Grudges, Complainers and Other Retailers: Canadian Tire Still Sucks!

Now, Sangria: recently you wrote:

.... [Walmart Canada's] return policy is better or the same as Canadian tire ....

That's when I challenged you to do your homework, on why is NOT "the same as" Crappy Tire.

But instead of educating yourself, you decided to again post:

Canadian Tire has return policies I don't like also. They all do.

Here's the bottom line: you can no longer defend Crappy Tire, while hiding behind a self-imposed veil of ignorance.

Once you've got a fact-based opinion, and not just guess-work and assumptions, we will all look forward to some lucid, well-researched comments from you.

But right now? Your frequent repetitions of "Gee, aren't they all just the same?" are misleading and annoying.
Perhaps h8tr has the solution for you. I'm no expert. He pretends to know all, unless your opinion is different

Never pretended to "know all" - just more than Sangria, which Sangria readily admits, on this peparticular issue.

But instead of catching up, Sangria just keeps spewing the same nonsense. If Sangria did their homework, and then would be arguing facts, not just their admittedly misguided opinions.

And now, instead of saying, "Yeah, sorry I keep posting opinions on topics I admit being ignorant of", Sangria is adopting all this 'tude about being mistreated!

Sangria needs to give their head a shake, get up to speed on things, and stop posting inaccurate and misleading tripe.

(But at least they finally came out with a complaint about CT, regarding stock issues! Maybe not a 100% Defender after all!)
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definitely not a 100% defender.give the poor guy a chance...we are all battle hardened dealing with mr owners tripe,sangria is a newb lol
Now, Sangria: recently you wrote:

That's when I challenged you to do your homework, on why is NOT "the same as" Crappy Tire.

But instead of educating yourself, you decided to again post:

Here's the bottom line: you can no longer defend Crappy Tire, while hiding behind a self-imposed veil of ignorance.

Once you've got a fact-based opinion, and not just guess-work and assumptions, we will all look forward to some lucid, well-researched comments from you.

But right now? Your frequent repetitions of "Gee, aren't they all just the same?" are misleading and annoying.

Seems like the only opinion that matters to you is your own. My facts are just fine. All anyone has to do is visit any companies facebook page, google their name or go to any consumer complaint site, and low and behold, you see complaints.
All anyone has to do is visit any companies facebook page, google their name or go to any consumer complaint site, and low and behold, you see complaints.

Here we go with the same old fault logic again: if even one other company has had even one complaint, ever, then the flood of complaints about Canadian Tire can all be dismissed.

Certainly nobody's tracking every single complaint about every single company in Canada, so we can't just quote an all-encompassing statistic from a single source.

But we need not just throw up our hands and say, "Gee, I guess we can't tell who's worse, so CT must be A-OK".

There are lots of ways to compare complaints against retailers.

One is customer satisfaction surveys, which have already been quoted (I think on this very thread!), and they consistently place Crappy Tire at the bottom. One survey put CT behind only Zellers, who are now defunct. Welcome to the bottom, CT!

Another way is to compare the things that consumers are complaining about. At most business, the complaints are about employees not following the policies. But at CT, the policies are so bad, that many complaints are triggered when employees DO follow the terrible policies.

Another way to compare look at the sheer number of complaints on a retailer's Facebook page. You will see that there are far move complaints per day at CT than at the competitor's site - even though CT routinely deletes complaint posts from their site.

So, there is not need to adopt Sangria's "Gee, I guess we'll never know, so CT can't be any worse" attitude.

Still waiting for Sangria to do some homework - should I give up waiting?
Usually the CT Defenders are just corporate shills, posting here for personal gain.

Occasionally, they are employees who have worked at a good store, and are in denial that other stores are terrible.

Some are actual customers, who are blinded by their loyalty and misplaced patriotism to the chain.

Now Sangria? I vote "shill".
me i vote blind to the truth an innocent caught in the crappy headlights.fear not they wont last long they never do.just dont try to return them for exchange(they are repair only apparently)
Here we go with the same old fault logic again: if even one other company has had even one complaint, ever, then the flood of complaints about Canadian Tire can all be dismissed.

Certainly nobody's tracking every single complaint about every single company in Canada, so we can't just quote an all-encompassing statistic from a single source.

But we need not just throw up our hands and say, "Gee, I guess we can't tell who's worse, so CT must be A-OK".

There are lots of ways to compare complaints against retailers.

One is customer satisfaction surveys, which have already been quoted (I think on this very thread!), and they consistently place Crappy Tire at the bottom. One survey put CT behind only Zellers, who are now defunct. Welcome to the bottom, CT!

Another way is to compare the things that consumers are complaining about. At most business, the complaints are about employees not following the policies. But at CT, the policies are so bad, that many complaints are triggered when employees DO follow the terrible policies.

Another way to compare look at the sheer number of complaints on a retailer's Facebook page. You will see that there are far move complaints per day at CT than at the competitor's site - even though CT routinely deletes complaint posts from their site.

So, there is not need to adopt Sangria's "Gee, I guess we'll never know, so CT can't be any worse" attitude.

Still waiting for Sangria to do some homework - should I give up waiting?

If you actually read complaints on ALL sites or articles about service, price, employees, then you would see that there are many opinions that are commented on at the end. I find it interesting to read, as some people complain and other people either support a particular complaint or they root out not legitimate complaints. There is definitely varying opinions on Every Retailer including Canadian tire. Lots of complaints on their facebook page but also a lot of likes. Just making an observation.
I am not sure how you post here for personal gain. I would think the owner of the website is the only one that can make money from a site. I do see a donate spot and advertising.
I am not sure how you post here for personal gain. I would think the owner of the website is the only one that can make money from a site. I do see a donate spot and advertising.
i think the idea here is we detest crappy tire and waste no time saying so....some more subtly than others....i dont think its about personal gain although i agree ego abounds in spades here....but at the end of the day we are just trying to get the message across DONT SHOP AT CANADIAN TIRE THEY SUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM SUCKS
If you actually read complaints on ALL sites or articles about service, price, employees, then you would see that there are many opinions that are commented on at the end. I find it interesting to read, as some people complain and other people either support a particular complaint or they root out not legitimate complaints. There is definitely varying opinions on Every Retailer including Canadian tire. Lots of complaints on their facebook page but also a lot of likes. Just making an observation.

