I find it rather telling that the way you rate retailers is based on their returns policy

Just a guy with a computer and a grudge, that's all you are
I find it kind of telling the CTMe/LawGuy/Moaner would come onto the "Repair Only Warranty" thread, and claim that people who post here have only one complaint: return policies.

They've been posting here for, what, 2 or 3 years, under various names - how could they miss the long, long list of various way Canadian Tire Sucks?

The list is long, and it keeps growing every day!

A quick tour of this site might be in order ... or maybe just a check our their company's very own Facebook page - LMAO!

(I just LOVE all these straight-lines - each one an opportunity to point out the MANY ways CT Sucks!)
I find it kind of telling the CTMe/LawGuy/Moaner would come onto the "Repair Only Warranty" thread, and claim that people who post here have only one complaint: return policies.

They've been posting here for, what, 2 or 3 years, under various names - how could they miss the long, long list of various way Canadian Tire Sucks?

The list is long, and it keeps growing every day!

A quick tour of this site might be in order ... or maybe just a check our their company's very own Facebook page - LMAO!

(I just LOVE all these straight-lines - each one an opportunity to point out the MANY ways CT Sucks!)

I googled Target sucks and got many pages. Maybe it should be retailers suck!
I googled Target sucks and got many pages. Maybe it should be retailers suck!

This sounds a lot like what we used to see posted under the names CTMe and Lawguy.

Hey, if you have a complaint about Target and others, feel free to post there, too, under any name you choose!
Out of the vast array of Repair Only products on offer at Crappy Tire, I really do think that the $4 wire brush is the most amusing.

Seriously? This is justified as Fraud Reduction?

If the damn thing falls apart, you want to send it off for repairs, instead of just giving me my four bucks back? Or at least an exchange.

Seems to me this is the epitome of pettiness.
I googled Target sucks and got many pages.

Did you consider maybe checking up on any Canadian retailers? That might have actually relevant.

By the away, I did a check for "sucks" sites for Canadian stores - not much out there - but this one is by far the most-read and most-posted!

Since your post has nothing to do with Repai Only policies, I think some of your distorted claims will be addressed here:

I find it rather telling that the way you rate retailers is based on their returns policy

i dont.i think its perfectly obvious.you see,most of us believe in a thing called common decency.so when we come across a store that quite obviously doesnt treat its customers that way it reminds us of high school bullies that steal your sweets off you.but like the typical bully,you will never learn
Another victim who learned the hard way about the Repair Only policy. At least now he's helping to,Get The Word Out!

Richard M.:. I return a defective nail gun that was brand new unused and a defective Mastercraft product and they told me they wanted to send out for repair I bought it to use that day not to have sent out for repair. When they wouldn't give me a new one I just left the jungke with them reported the problem to Canadian Tire MasterCard and Canadian Tire at office. Alls I got was the run around for 6 months . so I cancelled my Canadian Tire MasterCard and paid it off even though a hundred eighty dollars on it only that was for the nail gun because I felt if I didn't pay it they would screw my credit rating. No one from Canadian Tire try to resolve this. When I cancel my credit card and told him why was canceling it they suddenly seem to be concerned. I thought they were going to do something for me. What did they do. They had the Langley store say that they would give me a new nail gun . The project that I purchased the nail gun for was already done. Plus I was so pissed off at them not I don't want to nail gun anymore or any other Mastercraft product. They gave me 30 days to pick it up or they said they would destroy it. If the product is so good why would they destroy it. string you along for 6 months and then give you 30 days to take care of it. at this point I've lost my faith in Canadian Tire they have proven to me they don't care about me as a consumer I was probably one of the most loyal customers they ever have had . But that doesn't count for anything very un Canadian. Canadians don't rip each other off. The best thing you can do is let everyone know how you were treated by Canadian Tire. Its been over a year now and losers still haven't tried to resolve this. you would think as a business that would be in their best interest. especially since I spent over $3000 you're there for the past 15 years. I have a ton of Mastercraft products like I said they used to be my go to store for everything and anything . My best advice is to spread the word don't buy anything there until you're completely satisfied with Canadian Tire what you never will be because they won't get back to you. Its up to them to make the effort to correct the correct the situation when they're wrong it's not up to you . so spread the word and have a fantastic day you deserve it . Cheers sincerely richard Miller
The CTers make it sound like this never happens ... But we hear about it a LOT!

