Geez, somebody sure stepped in a deep puddle of 'grumpy' yesterday, LOL!

If they want to disprove the commonly held belief that Crappy Tire has high every-day prices, maybe they can post something to back up their claim?

After all, they sound so confident that consumers' perceptions are wrong - must be based on some marketing analysis that they surely have access to!

Should go a long way to convincing the 'two or three guys' they claim are the only readers of this site!

Looks like the Crappy People don't want to reveal the results of their marketing surveys.

Obviously it confirms what consumers have already figured out - that Crappy Tire has higher prices for non-sale items than their competitors.

For sure, we should gab the loss-leader Door Crasher Specials, then get through the cash as quickly possible without visting the other aisles. But then, we should do our regular shopping at all of Crappy's lower-priced competitors.
Looks like the Crappy People don't want to reveal the results of their marketing surveys.

Obviously it confirms what consumers have already figured out - that Crappy Tire has higher prices for non-sale items than their competitors.

For sure, we should gab the loss-leader Door Crasher Specials, then get through the cash as quickly possible without visting the other aisles. But then, we should do our regular shopping at all of Crappy's lower-priced competitors.

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here ya go. It's a conspiracy!!! Lmao!

Please don't 'feed' the Angry CT Troll by responding (Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]
Hey, Ct'ers.

Any progress on locating your marketing surveys that prove your crappy stores have regular prices that are consistently lower than all of your competitors?

Only verifiable information, please, and not just your own "opinons".

Looking forward to giving it a good and thorough review.

Might even convince me to give Crappy Tire another try ...

Still waiting!
Any progress on locating your marketing surveys that prove your crappy stores have regular prices that are consistently lower than all of your competitors?

yeah, if they are keeping competitive with regular items - that would help explain why they hire kids and then don't train them

of course maybe customers are right and they really are overcharging

and also cutting back on experienced staff - which just makes them greedy in my view

Still waiting!

me to!
Hey, Ct'ers.

Any progress on locating your marketing surveys that prove your crappy stores have regular prices that are consistently lower than all of your competitors?

Only verifiable information, please, and not just your own "opinons".

Looking forward to giving it a good and thorough review.

Might even convince me to give Crappy Tire another try ...

Still waiting!

Actually, it was your faker advocate claim. Anything to back it up? Of course not. But feel free to peruse or smart Canucks for the deals....LOL!
Actually, it was your faker advocate claim. Anything to back it up? Of course not. But feel free to peruse or smart Canucks for the deals....LOL!

Yup, if the Crappy People would have brought out their proof by now, if they had any.

So, the consumers informal surveys have been confirmed:

Crappy Tire has higher prices on non-sale items than their competitors.

Nice job, hiring students and then not training them, to keep your costs down.

Good to know what you'll stoop to, if it'll help your profits.

Nice job, screwing over your staff AND customers, Crappy Tire!
Yup, if the Crappy People would have brought out their proof by now, if they had any.

So, the consumers informal surveys have been confirmed:

Crappy Tire has higher prices on non-sale items than their competitors.

Nice job, hiring students and then not training them, to keep your costs down.

Good to know what you'll stoop to, if it'll help your profits.

Nice job, screwing over your staff AND customers, Crappy Tire!

Nice opinion. Seems the masses don't agree with you, given the amount of money spent in mass retailers.
And yes, it's all about profits. Welcome to's only been around for over a hundred years in North America...LOL!
Nice opinion. Seems the masses don't agree with you, given the amount of money spent in mass retailers.
And yes, it's all about profits. Welcome to's only been around for over a hundred years in North America...LOL!

Sound like too many consumers haven't yet heard the news about how much Crappy Tire sucks.

We need to do more to get the word out!
Any progress on that Crappy Tire market analysis, of hour your regular prices are, compared to your competitors?

The delay couldn't be due to the fact that it will show your regular prices are HIGHER, new could it, LOL?
Any progress on that Crappy Tire market analysis, of hour your regular prices are, compared to your competitors?

The delay couldn't be due to the fact that it will show your regular prices are HIGHER, new could it, LOL?

