
New member
Simply put, I bought a battery for a motorcycle. It lasted only a few months so I took it back to CTC in Kingston (I had the bill) and complained about its poor performance and stated I wanted a replacement. I was told they'd have to test it and it would cost me etc etc. I said that's up to you to test it but I'm not paying for it if it's a bad battery. In fact I wasn't sure if I wanted another one it was so poor and so was the service. The sales person behind the counter told me he didn't care if I ever bought another battery there or not and walked away. Another guy came over and tested the battery which failed and replaced the battery. No issues. Some of the CTC staff are just complete jerks. If they don't like the job then QUIT.
That would be the first time I've come across a store charging a customer to test a battery under the terms of their warranty.
You must not be paying attention, LOL!

Lots of customers have reported being charged for a battery test, on this site and others.
That would be the first time I've come across a store charging a customer to test a battery under the terms of their warranty.

As a customer we have no idea what the "policy" is or should be. If we write to corporate to ask they don't respond. I suspect some of these people in the smaller stores charge and pocket the money. Could never prove it but I suspect. In this case the first guy wants to charge and walks away. The next guy does it for free under the warranty as it should be. Why does this happen? Possibly the employees have come to know the boss doesn't watch what's gong on, and if they can get away with it they will. Just like advertised specials that are not stocked in the store. Charging for used oil. Are these practises legitimate? How would we know. Corporate won't tell us. If we pay what happens to the money? And NO, you don't always get a bill, it's all processed under the disguise of some obscure policy. The employee says: "it's our policy". How do we know? Ask for a manager you get some office flunky. The manager doesn't want to talk to us.

It's a moot point now anyway. I no longer EVER go into a CTC store. I'd rather WALK 10 miles to any other store for what I need. I have my own policy: "I don't deal in a store where I've been cheated so frequently".
As a customer we have no idea what the "policy" is or should be. If we write to corporate to ask they don't respond. I suspect some of these people in the smaller stores charge and pocket the money. Could never prove it but I suspect. In this case the first guy wants to charge and walks away. The next guy does it for free under the warranty as it should be. Why does this happen? Possibly the employees have come to know the boss doesn't watch what's gong on, and if they can get away with it they will. Just like advertised specials that are not stocked in the store. Charging for used oil. Are these practises legitimate? How would we know. Corporate won't tell us. If we pay what happens to the money? And NO, you don't always get a bill, it's all processed under the disguise of some obscure policy. The employee says: "it's our policy". How do we know? Ask for a manager you get some office flunky. The manager doesn't want to talk to us.

It's a moot point now anyway. I no longer EVER go into a CTC store. I'd rather WALK 10 miles to any other store for what I need. I have my own policy: "I don't deal in a store where I've been cheated so frequently".

Excellent points, Mickie.

Don't forget that customers report being charged "restocking fees" for unopened packages (simply slid back onto the shelf), or for defective products (shouldn't be re-sold). And there's no mention of these fees on the web site or receipts.

Also stores that record (write down, or maybe swipe) personal information that is only supposed to be verified (not recorded).

Oh, and stores that refuse to accept retuns on unused items where the packaging has been opened. Or the packaging isn't in "original condition". New rules, invented at the store levell.

I assume the very sheltered CT Manager has never "come across" any of those practices, either.

But customers sure have, and they are sharing their experiences. Good for them!
That would be the first time I've come across a store charging a customer to test a battery under the terms of their warranty.

Apparently Mr. CT Underscore Manager has a long, long history of denying there are problems at his beloved Crappy Tire.

Check out what a consumer had to say to him back in 2010, at https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/g...labor-rate-changing-set-tires-2.html#post2245

"according to CT Manager nothing ever goes on like that in the 2 largest stores he's worked at and in all his ancient years he's been with the store since the day it started and sold nothing but screws and tyres.He has to see it to believe it. It would help if he didn't turn a blind eye to all of it and reward the ones giving poor service. Until then all the customers who have experienced bad auto and customer service in the past till now, are nothing more than lying, fraudulent low life hairy douche bags who deserve to be hassled and ripped off everytime they want a refund, exchange or price adjustment."

My, my - so much time gone by, and so little change with our 'friend' CT Manager!
I'm sure Mr. Owner1 also strongly suspects that this consumer didn't tell the full and complete story.

Like Angy CT Guy and CT ME (aka Liar Guy), they would all no doubt agree: a customer can be trusted to give an accurate account of what went on in the store or service center.

But it's funny how all these customers, one after another, come up with the same basic story:

Canadian Tire sucks!
Simply put, I bought a battery for a motorcycle. It lasted only a few months so I took it back to CTC in Kingston (I had the bill) and complained about its poor performance and stated I wanted a replacement. I was told they'd have to test it and it would cost me etc etc. I said that's up to you to test it but I'm not paying for it if it's a bad battery. In fact I wasn't sure if I wanted another one it was so poor and so was the service. The sales person behind the counter told me he didn't care if I ever bought another battery there or not and walked away. Another guy came over and tested the battery which failed and replaced the battery. No issues. Some of the CTC staff are just complete jerks. If they don't like the job then QUIT.

