A few years back I had changed the transmission oil and gasket on my Jeep myself. Once I once done it started leaking out of the corner, so I tightened the gasket even further and the same thing happened. I ended up cleaning and installing a second gasket and same thing?? WTF? So I decided to take it to CT and have it done this way if it leaks they can find out why and replace it properly. I told them what happened and they replaced it for me and I start to drive home and sure enough it started leaking. Brought it back and they said they would look at it to find out why. So after not calling me back I finally called them and the service writer tells me that its "probably the dipstick tube which is rotted or an o-ring seal. They are checking and will tell me which one. Same thing had to call them back since they never call you!!!! The service writer tells me yep its the dipstick tube because your jeep doesn't have an o-ring?? At the time I only knew a little about car's basic maintenance etc. But that didn't sit right how does the oil not leak out? Then she tells me that they have to order it and it will take two weeks WTF?? I know a few places where I live including the dealership which I get some parts from within a day or two. So I towed my leaky jeep back home and called around. I ended up ordering the dipstick tube and oil ring from the dealer. YES the F$ckn o-ring which she told me doesn't have one. To add salt to my wounds once I pulled the dipstick tube out it wasn't rotted it was a bad o-ring YES the o-ring which she told me doesn't have one. I took an auto course and now never go back to CT if I run into a problem I take it to a local pa garage they treat you better and cheaper.