I'm saddened to hear that this happened. Sounds like you were given a quote over the phone by one person and serviced by another. The extra protection plan is added when the work order is made up the quote was a break down of the product and taxes. Sounds like the advisor was caught off guard and was just trying to make sure you were aware of the great value in the insurance. Since there is no gain for him. I would be more then happy to refund the charge you occurred and offer you a free oil change for your troubles. Return to upper gage ctc and see me I'm the service manager.
Um, this guy posted almost a year and a half ago - how come you haven't been "saddened" for the last 16 months?
But what are you REALLY saddened by?
That someone posted a negative report on your store?
That you didn't bother to watch this site until today?
That the customer actually spotted the added charge?
That the customer didn't buy your BS about the worthless "Protection Plan"?
"Sounds like the advisor was caught off guard".
Huh? Why would you say that? They actually sounded quite prepared, with a long list of of excuses:
"we didn't sneak it on"
"it pays for itself"
"you signed the paperwork"
"we don't tell you about the government charges".
Nope, not off guard at all, LOL!
And where did you come up with "No gain for him"? Is he never rated on how much he up-sells? On how many refunds he issues? Wouldn't he have to put in some time and effort to reverse the charges that were "snuck" in? Woudn't he just want the customer to suck it up and pay?
Gimme a break!
"a free oil change for your trouble"
I guess you haven't heard all the horror stores posted here and on
Canadian Tire | Facebook about terrible service on vehicles?
No way should anyone risk letting you morons near their vehicles.
Besides, I think this guy is loooong goooone!