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My brother went to Canadian Tire in Cobourg to get a leak fixed in his tire. He was told the tire was unrepairable. He bought a new tire and when we saw the old tire he was upset --- the tire was clearly repairable. He showed me the tire and I found it unbeliveable that they had not simply repaired the tire. We are fighting with Canadian tire now over the incident --- and boycotting all purchases from Canaian Tire. Why would Candian Tire be so stupid as to try to rip-off customers when they rely on repeat business? Incredibly foolish. If you deal with CTS in Cobourg --- watch out.
It could be just sheet incompetence, instead of malice.

We often see Crappy People who are actually doing the best they can, but even ordinary consumers can tell that it’s not nearly up to par.

Then again, we also see blatant attempts to rip people off, too.

Where was the hole? And what was the reasoning that they said it was not repairable?

Viking50 hasn't been back since the 8th.

Presumably the hole was in a location where holes are typically reparable. The fact that Viking 50 is so confident that it was reparable suggests that it was in a location that is known to be an easy fix. Probably on the tread, and not on the side-wall.

Some reasoning may have been provided by the store, but this was not given in the original post. There might not have even been any reasoning provided by the "expert" at Crappy Tire - just a simple statement: 'not repairable'.

The real reason, most likely, is that the store would make more money selling two new tires, then they would patching one hole. Maybe even sell 4 tires, if they were persuasive enough.
Viking50 hasn't been back since the 8th.

Presumably the hole was in a location where holes are typically reparable. The fact that Viking 50 is so confident that it was reparable suggests that it was in a location that is known to be an easy fix. Probably on the tread, and not on the side-wall.

Some reasoning may have been provided by the store, but this was not given in the original post. There might not have even been any reasoning provided by the "expert" at Crappy Tire - just a simple statement: 'not repairable'.

The real reason, most likely, is that the store would make more money selling two new tires, then they would patching one hole. Maybe even sell 4 tires, if they were persuasive enough.

Is it possible that the tire was driven on flat which destroys the inner liner of the tire ?
Is it possible that the tire was beyond usable tread life and therefore not repairable? (ie 3/32 tread left)
Possible that the object that punctured the tire went on a severe angle and therefore not safe to repair?

There is more to a tire repair then just where the hole is located.
Is it possible that you are a typical Crappy Person, who will say and do just about anything to defend a store, no matter what the consumers say?

There is more substance to a consumer's complaint, than can be simple dismissing each and every time.
Owner 1:

Take a deep breath.

Relax your body.

Clear your mind of all those impulsive thoughts.

Make yourself open to new concepts and possibilities.

And then allow the following idea to intrude on your carved-in-stone mind-set:

"Maybe sometimes the customer might actually be right."
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There are many many times the customer is right. There are legitimate complaints. Legitimate concerns.
There are many many times the store is right and the customer is wrong. The complaint is frivolous or blown out of proportion.
It goes both ways!

In the case of this flat tire, we received zero information from the customer. it was flat, he thought it could be repaired. period.
CTChallenger took it upon herself to invent the remainder of the story. That surely isn't "open minded" "relaxed" or "clear minded" - it was made up.
In the case of this flat tire, we received zero information from the customer.

Really? Zero information, huh? You're sure about that?

it was flat, he thought it could be repaired. period.

Wow! You've proven yourself to be completely wrong, in just the next sentence, LOL!

Oh, and you are wrong on another point: it's not that they "thought it could be repaired".

The original poster wrote, "the tire was clearly repairable".

So, there we have it. Repairable.

I guess that's your old habit kicking in again: "the customer is always wrong".

CTChallenger took it upon herself to invent the remainder of the story.

Really? Things in the "story" were "invented" by CT Challenger? You think so, huh?

Gee, let's just check CT Challenger's posts .... nope! Just some speculation.

So, you are wrong once again! Are we keeping score? Ha-ha-ha!

Please invest a moment or two to check facts, before humiliating yourself on here again.

Thank You!
But let's not lose sight of the main point:

"Watch out buying tires at Cobourg CTS".

Important to remember!