It's amazing how you repeatedly fail simple tests in intelligence, ethics and morality time and again; much like the CT mechanic who intentionally loosened the bolts. It must be a CT thing. Again dumb dumb, CT's worth is not based on revenue and no where close to being valued at 10 Billion. Try 5.5 Billion, or almost half of what you're claiming it to be. Wait, didn't a kid in grade school point that out to you in a past post? As for providing facts and proving that you're wrong we've done that. Others provided mountains of data to you but you're blind to the truth or too stupid and look the other way when it doesn't suit you. Much like you're doing now.
I never discussed company net worth or claimed that value, as I do not know what the company net worth is. 10 billion is REVENUE. Annual amount of money going into Canadian Tire Corporation. Show me this MOUNTAIN of data that proves all of my facts wrong. Link the reports, show me that my profit figures are wrong, revenue figures are wrong.... show me!! You can't!
Here's another example of how stupid you are. Example #1998 or is #2000 of how you're looking the other way again. CT garage trying to gouge seniors on a regular basis. Wow that is low. Are you saying that because he's a senior this tire fiasco never happened? That's really low. I guess he's making it all up and wanted to be interrogated by journalists, sign affidavits, legal releases and have the camera crew invade his home for the better part of the day to get the story out. Does that make sense to anyone else out there??? CT sabotages seniors car should've been the headline for this one. What? You think CBC didn't do it's job? I think it could've gone farther if it was in the US. Oh, that's right you got your ass kicked there didn't you? You want to ignore that as well? Good thing I put some links below.
In my experience, when something like this is big news, every news network latches onto it and publicizes the hell out of it! You might note that only CBC has even referenced this story. Why is that? Why has EVERY other news network not jumped on it?? There is ZERO, proof that CT sabotaged this car. ZERO. Just a guy and a mechanic who previously had the car saying CT mechanic did this. One word against another. No facts, no evidence, no video, no proof. Anecdotal evidence only. Ditto for your claim that we target seniors. You might be interested to know that most mechanics have zero idea who owns the car they work on. They pick up a work order from the operator, get the car and go to work on it. And despite previous claims, there is not a technician or advisor that gets paid a premium on the parts they sell.
Do your homework junior. GM's service bulletin says replace. The people who manufactured the vehicle have acknowledged problems, and suggested a repair, to which this particular mechanic adhered to. There is no way to justify CT being at fault, except that you hate CT so without proof you assume it must be.
I don;t know what this has to do with a failed business strategy to go into the United States a few decades ago. i never turned a blind eye to that, in fact I acknowledged it clearly in a previous thread. The Corporation fucked up. They made a bad strategic move, took the financial lumps, and hey look, we are still in business, turning big profit. LOL You have seemingly glossed over some of the strategic moves since that have paid off...including the acquisition of Marks Work Wearhouse and many small auto parts stores, since rebranded as Partsource.
Really? Yet another example of CT stupidity. You've glossed over the entire article and are stuck on CT's weak response. Since you're stuck there, lets have a look. CT corporate said the mechanic who did the work is " trusted", "experienced" ,"deeply honest" and "it is beyond belief" that he would do such a thing. Really? How did corporate know that? I bet CT didn't interrogate him or have him sign legal papers at all. I wonder just how honest that mechanic is? I wonder how he'll do if asked "has he ripped off people at the garage before?" and "Does he target seniors?" under a lie detector. How about this question " Does the store owner tell you to charge for unnecessary parts and repairs? And do you they know you're doing that?" I wonder what kind of goodies would come out with some gentle waterboarding?
It happens because if CT and CT owners did something about it, you would lose alot of money. Isn't that right? A big part of your income is made from deceiving people about their cars and CT owners allow it to happen, isn't that true?
No business makes money LONG TERM by ripping off customers. Plain and simple. So to believe this is the strategy we employ to make profit, well you can draw your own conclusions. I know your conclusions will be that we're crooked, but really, we'd be long out of business, there'd be a ton of lawsuits, investigations etc...
Better yet, why don't YOU tell ME how does a company stay in business and grow their business by ripping customers off?!?!!?
Are there dirty mechanics at some of our 480 stores.... yes. Have I ever had them.....yes (and fired them).
What you're failing to acknowledge is that it's not a function of CT. It's a function of the industry. Dealerships have them, small garages have them, national chains have them. Same as all technical trades my friend. Plumbers, electricians, mechanics, roofers, contractors.... there's dirty among them. Open your eyes to the real world.
Again I will ask you to respond. Are there dirty mechanics at small garages and dealerships??
Are there dirty contractors, roofers, electricians? some independant? some working for big companies??
Oh yes the bike thing again. CT stonewalled and stalled that case for 7 YEARS hoping to bankrupt the family with legal bills. And yes the liability split. CT was found liable for 45%. Almost HALF wouldn't you say?
Funny that CT didn't think of that before selling the defective bike or during the seven years that it bounced around the courts.
I don't know a lot about that particular lawsuit except what happened, who it happened to and what the settlement was. I also know the owner of that store. Court cases take a long time, especialy personal injury suits. Lawyers are lawyers, they do what they do. The court cases don't really involve the people at the store, they are just lawyers with massive amounts of file folders and documents arguing over one or two technicalities or asterisks to figure out who's liable.
