
Posted by an unregistered user
If you are qualified professional do not bother working for this company as you will not get promoted and they will just continue to let you down until you eventually quite (like I did). The philosophy of moving up in this company is kissing a lot asses. **You education and work experience does not count**
You keep telling yourself that, buddy. Perhaps it's your spelling - the word "quit" does not have an "e" in it.

Which company are you being unproductive at now?
no shittt.
&& kissing asses at ct will only get you walked on.
the only way to get any type of promotion is working there for wayyy to long.
canadian tire is shit.
but i don't regret working there because it made me appriciate the job i have now. a lot.
I agree that the management at Canadian Tire is horrible. For the most part the upper management is uneducated, but more inclined to pat themselves on the back for making it where they are. The department managers are usually uneducated too, and rude to employees. I worked at a CT for 3 years and never have I been so worn out by an employer. The only thing that will get you promoted at Canadian Tire is time. Our GM was 40 and had never worked anywhere else in his life for 25 years. Horrible.
You keep telling yourself that, buddy. Perhaps it's your spelling - the word "quit" does not have an "e" in it.

Which company are you being unproductive at now?

The queef who said unproductive must be a brainwashed limp dick CT manager.

(i hope i spelled QUEEF wrong just to tick you off KUNT)

Have a nice day and stop sounding like the fag commander you are not.

Hey is this Bruce?
Go to Canadian tire Smythe St in Fredericton.

Look up a mechanic named Kim. Ask for him by name.

Stare at him the whole time he is working on a car. But say nothing .If he is rude report him to the owner.

He is a limp dick ass hole. Our whole family noticed that he is rude to everyone at his work place and

customers. I wonder how he is lasting there so long there.

He worked on my car , installed tires and the rear right one blew out

causing a hospital visit. Investigations revealed that it was under inflated and the valve

stem thingy was put in wrong. This all happened within 6 days if him working on our vehicle.

His employment days are numbered.
If you are qualified professional do not bother working for this company as you will not get promoted and they will just continue to let you down until you eventually quite (like I did). The philosophy of moving up in this company is kissing a lot asses. **You education and work experience does not count**

while i agree with what you say.... wise up and take a look at the rest of the word. Education can get you a start (or base if you will), experiance is a nice touch, ass kissing, bullshiting and playing "the game" makes the world go round. It is true of every place i have ever worked, every club or sport i have been part of, it is true or politics.... need i go on. Also when you say qualified professional what exactly are you refering to? Most have little or no education beyond some basic accounting or data managment knowlage.
while i agree with what you say.... wise up and take a look at the rest of the word. Education can get you a start (or base if you will), experiance is a nice touch, ass kissing, bullshiting and playing "the game" makes the world go round. It is true of every place i have ever worked, every club or sport i have been part of, it is true or politics.... need i go on. Also when you say qualified professional what exactly are you refering to? Most have little or no education beyond some basic accounting or data managment knowlage.

I'd have to agree with some of this. I've yet to work for a company that didn't utilize suspect promotion methods. You could be the smartest person on earth and I can guarantee you that the dumbass who kisses the boss's ass at every turn will get the promotion before you do. No wonder society is fucked up.
I'd have to agree with some of this. I've yet to work for a company that didn't utilize suspect promotion methods. You could be the smartest person on earth and I can guarantee you that the dumbass who kisses the boss's ass at every turn will get the promotion before you do. No wonder society is fucked up.

Can i get an Amen!!!