This makes almost no sense at all. I think Sangria is again trying to claim that even one complaint on even one competitor's page means CT can't possibly suck.

And something about 'opinions' - not sure what they are on about, there.

Luckily there is a no risk of consumers being fooled, since Sangria long ago self-destructed in the credibility department, by refusing to do any fact-checking.

Kinda sad - there seemed to be a glimmer of intelligence there, but now extinguished.
maybe they should change their latest ad...says unexpected the poor unsuspecting gift recipients the ad should actually say
'unexpected return policies....canadian tire's got 'em'
This makes almost no sense at all. I think Sangria is again trying to claim that even one complaint on even one competitor's page means CT can't possibly suck.

And something about 'opinions' - not sure what they are on about, there.

Luckily there is a no risk of consumers being fooled, since Sangria long ago self-destructed in the credibility department, by refusing to do any fact-checking.

Kinda sad - there seemed to be a glimmer of intelligence there, but now extinguished.

I'm pretty sure that I read more than one complaint about other retailers as well as Canadian Tire. Google is a wonderful tool. If you are unsure what opinions mean, then you can read wikipedia to help you out. I'm not concerned about credibility. If that was a concern on this site, then there would be more legitimate posters. Instead there seems to be more fake posts and reposts from other sites. I like consumer advocates, but I distrust faker advocates.
Interesting term ... "Faker Advocates" ... Now where, oh where, have we heard THAT one before, LOL!

Well, at least we know why credibility doesn't matter to this one ... Lost it here years ago, LOL!
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Any-hoo ....

Ran into this little gem ... it's as if they've been listening to Ctme/Lawguy/moaner!

5 Ways To Destroy Your Customer Experience - Business 2 Community!

Here's how it starts out:

It always amazes me when organizational leaders think the small things don’t matter. They say things like, “That’s just one comment” or “We don’t pay attention to anecdotes.” It’s OK to use data and big results to guide the big decisions, but it’s not OK to ignore the little things. These small things amount to a lot. In today’s world, where 89% of us will shop with a competitor after a bad customer experience, it’s imperative not to make these mistakes.
Any-hoo ....

Ran into this little gem ... it's as if they've been listening to Ctme/Lawguy/moaner!

5 Ways To Destroy Your Customer Experience - Business 2 Community!

Here's how it starts out:

It always amazes me when organizational leaders think the small things don’t matter. They say things like, “That’s just one comment” or “We don’t pay attention to anecdotes.” It’s OK to use data and big results to guide the big decisions, but it’s not OK to ignore the little things. These small things amount to a lot. In today’s world, where 89% of us will shop with a competitor after a bad customer experience, it’s imperative not to make these mistakes.

couldnt agree more.i believe thats kinda what i was trying to explain to mr owner not that he would listen anyway.his ego is far too large for us small fry...
I'm sure the CTers will dismiss this as 'just a guy with a computer and a grudge':

Gary N.: I normally visit 4-5 different CT stores at the weekend (yes it's my fabourite brand) if only you could organise less lazy, indolent, rude and obnoxious floor staff and tellers, the brand would mean a lot more. It's almost like the guys in head office never freaking well shop at CT, as if they did, they would surely know, first hand, the customer experience we all have to put up with (I accept there are some very customer facing whizzes, so much so, they stand out like a blushing beacon), and do something positive about it with the franchise agreement and insist the brand values are "delivered" every opening day and in every store! Get your act together, your brand has been tarnished by this lack of attention to detail for such a long time, get involved and get it sorted!
Here's another victim who could have been saved for $50. But instead, CT decided they'd rather keep the $50 and lose the customer.

Do they really think they can replace a once-loyal customer for $50? Do they really think a once-loyal customer would have given them less than $50 in profit over the rest of their history?

But instead of retaining her, Crappy Tire has created an ex-customer "with a computer and a grudge". Nice going!

Marlene C.:

On Black Firday I purchased an item as an Xmas Present only to find that within 10 days it was half price. I went to one of the Canadian Tire Stores in Regina to see if I could get the $50 plus tax back.. answer No only 7 day price guarantee! I then suggested buying another at the reduced price and returning it with the previous bill..well guess what I was told that was Fraud!!! Are you kidding me.. FRAUD! I am done shopping at Canadian Tire! It used to be a reputable place, but within the last year or two the non-Canadian staff have become very rude and inconsiderate and have changed the shopping experience for me! They are also very reluctant to accept returns for anything. Better to give cash and let your family buy the items that they want, where they want and where warranty and returns are not an issue!
Here’s another big difference between the comments on the Facebook pages of other big Canadian retailers.

On the rare occasions when a person proclaims they will boycott another store, it is almost always for some philosophical reason, such as labour practices, unionization of employees, the working conditions in over-seas factories, environmental concerns, or political reasons.

But with Crappy Tire? People aren’t so abstract and philosophical.

They are almost always boycotting Crappy Tire, because of the Crappy Way they were treated at a store, for a purchase that went wrong, followed by Crappy People treating them in a Crappy Manner, typically with rudeness, and them by Crappy People refusing to help them out, often citing some obscure policy not even found at other big Canadian stores.

Way to go, Crappy Tire – you are engineering your process to eliminate the maximum number of customers!