Tom M.: Bought a "Yardworks" 26" snow blower at Canadian Tire at end of December in Kitchener. On it's third use the drive system to the wheels wouldn't work. I let it warm up for a bit and tried again. This time the drive system locked up and started to squeal and smoke was coming out. I phoned the store and they seemed helpful but they didn't take me at my word that it was broken. Apparently they will only take returns within a few days of purchase. They came and picked it up and it has gone to some shop to determine if it is really broken. Apparently this may take several weeks (in the middle of winter). OH look at that.......it is snowing again on top of the 10" we had yesterday..........no snow blower
Follow up from Tom:

--Original Message--
From: tam....@hotmail.com
Date: 2/2/2014 1:56:45 PM
To: customerservice@canadiantire.com
Subject: broken snow blower..........no relief in sight

Canadian Tire Hi Tom, We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to help get this resolved. Could you please contact customerservice@canadiantire.com with your contact info about this? We will be in touch. Thank you.
about an hour ago

Tom M.
More from poor Tom:

Tom M.: see this is how they treat u......Dear Tom M.,

Thank you for contacting our office.

Additional information is required so that we may proceed in addressing your concerns. Kindly provide us with the following as soon as possible:

- your Canadian Tire product number (60-####)
- how long has it been gone for repair?
- have you contacted Yardworks?

To provide this information, simply respond to this email or contact us at the toll-free number provided below. Our Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EST) and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST).

We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to respond.

Corporate Customer Relations
Canadian Tire Corporation Limited

This message, including any attachments, is privileged and may contain
confidential information intended only for the person(s) named above. If
you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error,
please notify the sender immediately by reply email and permanently delete
the original transmission from the sender, including any attachments,
without making a copy. Thank you.
Even more:

Tom M.: where is the help to resolve ?

Tom M.: apparently Canadian Tire has more than on level of customer service.....the one dosnt talk to the other so they know nothing.....told my story for 20th time.............anyone paying attention ?

Tom M.: a working snow blower that I paid $1000 for at end of December might be good

Tom M.: when is anyone going to help me ?

Tom M.: don't buy a Canadian Tire product...........no customer support
More still:

Tom M.Tom M. 11:50 AM
To: customerservice@canadiantire.com
Picture of Tom M.

how is this issue coming along........how about a full refund
From: Tjm...@hotmail.com
To: customerservice@canadiantire.com
Subject: broken snow blower..........no relief in sight
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 13:56:34 -0500

Canadian Tire Hi Tom, We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to help get this resolved. Could you please contact customerservice@canadiantire.com with your contact info about this? We will be in touch. Thank you.

Tom M.: another day passed................no resolved situation......this is a company that seems not to care......I bet they send me an email to call their customer service number..........hang on did that several times.......problem not solved
Update from Tom:

Tom M.: another day passed................no resolved situation......this is a company that seems not to care......I bet they send me an email to call their customer service number..........hang on did that several times.......problem not solved
Susan B.K.: Hi Tom, I feel your pain. I have heard nothing but lies from Canadian Tire and now have filed against them with the Better Business Bureau. Its amazing how people can lie just to make themselves look better. To claim that a 74 year old man came in extremely irrate and threating....I rest my case. No need to reply Canadian Tire Customer support, already moved on with this. You have done nothing for us as well. Tires coming loose off a vehicle is a serious issue and no one is taking care of this.
People: we just HAVE to do a better job, of getting the word out!

This is SO preventable: buy some place else!

James B.: hey I bought something at Canadian tire in Lloydminster its defective and I want a new one and they tell me they cant order me the product they sold me because they don't stock it ??????? Can you help me with getting a new car camcorder . I paid 300 and it broke when I put it up on the window how can I get a new one ?
Like · Reply · 3 hours ago
8 months and no comments on here? that's odd

Could it be that you've discovered that a repair only warranty is in fact common among retailers? could it be that you've discovered that a repair only warranty is in fact completely legal, despite your dozens and dozens of claims that it is against the law?

So you've dropped this topic as your bullseye after being proven wrong. yah, that's how it looks