As an ex- Ctc mgr. of over 10 years , here are some insightful suggestions for the company .

1.0 : Get rid of the dealers . Make every store corporately run . The dealers I have known are not concerned about good customer service . They are only concerned about the bottom line . Good qualified staff members do not matter , as they have 100's of applications to draw from . There is an incentive to run to store on less staff , as this means more money for the dealer .

2.0 : Shake up Auto Service . Do not allow any underhanded overselling by eliminating the flat rate system for techs . Put more qualified staff in Auto Service and pay them correctly for their skills . Also a massive technological update in required in Auto Service as the system is virtually a dinosaur currently .

3.0 : Loosen up on returns and make every store uniform in their policies . Currently each store can decide their own returns policies , which in some stores is virtually draconian and only causes the Customer Service Desk to be like a wrestling match .

4.0 : Force your suppliers to have a decent warranty . This means no " repair only " and " 7 day warranty " on particular items . Flex your 400+ store muscle . If the supplier will not comply , find another .

5.0 : Hire more adults with the correct skills . I have worked with some excellent young people , but the age/experience mixture should lean towards adults . Pay the adults correctly for their skills and use young adults as required .

6.0 : Have what you advertise . I understand that flyers are made up months ahead of time , but their is a consistent problem with out of stock items . Force suppliers to have stock for advertised items by eliminating those that consistently do not . Force dealers to take a minimum quantity for advertised items .

7.0 : Do not assume every customer is a thief ( some are but most are not ) . Do not make them jump through hoops for returns and cultivate a " customer is always right " approach in dealing with customers . Make them leave happy .

8.0 : Hire more staff . Not only is staff on the floor a prevention against theft , it also means that the customers demands are spread over more staff members . This lead to less burnt out staff and happier staff members who are willing to help .
Ex-manager is correct. No knowledge on how to run a mass retailer. Your suggestions work for the 5% of customers that would pay for that service. The rest want the best price and the easiest way of getting in and out as possible.
And yes, it is all about profit. It's called running a business.
Ex-manager is correct. No knowledge on how to run a mass retailer. Your suggestions work for the 5% of customers that would pay for that service. The rest want the best price and the easiest way of getting in and out as possible.
And yes, it is all about profit. It's called running a business.

This is insightful for consumers, who need to be more realistic about what they'll receive from their local Crappy Tire.

Managers know what it would take to fix their stores, but will instead choose to provide cut-rate service in order to keep costs low.

Expect this to continue until Crappy Tire is going head-to-head with The Bargain Shop.
This is insightful for consumers, who need to be more realistic about what they'll receive from their local Crappy Tire.

Managers know what it would take to fix their stores, but will instead choose to provide cut-rate service in order to keep costs low.

Expect this to continue until Crappy Tire is going head-to-head with The Bargain Shop.

He did say he was an "ex" manager. Kind of like a disgruntled employee not liking the objectives and performance reviews he receives. Doesn't make him any more credible. What he states is a pipe dream in mass retail. Not one major retailer offers what is touted. Not even one.
What he states is a pipe dream in mass retail. Not one major retailer offers what is touted. Not even one.


You have objective, verifiable evidence to back up your claims?

Please post ASAP!

Otherwise, we'll have no reason to believe that your opinions are anything more than self-serving guess-work.


You have objective, verifiable evidence to back up your claims?

Please post ASAP!

Otherwise, we'll have no reason to believe that your opinions are anything more than self-serving guess-work.


Pick any one of the 600 sucks.com sites for starters. That should give you a good indication, but of course, you already knew that.
Those in retail have long known that the customer is always they customer, but they aren't always right. Read any article about how the few that took advantage of generous return policies have ruined it for the majority. Don't make me post them again to your embarrassment, they've been posted several times already.
Retailers are not looking to make return policies more lax, they are looking to tighten up frivolous, fraudulent and costly returns. You knew that already as well and the proof has been posted often.
Your "black is white" doesn't seem to resonate with anyone on this site, except your other personalities.
I'm starting to think that the former CT manager is just you again, like CTh8r, DavidLer, Grampa, I know things, Gizzard, etc.
All makes sense.
Perhaps it's a ploy to get people to donate to this fine e-commerce venture.
Perhaps it's a ploy to get people to donate to this fine e-commerce venture.

