
Posted by an unregistered user
Just thought I would share an experience I had today with you guys, could why some employees are the way they are. Today I was working and I had by far the rudest customer ever. Now im not saying all customers are bad, many of them are very kind and treat me with dignity and respect. I was cutting this gentleman's key, finished cutting it handed him both keys in his hand, being very polite. As, I walk away to help out another customer he asks "Wheres my original key?" I explain to him that I just handed it to him. He then starts yelling at me "Do I look stupid to you, are you calling me stupid"? but I remembered i handed him both keys. So i decide just to look around the counter in case i didn't hand it to him. As im doing this i ask him "did you put it in your pocket or wallet sir, because i don't have it"? He replies "No why the hell would I put it in my pocket" and then proceeds to call me every name in the book. As i keep looking around, he takes the key out of his pocket, turns out he had it the whole time. Anyways I asked him very politely if he could apologize for being rude and calling me names, as any mature adult would do. Turns out " I didn't deserve an apology because I embarrassed him". Even though he was the one who put his key in his pocket and made a huge scene about it. Any thoughts?, did I deserve to be treated like that?
if you acted the way you described then i dont think you deserved to be treated that way

but if maybe you werent quite as polite as you described then that might explain some of his anger

also you dont know whats going on with him - you are just assuming hes a rude impolite immature person

maybe his daughter just died or his wife has cancer or is losing his house - you just dont know

hes basically paying your salary so some tolerance is reasonable - although this sounds excessive on his part

or maybe he just has some residual anger towards ct was being directed towards you

like maybe hed just been told that the $600 pressure washer he was bought this morning and was planning to use today is a piece of junk but the store wont refund his money or give him a working one so now hes going to have to wait 3 weeks - and then hell find out theres something else wrong with it too

or maybe he got cheated on auto service as so many people have reported

or the car battery he bought from ct last month a while ago wont start his car but ct service says its his fault and wont replace it

theres a reason the returns desk has to post a sign about raised voices and bad language - they obviously treat their customers badly on a regular basis so people are going to be angry

crappy store means crabby customers

better if you go and get a real job somewhere else like costo or home depot

there will still be some people who are just too rude but not as many will be made at your employer
maybe pick an employer who doesnt have a web site named after them with 'sucks' at the end

thats a bad sign you could look for before you take the job

just sayin
Two sides to every story and your's is full of shit.

Why don't you talk about some real yelling and screaming. Talk about the general manager/ dealer and how they screw people over.
if you acted the way you described then i dont think you deserved to be treated that way

but if maybe you werent quite as polite as you described then that might explain some of his anger

also you dont know whats going on with him - you are just assuming hes a rude impolite immature person

maybe his daughter just died or his wife has cancer or is losing his house - you just dont know

hes basically paying your salary so some tolerance is reasonable - although this sounds excessive on his part

or maybe he just has some residual anger towards ct was being directed towards you

like maybe hed just been told that the $600 pressure washer he was bought this morning and was planning to use today is a piece of junk but the store wont refund his money or give him a working one so now hes going to have to wait 3 weeks - and then hell find out theres something else wrong with it too

or maybe he got cheated on auto service as so many people have reported

or the car battery he bought from ct last month a while ago wont start his car but ct service says its his fault and wont replace it

theres a reason the returns desk has to post a sign about raised voices and bad language - they obviously treat their customers badly on a regular basis so people are going to be angry

crappy store means crabby customers

better if you go and get a real job somewhere else like costo or home depot

there will still be some people who are just too rude but not as many will be made at your employer

Sorry, but you never, never have to take abuse from any customer EVER. The law is on your side, not that of an abusive customer. It's called violence in the work place and it includes people yelling, swearing or being verbally abusive to you. Don't listen to the jokers on this sight....they know nothing.
Sorry, but you never, never have to take abuse from any customer EVER. The law is on your side, not that of an abusive customer. It's called violence in the work place and it includes people yelling, swearing or being verbally abusive to you. Don't listen to the jokers on this sight....they know nothing.

Violence, abuse. Gimme a fuckin break. There's never been a case of a retail douche bag dying at the hands of a customer. Too bad the same can't be said for CT idiots killing a customer. 777 Upper James, Hamilton. I wonder if their store uniform includes arm bands, pillow case and some rope?
Violence, abuse. Gimme a fuckin break. There's never been a case of a retail douche bag dying at the hands of a customer. Too bad the same can't be said for CT idiots killing a customer. 777 Upper James, Hamilton. I wonder if their store uniform includes arm bands, pillow case and some rope?

Lucky idiots like you don't know shit. The world has changed from your 80's haven. Scream at a staff member, swear at her, look's over for the cops and they will cart you away.....better get with the times moron.
Lucky idiots like you don't know shit. The world has changed from your 80's haven. Scream at a staff member, swear at her, look's over for the cops and they will cart you away.....better get with the times moron.