Again, another question for which you to respond and defend your claim. Can you prove that CT tried to bankrupt the family or are you just talking through your hat?
So let me point back to some other examples. Lead paint in kids toys, strollers with defective hinges, baby cribs with safety defects, runaway Toyotas, Ford/Firestone - tires that shred apart (See Ford Explorer), Maple Leaf Foods - Listeria outbreak KILLED 22 people, E-coli water in Walkerton - failure by Government inspection agency KILLED 7....
Are these examples okay with you? Death and health risks.... lots of it as a result of failure by companies, people, process, procedure. So I ask you this.... why don't you attack these examples? Did you forget? do they not suit your argument? You want to argue, lets do this right.
Now here we are talking about CT sabotaging cars!?!? Imagine the damage that could've happened if Mr. Hanson was driving his grand kids around and lost control of the car? Nope, CT and CT owners don't think about that either not unless it happens after the fact and only after you lose the lawsuit.
Don't trust CT with your cars, much less your lives.
[/quote] wheel bearings do not cause you to lose control of your car. The safety issue at hand here is the two bolts that the investigative mechanic loosened AND sent an investigator on the road to drive. He then claimed by not finding the bolts, we put the drivers at risk. but HE loosened the bolts, and acknowledge and video taped it. So it's okay for him to intentionally put someone at risk, but we are the guilty ones? Answer that question. Who loosened the bolts and then claimed them to be safety related? WHO? Not CT
Yep, Mr CT money you must be better than the average working class 9 to fiver who don't need to run a shoddy garage/ retail store and mistreat workers to make a living. Tick tick tick...retail has a high failure rate. BTW here's proof since you've asserted that CT has had "no store closings what so ever".
I never said I was better then anyone. I was born and raised in an average family just like the majority of Canadians. I still get up in the morning, shower, get dressed and go to work just like you do. I still pick up my garbage bag and haul it to the curb, I check my mail, I grocery shop, I mow the lawn, I have family, I have friends, I have hobbies.... i'm a regular human being just like everyone else. You see me on the street or at a grocery store, I look just like everyone else. I'm just a pesron in this world. The only difference is that I have chosen a career path that affords more luxuries then the average 9 to fiver. You assume that I am a bad person because you don't like the company I choose to represent. We're not running ponzi schemes or money laundering operations you jackass. We are running retail stores, that are front and center, hiding from nobody, in every major city and town across Canada. Clearly, with no way to dispute it, this is a formula that works. Canadian Tire is a successful retailer and a successful automotive repair business. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's wrong!!
PS - closing an online store, is not closing a store LOL idiot
- the Burnaby store was closed and replaced by a larger store in a different location. That's not closing down a store. That strategy is employed to allow bigger stores to be built. Some of the small land from previous stores will not accomodate newer, expanded footprints.
What a ridiculous attempt to prove me wrong. I'm glad you find a sport in trying to prove me wrong, in fact thats what keeps me coming back to this gong show forum. I have no intention of trying to convince any of you to shop at Canadian Tire again, or to trust us or whatever. Clearly your mind is made up. It is also abundantly clear to me that you will choose to believe everything you hear negative about Canadian Tire, even without facts or proof. That my friend, operating with blinders on and tainted opinions will be more limiting for you then it will serve you.
Canadian Tire to close online store as of January 29th | Robin Majumdar 2.0
Canadian Tire # 390 - The Closing of.. | Facebook
Here's a doozy look out for the bad '80s hair. Still think you're better than everybody? A 400 million dollar fiasco. Can it be that dealers got cleaned out on that one
Canadian Tire's mistaken leap into the U.S. market - CBC Archives
uh oh another US expansion failure with Auto Source. A 90 million dollar fiasco.
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited
I don't need a shitty store to run bs personal expenses through which an owner got caught and criminally fined, or try and scam customers lease owners, employees, customers. Did I say customers twice? Maybe. Despite all your lies, ramblings and bragging of how 'made' you think you are you've got nothing.
an owner got caught with bad expenses? Ohhhhhh wow. 480 active owners, and thousands more retired.... and all you have is one who got caught doing something shady. Come on, quit bringing a spaghetti noodle to a bat fight man.
pS - we covered the lease thing before. Whoever claimed we cheat lease holders on building rent is WRONG. No CT owner pays rent to the building lease holder. NOT ONE!!
thank you for continuing to debate. It gets better as you attempt to claim that you know about me. That i'm crooked or that "I have nothing." Here's what i do know. I am proud of what I do. I am proud of the fact that dozens and dozens of people earn money as part of my team to put food on their table for their families. I am proud of the donations we make directly to communities, underpriveledged families and disaster relief efforts. i am proud that every day, hundreds of people come in here to purchase products and services that they want and/or need for themselves and their families, and that we are there to help them.
I am VERY proud that I have chosen to provide for people, help people and be part of a community. Many of you continue to show your true colours in wishing that the company would go broke and their people would be unemployed. Really who wishes ill will on anybody? Are you proud of that?