Please don't 'feed' the Angry CT Troll by responding (Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]
Please don't 'feed' the Angry CT Troll by responding (Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
after being semi-retired for a few years i decided to offer my services on a part-time
basis to a local CT store. While I do agree with some that their policies
and sales practices leave alot to be desired I would also like to point
out some things I witnessed:

Long term staff coasting through the day and getting 5 weeks paid vacation
Medium length staff in middle management acting like power monger bullies
on shit like tagging, holes and minor shit like a flyer left in a buggy that is
Constant b.s. letters about employees needing to work harder
and no guarantee on extra bonuses....lots of excuse making
cheap product mix, no wonder they cant make margin any more all the shit is coming
from China, and after a while you realize that all CT is a power reseller and mini
warehouse full of shitty products, bare bones service etc.

I had a middle manager trying to blame me for a store report not getting 100%
because the back row wall was missing a tote or a tag and I told him to go
fuck himself and quit the b.s. bullying....yes I got terminated, but I also
have a side business and could give a flying rats ass about the chump change
wages I will lose out on....

If you work for them, you better watch out for the middle management types
who think they are going to ascend the ladder, they are the biggest problem
morale-wise in the store - always pointing out people's mistakes and missed
product fills etc.

It is what it is - a low end retailer and will get a big wake up call when Target
and Lowes start pumping in more locations in Halton Region. American
retailers are much more predatory in pricing and this will kill a few CT stores
who have weak staff and weak marketing skill. The fact is some of these
store managers are just lowly piss on doormats that the dealer knows
he can manipulate without retribution.
after being semi-retired for a few years i decided to offer my services on a part-time
basis to a local CT store. While I do agree with some that their policies
and sales practices leave alot to be desired I would also like to point
out some things I witnessed:

Long term staff coasting through the day and getting 5 weeks paid vacation
Medium length staff in middle management acting like power monger bullies
on shit like tagging, holes and minor shit like a flyer left in a buggy that is
Constant b.s. letters about employees needing to work harder
and no guarantee on extra bonuses....lots of excuse making
cheap product mix, no wonder they cant make margin any more all the shit is coming
from China, and after a while you realize that all CT is a power reseller and mini
warehouse full of shitty products, bare bones service etc.

I had a middle manager trying to blame me for a store report not getting 100%
because the back row wall was missing a tote or a tag and I told him to go
fuck himself and quit the b.s. bullying....yes I got terminated, but I also
have a side business and could give a flying rats ass about the chump change
wages I will lose out on....

If you work for them, you better watch out for the middle management types
who think they are going to ascend the ladder, they are the biggest problem
morale-wise in the store - always pointing out people's mistakes and missed
product fills etc.

It is what it is - a low end retailer and will get a big wake up call when Target
and Lowes start pumping in more locations in Halton Region. American
retailers are much more predatory in pricing and this will kill a few CT stores
who have weak staff and weak marketing skill. The fact is some of these
store managers are just lowly piss on doormats that the dealer knows
he can manipulate without retribution.

Lmao!!! THIS guy is the one of the best candidates for a faker advocate that I've seen in a while. Yep, the people in this world that follow his opinions will "change" the world. Lmao, my gut hurts with the laughter!!
after being semi-retired for a few years i decided to offer my services on a part-time
basis to a local CT store. While I do agree with some that their policies
and sales practices leave alot to be desired I would also like to point
out some things I witnessed:

Long term staff coasting through the day and getting 5 weeks paid vacation
Medium length staff in middle management acting like power monger bullies
on shit like tagging, holes and minor shit like a flyer left in a buggy that is
Constant b.s. letters about employees needing to work harder
and no guarantee on extra bonuses....lots of excuse making
cheap product mix, no wonder they cant make margin any more all the shit is coming
from China, and after a while you realize that all CT is a power reseller and mini
warehouse full of shitty products, bare bones service etc.

