Well you can't have it both ways! Well you try to do that all the time on here but that's normal.

You're saying the staff involved in this incident couldn't have known ahead of time about his past.... and then in the same breath say we shouldn't go after a mentally handicapped or alzheimers patient!? How could we know about that ahead of time?!

It's you, the death squad that's desperately muddying up the waters and trying to have it both ways.

You tried to justify the customers death with this statement
Lets get this right
A guy known to police steals an item

To which somebody pointed out that there's no way you guys could've known his background during the incident inside and outside the store. That part about "known to police" also sounds mighty suspect coming from you. So again, if something did happen again resulting in death by your hands and it turns out to be a child or senior citizen suffering from a degenerative disease. What then? Would you still be so high and mighty justifying another death? I'd like to see you flap in the wind over that legal shit storm as I'm sure somebody out there will be outraged enough to sic their best legal beasts on you, not to mention jail time and fines :)

Incidentally, because you mentioned the Loblaws incident, there were amendments to the PISGA act after the coroners inquest. And it seems that none of your pile up team followed those procedures and just gave chase just like a bunch of good ole boys. I'm sure if somebody were to pursue this they'll have a close look at your "use of force". CT is now forever in the case studies for students.

As for me and other smart shoppers. I'll shop at other stores where it's better and SAFER.
Again you're mixed up!

I didn't justify the death with anything.

In this particular case not only did he steal, but when approached by security, he assaulted the guard by punching him twice and then fleeing.

If you steal, assault and flee (ie break the law) you are subject to certain consequences.
Likely the first of which is being restrained. Do I justify that.....absolutely! The resulting death absolutely beyond anyone's doubt was NOT caused by the restraint otherwise charges would have been laid against the guys for causing his death.

If he hadn't been restrained by security, it could have just as easily been that when police found him and arrested him and cuffed, he may have had the same problem!
As pointed out to you earlier ... none of you knew about his past, unless you borrowed the crystal ball from the returns department.

You saying that the pile up team didn't cause his death and done no wrong? Someone died by your hands and you see nothing wrong with that? So if a child or mentally handicapped person ie. senior with alzheimers runs out into the parking lot and suspected of something, you and your staff would still tackle him? If that's the case then you've got some issues. You're lucky, that person didn't come from a privileged background otherwise the circumstances would be very very different for you.

Lots of better and safer places to shop at...just sayin

Privileged background? Nice union mentality! I don't know what it's like to look at the world through shit colored glasses, but there are professionals that can help you with that.
Privileged background? Nice union mentality! I don't know what it's like to look at the world through shit colored glasses, but there are professionals that can help you with that.

Actually I'm an optimist. I see a situation where the poor will be represented equally well in court and continue the David vs CT-corporate bully story in present day. I see the poor, the disadvantaged members of society bettering themselves and paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. I see them calling on the union brothers and sisters and the NDP to help them when you've ripped them off, besmirched them in life and death, and death by your hands.Union mentality, call it what you want. More and more people are done with you. You don't need shit colored glasses to see that Angry CT Defender douchebag because your head is stuck so far up the CT Dealers ass that you don't know right from wrong or what fresh air smells like.

Incidentally, why is it that other dealers won't accept returns from your store?
Actually I'm an optimist. I see a situation where the poor will be represented equally well in court and continue the David vs CT-corporate bully story in present day. I see the poor, the disadvantaged members of society bettering themselves and paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. I see them calling on the union brothers and sisters and the NDP to help them when you've ripped them off, besmirched them in life and death, and death by your hands.Union mentality, call it what you want. More and more people are done with you. You don't need shit colored glasses to see that Angry CT Defender douchebag because your head is stuck so far up the CT Dealers ass that you don't know right from wrong or what fresh air smells like.

Incidentally, why is it that other dealers won't accept returns from your store?

Actually, not my store so can't answer your question. As for sticking up for the poor, the David/Goliath analogy and union brothers and sisters, you're cracking me up. Real advocates don't offer opinions as facts, usually remain unbiased and generally do a bit of homework before spouting off their own opinions.
You've been proved wrong on so many fronts on this site that you've reduced this site to a laughing stock (not too many donations, I suspect).
Your view of the world is also a bit behind the times: unions are in a free fall, as most have led to an uncompetitive, overpaid workforce, with the world owes me attitude. Their heyday is past tense...welcome to the millenium.

