Owner 1

New member
If he was bent on ignoring the rules, do you think he'd present himself and his business before council? LOL that would naturally put him ON the radar to be checked on, not off the radar.

If I was forced to do the same, i'd put up the same concern he did. from coast to coast pesticide retailers have certain rules to abide by, why should one city enact additional bylaws....as if the rest of the country doesn't meet their standards?

Seems reasonable to me


New member
...that would naturally put him ON the radar to be checked ...

... why should one city enact additional bylaws ...

It's always interesting to peer into the dark minds of the Crappy People.

We see how their deceitful minds automatically search for a way to 'fly under the radar', so to speak, and just do what they want, while limiting the chances they'll get caught. No wonder they face so many investigations.

Then, we see how much they'd like to deny the local government's right to limit the use of dangerous products - putting their own financial interests above the rights of the community to keep their families safe.

Shameful, but at least we get to witness the devious wheels turning ...

Owner 1

New member
It's always interesting to peer into the dark minds of the Crappy People.

We see how their deceitful minds automatically search for a way to 'fly under the radar', so to speak, and just do what they want, while limiting the chances they'll get caught. No wonder they face so many investigations.

Then, we see how much they'd like to deny the local government's right to limit the use of dangerous products - putting their own financial interests above the rights of the community to keep their families safe.

Shameful, but at least we get to witness the devious wheels turning ...

Man you have zero, and I mean zero concept of anything resembling reality.

Who appears before council in an attempt to "fly under the radar" ? Hey look at me, listen to me, in an open forum meeting.... by the way as soon as I leave here, don't pay attention to me anymore so I can hide from bylaw officers LOL that's ridiculous.

Secondly, you just changed what the core of the article was highlighting. It has nothing to do with limiting the use of dangerous products, it is in regards to the signage that the city wants them to post at all registers and at all shelves containing these products. The city wants additional signage and warnings posted, that are not required by federal or provincial law, and not required in most cities across the country. why is this city so special that they require EXTRA signage?! Keep your family safe LOL come on, we aren't talking sales of DDT or something like that, we are talking every day lawn sprays that millions of Canadians use every year. As in over the counter, don't need a license to buy, handle or apply.

In my opinion, asking for additional signage to be posted is akin to a city asking for a second drivers license or car registration in addition to those regulated by the Province.

Nice try to spin this into a Canadian Tire wrong doing, but it's simply an owner appealing to some common sense at a council meeting. You've now turned this into Canadian Tire jeopardizing the health of families.



New member
Nice job, twisting what people have written.

I assume your goal is to make Crappy Tire appear to suck less than it actually does.

But all you’re doing is making yourself look stupid.

Nice try, though.

I’m not going to waste my time unraveling your latest web of deception and and false claims. It's just more of your same old B.S.

But it’s interesting how you approve of efforts to block the protection of citizens, in the name of higher profits.

You should be ashamed, but you appear to be too far gone for that.

Nice way to represent “owners”. Moron.

Smrt Cnsmr

New member
For the Canadian Tire Corporation and its owner/dealers, there is only one issue: profits.

If Crappy Tire can keep sales figures up by selling products that are banned for use in a community (because these products are potentially dangerous, or even known to be dangerous, to humans and the environment), then they will fight tooth and nail to sell them.

Ironicaly, these dangerous products can be sold side-by-side with their so-called "eco-friendly" products.

Whose side are they really on - the environment? Consumers? Nope: whatever side bolster their profits the most.

Do we really want to let the people who stand to profit from the sale of banned products to decide how they are sold? I think not.

If Crappy Tire can keep expenses down by getting around the proposed signage, no matter what the reason for the signs, then they will do so - after all, their beloved profits might suffer, right?

It's true though: the real issue isn't the signage, or the safety of these products, or event the store's precious profits.

It's the right of a community to decide for themselves what chemicals will be sold withing their boundaries, and then used on their lawns, parks, fairways and fields.

And we shouldn't let the profit mongers at Crappy Tire decide that for us.

Congratulations to the courageous councillors, for doing all they can to keep their community safe!

Shame on the Canadian Tire for their hypocritical attempt to put profits before the environment, and their community!


New member
As far as the couple of gas station owners caught price fixing, hope they get what they deserve.

You'd think someone who says they are an "owner" here would at least get their facts straight, before posting so much nonsense here, day after day.

It wasn't a "couple of gas station owners" who were caught - it was three corporations. One of them was Canadian Tire Corporation, who was subsequently, convicted, fined $900,000, and is now under a 10-year court order.

But were any individuals punished? Nope, not by the Competition Bureau.

However, Crappy Tire did look around for a scape-goat. They now claim that "a single regional business manager" was to blame for all of their involvement in the illegal activities.

Did he "get what he deserved?" Was he jailed? Even just fined? Nope, he is simply "no longer with the company".

Standard scape-goating. Apparently, his only real error, was being dumb enough to get caught.

I'm sure people like Owner 1 will be sure and pass on all their advice on how to evade detection, in the future.

Tips like not going front of City Council, and instead just flying under the radar when ignoring laws the owners don't like.

Nice job, Crappy Owner!

Owner 1

New member
You guys have had a ridiculous couple of days of responding to my posts. You're not even connected to the issue at hand, you're making up reasons for things that are false.

The issue around pesticide signage has nothing to do with profits, it has nothing to do with rights of people in the community. it's a ridiculous over protectionist by-law enabled by one city... ONE. cardboard signage is not expensive. the by law is requesting signage at EVERY point... so that means on every single shelf, and at every register. That's over kill.

There is nothing anywhere, until you brought it..... oops sorry.... MADE it up about signage related to selling banned chemicals. There is no issue, everything sold is 100% legal to sell and use to the home consumer.