I had a middle manager trying to blame me for a store report not getting 100%
because the back row wall was missing a tote or a tag and I told him to go
fuck himself and quit the b.s. bullying....yes I got terminated, but I also
have a side business and could give a flying rats ass about the chump change
wages I will lose out on....

If you work for them, you better watch out for the middle management types
who think they are going to ascend the ladder, they are the biggest problem
morale-wise in the store - always pointing out people's mistakes and missed
product fills etc.

It is what it is - a low end retailer and will get a big wake up call when Target
and Lowes start pumping in more locations in Halton Region. American
retailers are much more predatory in pricing and this will kill a few CT stores
who have weak staff and weak marketing skill. The fact is some of these
store managers are just lowly piss on doormats that the dealer knows
he can manipulate without retribution.

Thanks for posting - it's useful for consumers to get an insider's view of this retailer.

My guess is that the word "Canadian" on the front of the store (undeserved as it is), will continue to pull in people with a mis-placed sense of patriotism.

The powers at CTC seem to be anticipating the challenge from U.S. retailers, but they are responding only at the top level, with acquisitions and by boardening their menu of services, without really addressing the issue you described, down in the ailes of the stores.

We'll see who wakes up first: the consumers who will realize there are better alternatives, or the Crappy Dealers who might decide they might have to provide better service.
We'll see who wakes up first
I agree....wake up calls are in order. What I also noticed is the dealer owners are very good
at trying to manipulate perceptions of what is going on within the store and lie about
salaries and opportunities within the company....here are some examples of whopper lies...

This is a direct quote from a 40yr dealer in Halton Region -----
"My store manager makes 100K and my middle managers make about 50-70K year".

This is a boldfaced lie, they actually make the following:

Store Manager 55K plus profit sharing - about 25.00 per hr - BIG WHOOP !
Middle Managers - 26 to 35K TOPS - I know this for a fact because I worked with 3 of them
at one of the biggest CT stores in Ontario (not Kingston)
Supervisors - 13 to 14.00 per hr TOPS !!! This is poverty level wages and they have NOT had
a pay increase at this particular store since 2008 ! Its NOW 2011, and gas, food, housing have
all gone up 13 to 20% in last 3 yrs !

CT has become an employer who exploits suppliers and staff just like Wallymart :)
I agree....wake up calls are in order. What I also noticed is the dealer owners are very good
at trying to manipulate perceptions of what is going on within the store and lie about
salaries and opportunities within the company....here are some examples of whopper lies...

This is a direct quote from a 40yr dealer in Halton Region -----
"My store manager makes 100K and my middle managers make about 50-70K year".

This is a boldfaced lie, they actually make the following:

Store Manager 55K plus profit sharing - about 25.00 per hr - BIG WHOOP !
Middle Managers - 26 to 35K TOPS - I know this for a fact because I worked with 3 of them
at one of the biggest CT stores in Ontario (not Kingston)
Supervisors - 13 to 14.00 per hr TOPS !!! This is poverty level wages and they have NOT had
a pay increase at this particular store since 2008 ! Its NOW 2011, and gas, food, housing have
all gone up 13 to 20% in last 3 yrs !

CT has become an employer who exploits suppliers and staff just like Wallymart :)

$25.00 an hour, big whoop?? 35k a year? $13.00 to $14.00 per hour when min. Wage is just over $10.00?
Good luck finding any retail paying more than that. Those are good retail wages. Then again the attitude from this poster was what probably got him fired from his job in the first place. Just a disgruntled former employee.
$25.00 an hour, big whoop?? 35k a year? $13.00 to $14.00 per hour when min. Wage is just over $10.00?
Good luck finding any retail paying more than that. Those are good retail wages. Then again the attitude from this poster was what probably got him fired from his job in the first place. Just a disgruntled former employee.

