I'm very sad about managers from the langley ct not apologizing after calling me horrible names at my new job


New member
here is my story. I have been working a job and a few jobs for almost 2 years after I quit canadian tire.
this old supervisor , a girl younger than me, came in with her sister or cousin (also a canadian tire manager or supervisor) and cursed, swore, called me names a week before Christmas.

this was a very shocking event for me and the people around me. the incident happened at my work (not ct).
I did not know that they enjoyed stalking me so much or maybe have stalked past employees like this. very scary.
fortunately I have talked to my friends and at my new job, people are protective and believe in morals.
I've never been more thankful that I do NOT work at canadian tire anymore.

these two, also had their brother and cousin working and had nice 8 hour shifts, approximately 8-4 every day.
when I worked there, they only gave me 5 hour shifts and did not appreciate my work ethic.
when I asked to be trained more skills, I was denied. I had to ask 5 times for a mere 25 cent raise after working 6 months. meanwhile, it took just a month for another girl to get a raise.
numerous customers would say how good a job I did, the supervisors would just smile. They never gave a thank you card or an incentive for me to stay. simply put, when I wanted to learn about hardware or tools, one of the female supervisors even scoffed.

the store manager (auto manager then), also told me to take down a sign once. he is a thirty something old man. he could not put in 5 seconds to take down a sticker. meanwhile i had to dust, mop, clean up after others mess, put all boxes aligned, and tore down 100 sale signs already. he rudely called me to do that and other things.
he also commented on how dumb some of the female customers were to me once and the cashier supervisor would not help me if i had a line up.

it makes me sad that they believe they have any right to insult me during a festive season or any time of day. and I hope that people will wake up and realize how cruel these individuals are.

they may act like they care when they promote their jumpstart program, but i felt emotionally abused when i was working here. and just before christmas , december 2013, they also came in as i said, to call me names.

the training was not detailed enough. when i wrote my name down for first aid training first, they let everyone else get first aid training, except for me.

after working there for a year, i was on anxiety sleeping pills. the treatment i received there was horrendous. i felt really depressed working there and had facebook blocked all the managers (often they would add employees to snoop on their facebook and call people into their office about private notes)

they (two supervisors or girls) of course have not apologized to me.

I have not shopped at that store for almost 2 years and it is because of events like the one I described. I hope and pray everyone will support businesses that have ethics. obviously these particular incidences do not make me in favour of ever shopping or supporting their business.

I'm really sorry I ever worked here and I encourage other young people to not shop here or work here.
thanks :) yes I'm happy that there is light at the end of the tunnel. it was hard finding a job at first, but my new jobs were a lot better with people who encouraged me and my learning at work.
so update: one of their employees said this: Bitch u have made it very clear u have mental issues no one is stalking you it must be the voices in your head telling you all this shit eh? because ur dumb ass cant keep a job. So if I were u I would stop talking , ur making yourself look like a pyscho......fuck off ....sorry ******* tried to stay out of it as long as i could but this cunt is fucked up
about a minute ago · Like

so with 3 witnesses and camera evidence, an event occured. I have these individuals blocked on fb. somehow they are still verbally abusing and assaulting me. so I am going to the police.
I have gotten excellent reviews from my current boss and quite a few raises. I'm not sure why people even shop here. Why support this company when they have such individuals.
I'm obviously reporting to police what these individuals are saying, stalking, taking pictures of my fb when I haven't worked there for almost 3 years, knowing which job I go to and then putting me down and defaming me by stating lies.

When someone goes into a store or place, there are cameras. I'm definitely not lying about their managers/ supervisors verbally assaulting me (not even in their crap tire store) so regardless of what this ct langley employee is stating (with bias and condescending words with no facts)...and of course they try to defend their supervisors and gang up on employees or past people they do discriminate against-

They write letters, pull people into their offices, they send their employees to spy on past employee facebook and I do not even have these individuals as friends-I have even blocked them. I am super happy at my new job and have been there for a while now, and I just love that they treat me like a person.

so if anyone supports canadian tire, you support the above (I have just pasted exactly what their attitude is like here by / stated by this particular employee of theirs) shop elsewhere PLEASE. don't support these fools anymore, for they do not even value human life or dignity.
I'm very sorry for what is happening to you. I hope the police are able to help you out.

If you've read this site, you might already know that I stopped shopping at Crappy Tire, but at the time it was for the terrible way they were treating customers, and the way the Head Office was doing nothing to stop it - in fact, allowing them to keep it up.

I suspect people will hear stories like yours, and either boycott them because of it, or add it to the long list of short-comings that keep them away.
I'm obviously reporting to police what these individuals are saying, stalking, taking pictures of my fb when I haven't worked there for almost 3 years, knowing which job I go to and then putting me down and defaming me by stating lies.

When someone goes into a store or place, there are cameras. I'm definitely not lying about their managers/ supervisors verbally assaulting me (not even in their crap tire store) so regardless of what this ct langley employee is stating (with bias and condescending words with no facts)...and of course they try to defend their supervisors and gang up on employees or past people they do discriminate against-

They write letters, pull people into their offices, they send their employees to spy on past employee facebook and I do not even have these individuals as friends-I have even blocked them. I am super happy at my new job and have been there for a while now, and I just love that they treat me like a person.

so if anyone supports canadian tire, you support the above (I have just pasted exactly what their attitude is like here by / stated by this particular employee of theirs) shop elsewhere PLEASE. don't support these fools anymore, for they do not even value human life or dignity.

Maybe I am skeptical by nature; however, large companies have tens of thousands of employees. Besides labour laws, most have human resource departments to deal with offside behavior. I truly hope this is overblown, but if not, then I look forward to the truth coming out in the courts.
"If you've read this site"?? A lot of pontificating. One user posing as multiple users. Not too much truth. I'm guessing that is why you don't have to many posters on your blog.