Hey there Mikie,
I see your problems with the CTC in Napanee and now here. You are correct my friend. The Napanee store staff are not the most friendly at all. From what I understand they have tried to expand the property but were unable. I have met the Manager and doesn't appear approachable. They have done some renos that have made it better but still not on my list of top stores to shop at. Now, I also saw someone recommend the new Home Hardware store in Napanee and the staff indeed friendly, know what they are talking about and actually smile. I shop there most times now. Truthfully, you will always find some staff member anywhere you go that has a bad day, not fealing well or other issues. We all do whether we manage a store, work in an office or sell goods. Unfourtunately the Public doesn't care and that one employee gets the store a bad rap. The CTC in this complaint quite honestly have never given me a hard time about anything. Bringing things back is a snap and no hassle. I suppose maybe I have learned in my older years to accept (within reason) that things no matter what will never go smooth so I do my thing and move on. Is CTC always perfect? Nope. But neither is Wallmart for example. Check your bill when you leave as my wife and I have been overcharged 4 times and had to go back. Not the stores fault but a sloppy employee. I still shop there. Frustrating? yes, but not life changing nor worth my while to get terribly upset.
I have my wife, my health and my children and as far as CTC sucks? I suppose I should try and fing a Wallmart sucks or Tim Horton sucks or whoever as I am sure there are those who have had issues with them as well. To the Lady who said the Napanee CTC Store should be closed and all the employees loose there jobs? Really? Yes there are, as I have stated, terrible staff working there but there are some really nice ones and students as well. I can't say I would like to see that but a New owner, Manager with the proper attitude may help. Well, I am done and just thought I would share my opinion and I am not always right.....just ask my wife lol, but I do try to look at the brighter side of things even if some stores have only half the lights on.
Interesting ideas, Jacomplus.

Certainly there are pre-sales and post-sales customer service problems with any large retailer, as you said. The question is this: are things worse at Canadian Tire than at other retailers? A report on CBC not long ago ranked major Canadian retailers. Now, surely some CT stores are better than others, with some likely very good, and some very bad. But, over-all, Canadian Tire came in second-last, with Zellers taking the bottom spot. With Zellers gone, that means CT is now rated the worst! That wasn't CBC's opinion: it was an independently conducted poll of Canadians.

Another issue is return polices. Canadians often assume that all major retailers are going to be about the same. But a little research will reveal that Canadian Tire has the worst return policies of any of them. There are many items that are "exchange only", meaning the store's policy is "no refund". In fact, there are lots of item, many of them quite expensive, that are "repair only", meaning "no refund, no exchange". And, most shocking of all, there are quite a few that are "no warranty", meaning "no refund, no exchange, no repair". No, some stores have been known to go 'above and beyond' the bare minimum required by the corporation. But their policies say they don't have to, if they don't want to.

There is also the long tradition of improper automotive repairs, or over-charging, or even unnecessary repairs. There are lots of new reports on this, as well as a frequent barrage of complaints on the Canadian Tire Facebook page. We are in the midst of one, right now.

Oh, and let's not forget their well-deserved reputation an "China Tire", because of the array of crappy, low-quality products they sell, at ridiculous mark-ups (until the monthly 70% off" sale rolls around once again).

Do other stores have similar problems? Sure. But not nearly to the same extent.

For the above reasons, Crappy Tire is uniquely positioned as the worst major retailer in Canada.

They are basically coasting on nostalgia and mis-guided patriotism.

We shall see how long they can keep up the charade ...
In case you're wondering.. Mikie and Mikie-again is the same person. Forgot my password and had changed my Email so couldn't retrieve so re-registered.

Just saw this so I thought I'd respond:

Home Hardware store in Napanee is WONDERFUL... it's my favourite Napanee store. I can Email them asking about stock on an item and they respond. I can Email them and ask if they will order me an item and they do. The difference between CTC and Home Hardware in Napanee is like day and night.

I could in no way compare issues I've had with CTC to Walmart, Tim's or any other store. If you have an issue with Tim's head office will respond. CTC doesn't. I've never had any issue with Walmart. I can accept an odd employee having a bad day but it's systemic in the CTC store in Napanee.

CTC as an entire company doesn't care about you the customer. It's obvious in their head office nonresponse, their attitude in the store, their policies etc. If you are not happy with how CTC operates go away is the feeling one gets at every turn, and now I actually do.