Got any proof of that? Or just more bogus opinions? So easy to spot a faker with the ridiculous claims.
Donation button at the top of this fine e-commerce site.
Got any proof of that? Or just more bogus opinions? So easy to spot a faker with the ridiculous claims.
Donation button at the top of this fine e-commerce site.

Please don't 'feed' the Angry CT Troll by responding (Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]
Well, at least we have an answer, to why the Crappy People hire high-school students, instead of adults, and then don't train them.

And it's sure not to keep prices low - the refusal of Crappy People to justify their claim of having lower every-day prices confirms that.

No, the answer is simple:

Sounds like someone needs a lesson in economics - CT Hater Guy!
Do you understand supply and demand? Even the basics of it?

I don't need to do an in depth marketing study for several reasons

1) There is an entire pricing team at Home Office that studies this day in day out. They look at the prices for everything from a nut/bolt to a blender to a lawn tractor, and compare to the competitors.

2) The results will be pretty simple. We will have some higher prices, we will have some lower prices. I guarantee when you compare identical items, not like, identical from Walmart to Canadian Tire to Home Depot there will be minimal price variance if any up or down. A few pennies, a buck or two. You will not find a massive price discrepency across the board.

3) We don't set the prices at store level. We may lower the price if we so choose to do so but we may not raise the price. Pricing is controlled by home office. So take your "greed" claim and shove it up a Sunday mornings ass.

This little thread has proven yet again that you talk with no information. If you had fact, you'd KNOW that we don't set pricing at the store. You're the worst "consumer advocate" i've ever seen. You provide no value to fellow consumers other then "I hate CT and you should too" - That's not helping them make an informed choice. When you do try to provide information, you don't even have the facts. Precisely why your little consumer advocate website here gains only the posts from a couple of you every day. To earn the trust of consumers, you must have credibility.
you do not
There is an entire pricing team at Home Office that studies this day in day out. They look at the prices for everything from a nut/bolt to a blender to a lawn tractor, and compare to the competitors.


Please post the latest report, ASAP!

Then, consumers can see for themselves whether Crappy Tire's every-day prices are indeed lower than your competitors, as you've claimed.

(Of course, if you decide to keep the study a secret, that will only prove that the report shows higher every-day prices!)

Thanks In Advance!!
yeah - that report will be great.

it will 'provide value to fellow consumers' and 'helping them make an informed choice'.

oh - and i don't give a crap who set the prices in the store - obviously.

i just want to know which store has the lowest prices for things that aren't on sale.
There is an entire pricing team at Home Office that studies this day in day out. They look at the prices for everything from a nut/bolt to a blender to a lawn tractor, and compare to the competitors.

Don't forget to post the entire report, and not just the items that happen to be priced lower at Crappy Tire. Only the full,verifiable report will do.

Thank You!
I have 15,000 individual items. Regular prices change on items every day. Sometimes a few cents, sometimes a few dollars, sometimes up, sometimes down.
They change at CT, they change at Walmart, at Lowe's, at Loblaws

You want to know who's prices are higher, go shopping. I already told you what you will find. Some prices at CT higher, some prices at CT lower, some prices identical.

So here's 5 examples just to humour you
Camp stove price difference of $0.98 - lower at CT then MallWart
Home coffee maker price difference $6.00 - lower at Mallwart then CT
Antifreeze - $2.60 cheaper at CT then Walmart
5L Motor Oil - Identical pricing
Vacuum cleaner - identical pricing

Also, since you're a pro at retail, you might know that prices change by region. If you were to check pricing in Toronto, they might differ from the prices in a store in a small town an hour from Toronto. Study edmonton, then go an hour away to a smaller town, the prices will differ. there is no blanket answer that you're looking for sorry buddy.

Your lack of knowledge in the whole area of retail astounds me. Not that I would expect a general consumer to understand the inner workings of the business, unless of course that general consumer claims to be so knowledgeable, so in favour of consumers rights blah blah blah. Why on earth would you try to pick an argument with guys who do this every single day for a living? That would be like me arguing with an engineer when I know little about engineering.
It's lunacy