It wasn't my attitude that got me fired, it was the fact that the store manager was worried I would be promoted into the upper office as I have 15 plus yrs experience in corporate B2B sales, an Econ degree from Wilfrid Laurier and run a successful renovation business on the side where I can earn 2K per day in deposits and job billings. I am a sales machine, always have been and was one of the top dept sales staff with over 10K merchandise sold on average per day in the store..yes they keep track of what is sold on a minute by minute basis.

Before you spout off, just realize that some highly educated people have given CT hard work and been shit on for it - thats the point I'm trying to make - they want you to kill yourself for 11-12.00 per hr as a floor associate and then get the bums rush for commissions or Breakaway Challenge bonuses.
It wasn't my attitude that got me fired, it was the fact that the store manager was worried I would be promoted into the upper office as I have 15 plus yrs experience in corporate B2B sales, an Econ degree from Wilfrid Laurier and run a successful renovation business on the side where I can earn 2K per day in deposits and job billings. I am a sales machine, always have been and was one of the top dept sales staff with over 10K merchandise sold on average per day in the store..yes they keep track of what is sold on a minute by minute basis.

Before you spout off, just realize that some highly educated people have given CT hard work and been shit on for it - thats the point I'm trying to make - they want you to kill yourself for 11-12.00 per hr as a floor associate and then get the bums rush for commissions or Breakaway Challenge bonuses.

I take it no one was putting a gun to your head to go and work there. And you didn't quit, you were fired, suggesting poor performance. With all your education and sales excellence, why not work at a place that actually pays what you're apparently worth? I'm sure you see how it appears.
I take it no one was putting a gun to your head to go and work there. And you didn't quit, you were fired, suggesting poor performance. With all your education and sales excellence, why not work at a place that actually pays what you're apparently worth? I'm sure you see how it appears.

Not fired for poor performance or lates or any other reason than telling this assistant hdwe
manager to go fuck himself, go bully someone else on his time and that kind of thing - I have
amassed over 20yrs experience since joining the working world and there is a such thing
called RESPECT and this particular jerk is HATED by ALL STAFF, to the point he is never
invited to any staff social committee parties or anything of the like. I will not
accept bullying and neither should you or anyone else working at CT.
Not fired for poor performance or lates or any other reason than telling this assistant hdwe
manager to go fuck himself, go bully someone else on his time and that kind of thing - I have
amassed over 20yrs experience since joining the working world and there is a such thing
called RESPECT and this particular jerk is HATED by ALL STAFF, to the point he is never
invited to any staff social committee parties or anything of the like. I will not
accept bullying and neither should you or anyone else working at CT.

We see this type of arrogance and bullying from the Crappy People on this site all the time.

Good to know that it's not just directed at customers who tell the truth about Crappy Tire here - it's also being dished out to staff who dare describe their experiences and observations.

Nice attitude, Crappy People! You sure do seem to be winning lots of loyal staff and customers, LOL!
Not fired for poor performance or lates or any other reason than telling this assistant hdwe
manager to go fuck himself, go bully someone else on his time and that kind of thing - I have
amassed over 20yrs experience since joining the working world and there is a such thing
called RESPECT and this particular jerk is HATED by ALL STAFF, to the point he is never
invited to any staff social committee parties or anything of the like. I will not
accept bullying and neither should you or anyone else working at CT.

It's called insubordination and is actually worse than poor performance....it's one of the few reasons that you can be fired for "cause", meaning, no severance. If it truly was a case of harassment, moving your concerns up the ladder would have been more prudent, and then legal measures if that didn't work. Letting your anger management issue get the best of you wasn't a bright move.
We see this type of arrogance and bullying from the Crappy People on this site all the time.

Good to know that it's not just directed at customers who tell the truth about Crappy Tire here - it's also being dished out to staff who dare describe their experiences and observations.

Nice attitude, Crappy People! You sure do seem to be winning lots of loyal staff and customers, LOL!

"ex-staff". Big difference. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, doesn't mean it's correct though. But you already knew that, that's why your a faker!