
A literate one, to be more specific. I wouldn't say you've got the cream of the crop representing us employees on this website. Got questions? Fire away.
I'll bite.

Why is everything locked behind a cabinet? It's not like I can stuff the 100 piece socket set in my jacket.

Why are there turnstiles at the door?

What would need to happen so all the checkout counters are open?

Why isn't there a "cash only" line?
OK, how can you work at that shithole?

A steady paycheck isn't that easy to come by. I gave my two weeks today as I'm moving out of town, but overall its been pretty pleasant.

Why is everything locked behind a cabinet? It's not like I can stuff the 100 piece socket set in my jacket.

You'd be surprised. We've had someone try to steal a TV once. I agree, it's a little tedious when $10 products are in cabinets but the losses are actually a lot more than what one expects.

What would need to happen so all the checkout counters are open?
Our checkout counters are usually open peak saturdays. Specifically, there needs to be enough trained cashiers on (7 for our location) and enough demand. A five minute wait doesn't offset the 60-80 dollars it costs to have a cashier on hand.

Why isn't there a "cash only" line?
We have cash only lines open about 50% of the time. They're usually completely empty. Again, its a question of how practical it is for management.
Does CT attract more shoplifters than almost every other store? You hardly ever see that anywhere else.

I'm not (wasn't) bothered by the five minute wait at a fluid checkout. I'm bothered when I'm at the only one open, and stuck behind the old lady who tries five different credit/debit cards, then resorts to paying with $500 worth of CT money that the cashier counts manually. Twice.

A five minute wait doesn't offset the $80 to have a cashier on hand, but the cash only line that's open 50% of the time is usually completely empty? Sorry, but I have to call BS on that one...
Does CT attract more shoplifters than almost every other store? You hardly ever see that anywhere else.

Canadian Tire isn't exactly a high-end retail store, and its usually located in cheaper parts of town. It's also a huge store - camera's are only focused on checkouts and select aisles. Not only is shoplifting an issue but that 100-piece socket set you want to buy would quickly become a 83-piece socket set if left in the open - again, not necessarily because of shoplifters but because most people like to see and feel what they're buying. Things roll away or aren't put back in the set.

A five minute wait doesn't offset the $80 to have a cashier on hand, but the cash only line that's open 50% of the time is usually completely empty? Sorry, but I have to call BS on that one...

A very small percentage of people buying things have cash on hand and when they do its only for small transactions - a spatula here, some bungee cords there, maybe a rake. At cash it'll rarely take more than 30 seconds to ring someone like that up and then they wait for another small purchase. Most people are buying things worth upwards of 20 dollars and they'll opt for debit or cash (meaning a fluid or self-checkout).

More frustrating than having to wait in line behind the old lady is having to wait in a long lineup while there's a completely empty one beside you ... too bad its cash only and you're short five dollars. Theoretically its a good idea but logistically it just doesn't work - most of the time.
I have to say, that if your average CT store had more employees like yourself (including management), this site wouldn't exist...

Thanks for your insight...

BTW, the turnstiles and the CT couple still produce suckage... :)
It doesn't matter that this site exists anyhow (although it is a good outlet).
Canadians enjoy taking it up the tailpipe, otherwise how can we explain the fact that people flock to this shithole of a company.
Canadians remind me of the axiomatic prostitute who tells the john who turns ugly, "all right, I'll agree that you can rape me so long as you're somewhat gentle about it".
You couldn't imagine the things people have gotten away with. I've worked in 3 large stores and we have people stealing $600 kitchen sets, BYO beds, drills, $700 worth of batteries, vacuums.. We have learned that no matter what the cost is, it IS stealable.. Whether it is $2.00 batteries, or a $30 pocket knive. Usually products locked in showcases are locked in there for a reason.
Does it matter to anybody that nearly 90% of the items in a CT store come in boxes marked"MADE IN CHINA" ? I worked there and domestic products are far and few between. We used to have bumper stickers that said "SUPPORT COMUNISM, BUY A LADA" maybe now it should read "SUPPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS SHOP AT CT" No wonder they can sell their crap so cheap. Lifetime warranties? Wonder why?
Here is another question, what ISN"T made in China no a ways.. Seems no matter what you buy it seems nearly everything is now "MADE IN CHINA". ;)
I work for another retailer and have noticed the amount of imported inventory from China grow. The main problem though is not in our selection but in the customer demand. Our buyers have tried trusted Canadian/American brands, but customers are unwilling to pay the price premium, so eventually the quality item is discontinued leaving us with just the imported products. L
I've got a question..
How many write ups till you get fired?

It was such a BS write up anyways... they didn't train me to do something and when I didn't do it they gave me a write up. :mad:
I'm a cashier.