
New member
Did the CT legal department lean on you and make you change the name?

If they did, it means someone's watching. Too bad they wouldn't have their customer relations department watch also:realmad:...

Yes they contacted us and told us we can't have CT as a website because they own the rights to the name. But crappy is perfectly legal. This is not the first time for this.

But crappy is fine to use thanks to Mick McFadden. I guess your not allowed to have an opinion in this country?

As long as their name or logo are not on this site, they can do nothing.
You can read about what they did to Mick McFadden here:

Also if you do a whois search on Crappy tire, you will find they own almost 400 website that have their name in it.

We believe crappy works just as well, if not better.

Do that here:

As far as I am concerned this site is a valuable tool for them to learn what they need to do to improve their business. You can't buy this kinda feed back!!!
Good to know-it cements my belief that they suck big time. I hate their store. The thought of it makes my blood pressure go up...

We, consulted a lawyer and found out it is perfectly legal to have this site. As long as it is clearly not affiliated with Canadian Tire or trying to pass off as being such.
We are not trying to trick people in to believing that the site comes from the same source, or ?is affiliated with or connected with, or sponsored by Canadian Tire.
We have the right in this county to free speech, we have the right to a protest site.

Here is 2 link to your/our rights:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10;
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom Fundamental Freedoms

So we live again!
That's good! I came across this site by googling "Canadian Tire sucks" (because they do. Really). I'm sure the traffic will increase with the name change...
