Posted by an unregistered user
Just thought I would share an experience I had today with you guys, could why some employees are the way they are. Today I was working and I had by far the rudest customer ever. Now im not saying all customers are bad, many of them are very kind and treat me with dignity and respect. I was cutting this gentleman's key, finished cutting it handed him both keys in his hand, being very polite. As, I walk away to help out another customer he asks "Wheres my original key?" I explain to him that I just handed it to him. He then starts yelling at me "Do I look stupid to you, are you calling me stupid"? but I remembered i handed him both keys. So i decide just to look around the counter in case i didn't hand it to him. As im doing this i ask him "did you put it in your pocket or wallet sir, because i don't have it"? He replies "No why the hell would I put it in my pocket" and then proceeds to call me every name in the book. As i keep looking around, he takes the key out of his pocket, turns out he had it the whole time. Anyways I asked him very politely if he could apologize for being rude and calling me names, as any mature adult would do. Turns out " I didn't deserve an apology because I embarrassed him". Even though he was the one who put his key in his pocket and made a huge scene about it. Any thoughts?, did I deserve to be treated like that?