I will however be dealing with them one last time later today: I have yet another utility battery purchased in January of 2012 that now has 2 bad cells. I have tested the tractor and it's charging (14.5 volts) the battery holds a charge for about 5 minutes and won't start the tractor. I have all the papers and it's under warranty. I will take it back today. I'll see if I'm asked to pay for a test and if they honour the warranty. It all depends on that individual I get at the counter. I'm not going to argue with them... there's no point. If they want any money from me I'll just leave the battery and walk out. I've had enough of their poor brand name products, their crappy service, their poor attitude. Life is too short to deal with such a company. So we'll see what happens.

Hey there Mikie,
I see your problems with the CTC in Napanee and now here. You are correct my friend. The Napanee store staff are not the most friendly at all. From what I understand they have tried to expand the property but were unable. I have met the Manager and doesn't appear approachable. They have done some renos that have made it better but still not on my list of top stores to shop at. Now, I also saw someone recommend the new Home Hardware store in Napanee and the staff indeed friendly, know what they are talking about and actually smile. I shop there most times now. Truthfully, you will always find some staff member anywhere you go that has a bad day, not fealing well or other issues. We all do whether we manage a store, work in an office or sell goods. Unfourtunately the Public doesn't care and that one employee gets the store a bad rap. The CTC in this complaint quite honestly have never given me a hard time about anything. Bringing things back is a snap and no hassle. I suppose maybe I have learned in my older years to accept (within reason) that things no matter what will never go smooth so I do my thing and move on. Is CTC always perfect? Nope. But neither is Wallmart for example. Check your bill when you leave as my wife and I have been overcharged 4 times and had to go back. Not the stores fault but a sloppy employee. I still shop there. Frustrating? yes, but not life changing nor worth my while to get terribly upset.
I have my wife, my health and my children and as far as CTC sucks? I suppose I should try and fing a Wallmart sucks or Tim Horton sucks or whoever as I am sure there are those who have had issues with them as well. To the Lady who said the Napanee CTC Store should be closed and all the employees loose there jobs? Really? Yes there are, as I have stated, terrible staff working there but there are some really nice ones and students as well. I can't say I would like to see that but a New owner, Manager with the proper attitude may help. Well, I am done and just thought I would share my opinion and I am not always right.....just ask my wife lol, but I do try to look at the brighter side of things even if some stores have only half the lights on.
Update: I chickened out.... After looking at my bill once again I realized it's been 2 years since I purchased the CTC battery. It cost me $49.99 + $15 core charge plus tax back then. I just can't face going to CTC anymore. Sooo.. I went to National Battery and bought a new battery there and for $54 no core charge plus tax and it's a maintenance free AGM and has a neat little handle built in. The folks there actually smiled at me and it was a good day.

In case you're wondering.. Mikie and Mikie-again is the same person. Forgot my password and had changed my Email so couldn't retrieve so re-registered.

Just saw this so I thought I'd respond:

Home Hardware store in Napanee is WONDERFUL... it's my favourite Napanee store. I can Email them asking about stock on an item and they respond. I can Email them and ask if they will order me an item and they do. The difference between CTC and Home Hardware in Napanee is like day and night.

I could in no way compare issues I've had with CTC to Walmart, Tim's or any other store. If you have an issue with Tim's head office will respond. CTC doesn't. I've never had any issue with Walmart. I can accept an odd employee having a bad day but it's systemic in the CTC store in Napanee.

CTC as an entire company doesn't care about you the customer. It's obvious in their head office nonresponse, their attitude in the store, their policies etc. If you are not happy with how CTC operates go away is the feeling one gets at every turn, and now I actually do.

I will however be dealing with them one last time later today: I have yet another utility battery purchased in January of 2012 that now has 2 bad cells. I have tested the tractor and it's charging (14.5 volts) the battery holds a charge for about 5 minutes and won't start the tractor. I have all the papers and it's under warranty. I will take it back today. I'll see if I'm asked to pay for a test and if they honour the warranty. It all depends on that individual I get at the counter. I'm not going to argue with them... there's no point. If they want any money from me I'll just leave the battery and walk out. I've had enough of their poor brand name products, their crappy service, their poor attitude. Life is too short to deal with such a company. So we'll see what happens.
Hey, glad to hear you got a decent battery from a reputable business.

It might seem like you walked away from some money at Crappy Tire, due to the supposed warranty on their crappy battery. But, by the time you pay for a test, pay for removal, pay for disposal, pay for installation, and pay another core charge, your 'under-warranty' battery would have cost more than the new one from National. And, then you'd have still been stuck with another Crappy battery with no meaningful warranty, once again.

Glad to hear you got out from under them, and thanks for passing on this valuable lesson!
i worked for a canadian tire store from 1989 to 2004 and never charged anyone for a battery test on any battery they brought in, i cant believe they wanted to charge you. especially since it was a battery purchased at ctc. that is very poor customer service!!!