Awww somebody smart hurt your minimum wage retail feelings. You good for nothing piece of shit go cry to momma.
Lucky idiots like you don't know shit. The world has changed from your 80's haven. Scream at a staff member, swear at her, look's over for the cops and they will cart you away.....better get with the times moron.

That's right call the cops you retard. Let them know a customer yelled at a minimum wage retail failure and hurt your feelings. Fill out a report too, make sure you put the whole truth down and get your manager and general manager to sign it too. Guess what, someone like me will make sure you spend a few generations in that trailer park and your dumb bosses will have to ear mark thousands every year in compensation for your stupidity. You think you'll have a job, any job after that you moron? So go ahead and call the cops you nut case, I'm sure they'll choose you over a hold up in progress. Go ahead call 911 the next time a customer yells at you. Do it. Prove me wrong. Cart the mean customer away. And call up the media like CBC. I'm sure they'll love to do a story on how customers were so mean to whiney bitch like you. Do it.
I actually am a polite person, I dont yell at people, so dont assume I do, because there isnt always two sides to a story... If there was then criminals would be in jail for alot of crimes they do.

And Im actually a University student using this part time job to pay my way through school, so I would appreciate it if you didn't call me some minimum wage piece of shit.

Thanks to everyone that agreed with me on this. Saddens me that theres alot of mean people out there in the world. Im sure most of the people who thought I did something wrong are themselves, low income middle age men who probably hate the world and hate everyone in it because their lives never amounted to nothing...

Is that you?

Lucky idiots like you don't know shit. The world has changed from your 80's haven. Scream at a staff member, swear at her, look's over for the cops and they will cart you away.....better get with the times moron.

It sounds like you. It's written like you.

Is it you?

Because if it is you, we've got some things to discuss.

If you are 'the' Unregistered, I'm looking forward to exploring further your views on limiting the rights of the mentally ill, on the ways that consumers' rights avocates are like "pedophiles that search on line for innocent victims", how the advocates "make societies weak", what the "union mentality" is, and who the "Achievers" (capital A) are, etc.

I'm sure all that will shed light on your proposed response to customers who "look abusive" - whatever that means.
That's right call the cops you retard. Let them know a customer yelled at a minimum wage retail failure and hurt your feelings. Fill out a report too, make sure you put the whole truth down and get your manager and general manager to sign it too. Guess what, someone like me will make sure you spend a few generations in that trailer park and your dumb bosses will have to ear mark thousands every year in compensation for your stupidity. You think you'll have a job, any job after that you moron? So go ahead and call the cops you nut case, I'm sure they'll choose you over a hold up in progress. Go ahead call 911 the next time a customer yells at you. Do it. Prove me wrong. Cart the mean customer away. And call up the media like CBC. I'm sure they'll love to do a story on how customers were so mean to whiney bitch like you. Do it.

I have done it.....several times. The cops do come, they escort the abusers out and tell them they will be charged under the petty trespass act if they return.
See, you really are a dumb fuck and a moron. (hint: your meds have worn off again)
I have done it.....several times. The cops do come, they escort the abusers out and tell them they will be charged under the petty trespass act if they return.
See, you really are a dumb fuck and a moron. (hint: your meds have worn off again)

while its true that stores are private property and the trespass act allows the stores to ban specific people, its unlikely that the police or even the managemnet will take this step simply for 'failure to give an apology'.

it seems the stores use this most often when people insist on getting their money back for a defective product. customers should be calling the cops on the store for theft
I have done it.....several times. The cops do come, they escort the abusers out and tell them they will be charged under the petty trespass act if they return.
See, you really are a dumb fuck and a moron. (hint: your meds have worn off again)

You screwed up and the boss yelled at you. You call the cops. You screw up and the co-worker yells at you. Hurt your feelings real bad and you call the cops on her. That's why we hate you union types who think you're entitled to everything in the world. Respect, raises, want high salaries of those much higher educated yet you frequently screw up everything you touch and can't work well with simple instructions, co-workers. You make a good situation worse against a customer or co-worker and call the cops on them.

You're are a moron. You think the law ends right there with police and petty trespass with everyone? Think again.
I tried returning a set of dishes for something that I liked better. The returns desk woman, was having a bad day, she didn't smile, swore at me under her breath, was generally a rude, unpleasant person. She proceeded to open up the sealed box. Then she refused to refund any money to me because the dish set was opened and non returnable. What in gods name!?!?! I yelled at her as she was the one who opened it and being deceitful with the situation. Then she calls the manager who threatens to call the cops on me unless I leave.