Strike will speed up Canada Post's demise

The Decline of Trade-Unions in the US and Canada - Worldnews.com

Now it looks like people will need to depend on themselves to work hard, get ahead and stay competitive. They also will have to take responsibility for their buying habits as well....ie. Check the warranty and return policy BEFORE you buy.
Luckily, the vast, vast majority of people do just that....they don't expect someone else to think for them, they don't like criminals, and they return to our stores week after week.
All this stuff about the rights of the poor are interesting, and relevant given the recent death of a great social advocate.

But lets get back to the guy that Crappy Tire goons killed:

Lets get this right
A guy known to police steals an item
guy gets pinned down (not beaten)
guy stops breathing and dies because of his medical condition
no charges are ever brought in the case

Yes, indeed. Lets get this right, by not leaving out a lot of important topics:

The Crappy Tire management decided to be more "aggressive" with shop-lifters
The Crappy Tire management decided not to provide any use-of-force training for their staff
The Crappy Tire management decided not to provide any first aid or medical training for their staff
The Crappy Tire staff did not know whether whether the guy they were about to kill was "know to police"
The guy is only alleged to have stolen an item - this was never proven in court
The Crappy Tire staff decided to persue someone across streets and through back yards
The untrained Crappy Tire staff decided to pile on top of guy, which would inhibit his breathing
The untrained Crappy Tire staff failed to properly restrain the guy, and he died as a result

Typical of the Crappy Tire people to at once gloat over having successfully killed a fellow human being, for the alleged crime of running from a store.

And yet at the same time claim how sorry they are.

But never once accept responsility for having killed someone.

Nice going, Crappy Tire people!

No wonder people think this store is a "scary place"!
All this stuff about the rights of the poor are interesting, and relevant given the recent death of a great social advocate.

But lets get back to the guy that Crappy Tire goons killed:

Yes, indeed. Lets get this right, by not leaving out a lot of important topics:

The Crappy Tire management decided to be more "aggressive" with shop-lifters
The Crappy Tire management decided not to provide any use-of-force training for their staff
The Crappy Tire management decided not to provide any first aid or medical training for their staff
The Crappy Tire staff did not know whether whether the guy they were about to kill was "know to police"
The guy is only alleged to have stolen an item - this was never proven in court
The Crappy Tire staff decided to persue someone across streets and through back yards
The untrained Crappy Tire staff decided to pile on top of guy, which would inhibit his breathing
The untrained Crappy Tire staff failed to properly restrain the guy, and he died as a result

Typical of the Crappy Tire people to at once gloat over having successfully killed a fellow human being, for the alleged crime of running from a store.

And yet at the same time claim how sorry they are.

But never once accept responsility for having killed someone.

Nice going, Crappy Tire people!

No wonder people think this store is a "scary place"!

My guess would be you've never personally set foot in this store.... your claims of "scary place to shop" is just silly and likely just based on what you read!

A guy died while in the custody of canadian tire employees, and security . yes. that has been agreed to many times.
Did they murder him? no
How do I know? Because not one of them were ever charged with his death.

Proof. Truth

I guess he ran from the store for no reason. Honest people don't flee, the prosecution have been using that for decades. If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck--then, it's a duck.
My guess would be you've never personally set foot in this store.... your claims of "scary place to shop" is just silly and likely just based on what you read!

A guy died while in the custody of canadian tire employees, and security . yes. that has been agreed to many times.
Did they murder him? no
How do I know? Because not one of them were ever charged with his death.

Proof. Truth


Oh not being charged doesn't equal proof? Oh I see. Let's put a few of those good ole boys up on the stand and see how quickly the truth comes out. Then we'll throw in some mob mentality experts, and a few " get him good jim bobs" and see how solid your "proof" holds up. Like I said before, if he were from a privileged background that store would be a financial crater on the street. You think someone well heeled from Wall Street would let CT get away with that with their family? You still think your hands are clean in his death?

First, the Crappy People shamelessly defend their colleagues, who caused the death of an alleged shoplifter (innocent until proven otherwise).

Then, when there's a justifiable out-cry from the public, they pretend that someone has 'defended' a thief.

A transparent attempt to shift the blame off of the Crappy Tire Killers, and onto the innnocent people who simply pointed that out.

Yes, the Crappy People live in their own, strange world.
At least they didn't die:

Jeremy B.:

Just witnessed 5-7 Canadian Tire workers chase down a (alleged) shoplifter. 4 or 5 held him while one screamed profanities at him while beating him.
Way out of hand