Unfortunately, your post cannot be found in the auto-save log. This could be due to you having posted something else, therefore canceling out your prior post, or it could be due to being automatically logged out while you were typing, in which case it could not save.
Upon logging in, if you check the 'remember me' box, you will NOT be logged out automatically.
Here is an example of what it will look like. Take a look at the bottom left corner of the quick reply box. This will be the same with any post or thread text box.
Alternately, to not take the chance, you could always type your post in a Notepad or Word document and paste it in for your post if you are posting something lengthy.
I do hope that you will come back and post your experience, despite what happened here with the auto log out, so that others who have experienced similar, can share in your experience(s). Also, so that others may avoid having to deal with Canadian Tire in such a manner.