She smiled as I left grudgingly. I shared this story with my church group and some were appalled at this unexpected treatment. Some already knew what a bad place CT is to shop and shared their stories. That day was enough for me as I've never felt so angry and violated in that way before. I'm an honest person and deal with people honestly but this CT store, corporation was a real eye opener for me. Be warned!
This is #5 on the growing list of CT excuses to refuse a reasonable return:

1 - The store no longer carries that item.
2 - It is a "repair only" item.
3 - The item wasn't sold by this store.
4 - This item can only be returned in the first 30 days (or 14 days, or not at all).
5 - The package was opened (even though it was the store that first opened it, 30 seconds ago).
6 - The store thinks the item was used.
7 - The store thinks the item was stolen.
8 - It was a seasonal item.
9 - It was a Christmas tree, ornament or lighting.
10 - The customer refused to provide ID.
11 - The customer refused to let the store record extra information on their ID (which is contrary to privacy guidelines).
12 - The picture on the ID didn't look enough like the customer.
13 - The item wasn't defective when the store sold it; the customer must have damaged it.
14 - The store sold a defective item, but too-bad-so-sad (despite the CPA legislation in some provinces).
15 - The item had a 'lifetime' warranty, but the warranty is no longer being honoured.
16 - The store's records show that the customer has returned too many items in the past.
17 - The store thinks the customer was rude or impatient with store staff.
18 - The store has decided to exercise its right to refuse the return, and they don't need to give a reason.

So, you might just as well have been denied for any one of a dozen other excuses.

I agree that #5 is especially frustrating, but so are many of the others.

There's a reason that some stores post a "no yelling, no bad language" sign at the returns desk. People who are righfully upset at being cheated, do tend to get angry and yell and use bad language.

Then, they use this as an excuse to kick you out.

Lesson Learned: Never buy anything from CT that you might ever want to return.

Motor oil and paper towels are fairly safe bets.
The real problem with Canadian Tire is their extremely lax return/refund practices. They build unrealalistic expectations in the public that anything and everything should be returnable even after use. People think they can leave their power tools out in the rain and then return them because they rusted. They buy a tent for a weekend camping trip, actually use it to camp, and then expect to return it without a receipt and guess what.... 90% of the time Canadian Tire actually allows this to happen, when in actual fact such a customer should be too embarassed to even try to return the item. Everyone seems to think they are a victim these days. Canadian Tire has a high enough volume of sales that they can absorb these return requests from shyster customers, making life a living hell for smaller retailers that have to deal with crazy customers that take no responsibilty and care of their tools and possession, thinking it is up to the retailer to go good for their own stupidity and laziness. Most customers need a wake up call on what is sensible. Canadian Tire is culpable in fostering a general ignorance by letting customers walk all over them. Time for you all to grow up. Enough of this calculated rudeness and abuse inflicted on staff because a temper tantrum usually gets the sookie a soother! Of course, Canadian Tire might not be totally to blame, after all they have to compete with Walmart and their even more stupidly lax return policies.

Flame away, because I've spent all the time educating you as I'm willing to spend. I'll check back in 10 years to see what you had to say.
The real problem with Canadian Tire is their extremely lax return/refund practices. They build unrealalistic expectations in the public that anything and everything should be returnable even after use. People think they can leave their power tools out in the rain and then return them because they rusted. They buy a tent for a weekend camping trip, actually use it to camp, and then expect to return it without a receipt and guess what.... 90% of the time Canadian Tire actually allows this to happen, when in actual fact such a customer should be too embarassed to even try to return the item. Everyone seems to think they are a victim these days. Canadian Tire has a high enough volume of sales that they can absorb these return requests from shyster customers, making life a living hell for smaller retailers that have to deal with crazy customers that take no responsibilty and care of their tools and possession, thinking it is up to the retailer to go good for their own stupidity and laziness. Most customers need a wake up call on what is sensible. Canadian Tire is culpable in fostering a general ignorance by letting customers walk all over them. Time for you all to grow up. Enough of this calculated rudeness and abuse inflicted on staff because a temper tantrum usually gets the sookie a soother! Of course, Canadian Tire might not be totally to blame, after all they have to compete with Walmart and their even more stupidly lax return policies.

Flame away, because I've spent all the time educating you as I'm willing to spend. I'll check back in 10 years to see what you had to say.

The last decade is gone. Many retailers have begun changing their return policies to fight theft and an abuse of the system. Pull up returns for Sears, Zellers, Walmart, Canadian tire, Home Hardware on google. Looks like the days of old are out.
The real problem with Canadian Tire is their extremely lax return/refund practices.


Haven't you been following the "Refund Only" thread at all?????

Tons of proof on their that CT is absolutely the worst store for refund or exchange policies!!!

Oh .... I get it!

"April Fools!"