As far as petroleum gas price fixing, again i'm not a petroleum dealer so i am not involved in the details. All I know and stand by is regardless of the company, including my own, these behaviours should not, and clearly are not tolerated. I'm not upset over the ruling or the related fine. I'm merely unhappy as such practices reflect bad on every one of us that represents the red triangle.


New member
Well, I just want to say one thing, looking at these articles, I can defiantly agree that those are crappy tire stors/gas bars. However, there are stores and dealers out there that are for the customer, there is a CSI indicator that every dealer is given, the amount of people who call for a particular store (good or bad) the CSI goes up and down, and believe you me, tere are stores that are doing extremely well. The ones who care about the consumer. Because those ones who care about the consumer are the ones that know that a happy customer is one that keeps coming back. At my last store, our previous dealer was all about the money, last June we underwent dealer changeover. And let me tell you, our CSI has jumped from being off the chart, to being in the top 20, all because he wants his customers to know that he wants to do the best he can. Not happy with something? Bring it back. Repair only? There is a way that we can get around it, but only if that dealer is allocated that privelaged by corp. many of the repair only is not chosen by the dealer, nor corp. it's the manufacturer which canadiantire buys their goods off of that their warranty applies to.

I'm not trying to defend CANADIAN TIRE as a whole by any means as I know that some dealers are completely and utterly a disgrace to the name. However, I am only trying to defend the fact that there are dealers, managers, and employees who care about their customers.

CT Challenger

New member
You guys have had a ridiculous couple of days of responding to my posts. You're not even connected to the issue at hand, you're making up reasons for things that are false.

The issue around pesticide signage has nothing to do with profits, it has nothing to do with rights of people in the community. it's a ridiculous over protectionist by-law enabled by one city... ONE. cardboard signage is not expensive. the by law is requesting signage at EVERY point... so that means on every single shelf, and at every register. That's over kill.

There is nothing anywhere, until you brought it..... oops sorry.... MADE it up about signage related to selling banned chemicals. There is no issue, everything sold is 100% legal to sell and use to the home consumer.

The latest post from Moaner 1 is completely ridiculous, even by their own low standards.

Not about profit? Gimme a break! That’s the only reason the store even exists.

For someone who claims to run a store, they sure don’t know much about posting signs. No, it’s not just about the price of cardboard, LOL! There’s the cost of having the signs made, paying someone to post them, checking on the signs periodically, replacing them when needed, etc. And there’s the lost space that could be used for selling other items.

And let’s not forget a bigger potential costs: fines against the store if they fail to post all the required signs. I guess they think it's best to dodge that bullet before it’s even fired.

But the biggest impact might come when the bylaw passes, and customers are informed that these products have been banned from use in their city - they might actually decide not to purchase them, which is why Council wants the signs posted.

And what does the Crappy Owner propose in lieu of the signs? They want Council to trust the Crappy Owner to have their cashiers say (in essence) “That product you are about to buy can’t be used in the city”. Ouch! That’s gonna hurt sales!

Fat chance the store will keep that up for long. We hear time and again about basic laws and laws not being followed by the Crappy Staff. Reasonable exchanges and refunds being refused. Privacy laws being violated. The Scanning Code of Practice being ignored. Incorrect collection of Eco Fees. Anti-competition legislation being ignored. The list grows steadily.

But I do want to thank Mr. Moaner 1 for giving a clear example of the dishonesty and misrepresentations we’ve come to expect from the Crappy Owners.

Besides the absurd 'not for profit' claim, here's another example from that one post:

"There is nothing anywhere.... about signage related to selling banned chemicals". Actually, that's all it is. Proposed signage about chemicals banned for use in the city. Not even a plausible lie!

Yes, if Mr. Moaner 1 is any example, we can expect nothing but dishonesty from the Crappy Owners.

Coquitlam council needs to know the type of people they are dealing with! Thanks, Moaner 1!
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New member
It looks like the public is backing the courageous steps being taken by Council.

All-party support for pesticide ban: poll

Looks like Crappy Tire is going to be on the wrong side of this issue.

Oh well, as long as their profits don't suffer, I guess they'll sell anything, whether it's legal to be used or not ...

Smrt Cnsmr

New member
It seems to me that "Moaner 1" (I LOVE that name!) is totally clued out about the pesticide bans going on in BC, and the fact that the sole purpose of the proposed signage would be to inform the public about the ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides in Coquitlam.

His or her ignorance didn't stop them from complaining about the signs, though, or tossing out accusations about people 'making things up'.

They would be well advised to do some background reading before humiliating themselves in the future.
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New member
Yes, Moaner 1 completely missed the point of the proposed signs, which will remind consumers about the proposed ban on the cosmetic use of pesiticides:

It has nothing to do with limiting the use of dangerous products, it is in regards to the signage

everything sold is 100% legal to ... use to the home consumer.

How could they be soooo wrong, when all the relevant links were provided???

And based on their ignorance, Moaner 1 made a lot of nutty complaints about consumers:

you're making up reasons for things that are false.

you .... MADE it up about signage related to selling banned chemicals.

I wonder how they'll try to dodge and weave around that one?

Hmmm .... maybe they'll finally post some of that 'proof' they said they had, about every single warranty offered for every single battery sold by every single retailer in Canada?

Or, just will they just post more ad's for the great bargains at the Red Triangle of Crap?

And remember: "All Sales Are Final at Crappy Tire" ... but there's no 'signage' telling you that!
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New member

The derelect Crappy Tire building in Scarberia (I used to shop there!) might has inspired a proposed Toronto by-law, to hold these irresponsible Crappy Owers to account for the buildings they abandon.


If the bylaw is passed, the owners could "could face charges or worse" (when did we hear THAT recently, LOL!).

"The owners can ... be .... taken to court, and eventually the city can take the title to the building."
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