As you can see from the Troll posts like the above, that many of Crappy People appear to be pretty much as you described.

I'm sure we are all pretty happy you got out of there!
This isn't the first time I've been treated poorly by this company and henceforth My family, friends, associates and I are boycotting this company.

Here are a few more terrible things I had to go through while I was working there. And questions in my mind after being emotionally traumatized by this singling out behaviour and disgusting verbal abuse onslaught by their employees and alike.

1 why was i the only one being followed on facebook in terms of dating relationships, quotes or notes? who was providing information to those who were blocked? why did a manager who was blocked have access when he was blocked from viewing my facebook profile completely?

singling out someone

2 why did the same manager ask a then cashier supervisor to write all negative points on a letter about a single day i worked july 1st 2012 about only negative points-no positive points? unprofessional. discriminatory singled myself out and provided the feedback to their own manager. why was the cashier supervisor's cousin or any other worker not put through the same ordeal? (please note this is the same individual who yelled profanities, ON CAMERA, in a store, she does not work at, WITH WITNESSES who watched her.

bias=does not treat employees equally. made hostile environment for employee.

3. why was a letter provided to be signed that nullifies complaints against the above manager?

favoritism for manager, discrimination against employee

4. why were arrangements so that this individual was in close proximity for quite a long time before finally giving space? physically was intrusive, body space was not respected in the work place.

not dealing with issue properly

5. why did it require 1 hr manager, a store manager and a department manager to talk about 'relationships and dating' on facebook and how it has no relationship whatsover with work performance?

6. why did i have to be pulled aside at least 3 times because of facebook statuses? why do cashier supervisor, or even managers have any business in personal affairs of employees? why do they have any right or do they-have any right to ask personal questions or be nosy and not care about the situation?

intimidation : comments about dating are personal issues, not work performance issues.
human rights violation as well-free of speech.

7. if facebook etc is such an issue, why was there no formal designation or letter outlining policy of facebook prior to 2012. when and does it include 'dating & relationships' to be any business of a corporate company? (none related, I do not use the computer at work) where is the legal documentation that says 'dating & relationship statuses and notes' have any bearing on work performance? does this not express bias against myself?

8 why was my statuses addressed yet another associate's status not equally addressed or waved off? her's was 'telling off customers' which was directly associated with work? (favoritism maybe? discrimination maybe? they won't admit it)

and now 2.5 years later, they still try bully me. Thanks to everyone here who's been super supportive and my friends. again I'm so glad I'm out of there and QUIT because at the end of it, I was traumatized !!! I want them leaving me the hell alone in my personal life. I have moved on and don't need any of them in my new professional work.
That's good. I have never disliked ct until I worked there. their workers just love following me around for some odd reason. I have e mailed their people's relations department, no apology yet for their managers cheyenne dean or brittny dean verbally assaulting me december 16th 2013. and then again a screenshot of another worker of theirs verbally insulting people. I would be surprised if they last any longer. There should probably be an ethics investigation in that store. I have also heard their store manager brag about having a fake wcb claim on his knee. It's pretty messed up at the langley store and it's probably due to their low pay and bitterness.
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What a terrible company that langley store is. Criminally harrassing your past employees, from 3 years ago? I shake my head.

cheyen dean and her sister, as well as trevor west, who have posted malicious hateful messages, are still employed.

for criminally harrassing me at my job, a week before christmas, I would hope, canadian tire as a company, would set their image straight.

do you , would you, want to hire people like this? who come into places of work screaming the b, c and f word, and threatening someone? with witnesses all around? this is harrassment.

then of course, the screen shot of this random employee, I do not personally know, stating 'mental illness ' and that I'm 'lying'. the camera footage can't lie, and of course managers where I work saw the verbal attack.

I would call for a boycott, especially of the langley canadian tire. if these individuals are not fired for their immoral and hateful conduct, I would be extremely surprised.

the pain and suffering, they have caused my family and myself, are hard to bare. I have had a stable job for quite some time, 7 years to be exact. the insolence of these individuals is disgusting.

imagine this happening to your child or sister or friend, would you just sit by and agree with the aggressors?

the aggressors are still employed at yours truly, langley ct.
Nice of SAngryA to ignore the key facts, and try to re-victimize this poor young lady. Such a horrible example of how the CTers treat their employees, even after those employees are able to move on to bigger and better things. Jealousy, perhaps? Or just Anger?
Nice of SAngryA to ignore the key facts, and try to re-victimize this poor young lady. Such a horrible example of how the CTers treat their employees, even after those employees are able to move on to bigger and better things. Jealousy, perhaps? Or just Anger?

Just looking for the tangible proof. This is the Internet after all. Not that anyone would lie here, but you already advocated it. Just saying.
Nice Troll post by The SangriaTroll. Indeed, lying by CTers is rampant on the Internet, as well as in their Crappy stores.

Really? You have tangible proof that the post or even the person is real? Sounds like you don't watch the news and warnings about the Internet too often.
Not to worry about the staff of Canadian Tire. I usually never underestimate the power of stupid people in groups

Anyways. I never heard of a "Human Resources" at a Canadian Tire. Wtf?
Usually it is up to the supervisors to hire their own. Or from past experience. Whoever they give the task to. They can't be blamed if they actually did not do anything. This seems to work well for the General Manager of my store as he does not manage.

Making Apple's life miserable. I agree. I never underestimate the power of people who "manage" a group of people. Usually these people thrust their agendas, plans and misguided ideas onto other people. Which makes for stupid groups of people.

Okay, I don't have multiple accounts. Story does check out. And I do have to say if you believe half of what you type, your Dad should have pulled out