surprise!

Only 9.4% sided with The SAngryTroll.

Pretty humiliating!

But I suspect that SAngryTroll is just doing this to stir up trouble, and will continue Rob Ford style, to deny-deny-deny.
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Be prepared for some back-peddling by the Sangria Troll.

They will probably claim they never meant to eliminate returns for genuinely unsatisfactory purchases, but were instead were referring only to fraudulent and 'abusive' returns.

I bet SangriaTroll won't like being called on their stupidity, and will be disappointed that Canadians are opposed to their greedy plan to increase profits.

But I think the poll on the CBC site speaks louder than Angry Sangria Troll's ludicrous rants.
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Some of the other threads are getting clogged up with claims from The S-Angria-Troll, that consumers themselves don't actually want retailers to take things back, if the customer is genuinely unsatisfied with a product (that doesn't suit their needs, is too noisy, was poorly designed, doesn't fit, won't work in their environment, etc., etc.)

As absurd as that sound, we keep getting Trolled on this, so it's worth it's own thread, I guess.

You must not be reading the same commentary from the hundreds of people posting to the CBC blog vs the couple of posters here. No difference on any blog actually, the majority is rather incensed with your view. There are a few that want a "no questions asked" return policy; but unfortunately, those few are not supported by the majority. They don't want to buy a "used" treadmill, and they certainly don't want to pay for a new item, only to find out it was used and returned. That's my opinion, but most people can think for themselves.
OK, we've finally seen the back-peddling we were expecting, from the SAngryTroll.

But in additionl to the SAngryTroll trying to re-write what they posted, they are now attempting to re-write what the consumers posted, too.

This is a well-used tactic of the CTers: put words in someone's mouth, and then argue about it.

Anyone who cares to, can see what was written at, and again on this thrad.

Let's not fall for these tricks, nor waste any more time confronting this disgusting Troll on their devious behaviour.