
Posted by an unregistered user
I needed some work done on my Ford E-250 work van and found out my regular mechanic was away on holidays, so I made an appointment at the country hills location to have an oil change, tune up and a flat tire repaired. I went in and thye looked up all the pricing....$45 for the oil change...$265 for the tune up...$ 35 or so for the flat tire...then they added on shop supplies, air filter and a thousand other little charges that took the bill to over $400. Anyhow, I just wanted it done so I agreed to pay it even though I felt like I was getting gouged a bit. I got home and they called me back a half hour later and said that the mechanic said it was going to take him an hour longer to remove the doghouse in my van to do the tune up. I asked them if their "book" time rate was already at a set performance time, then why would anyone have to pay extra to have this housing removed to perform a servicing of the van. Somewhat annoyed, I asked him what the NEW price was going to be instead of the $440 they originally told me......he said it was going to be over $800 to complete the work. My jaw dropped and I could tell even the service manager was embarassed to quote a price like that on a tune up , oil change and tire repair. I didnt really get a clear answer when I asked why one extra hour of labor would cause my bill to double....needless to say, I refused the work....just got an oil change and tire repair. This is one former customer who will NEVER stop telling people what a rip off Canadian Tire is and will never set foot in the store again. I am all for a company making a profit and getting paid for the work they do..but I am also all about fair value for work being done and it is obvious that Canadian Tire has absolutley no concept of that.
I am not sure what store it was, but one of the ones in Calgary did some work for my sister. She went in for a flat tire and then they kept adding on charges. "Oh well your spare tire should be replaced every six months, whether it has been used or not." HA! I call bullsh!t. Some of the stores will try and gouge you for every penny.