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What a bunch of idiots. Had to leave after waiting 1/2 an hour for someone to find a sale item that there was supposed to be 8 of in inventory. That 1/2 hour of my time doesn't add up to the wait. At least Listowel staff could find things.
I got a better one..On oct 12 /02 my wife had the muffler replaced on her '95 Jeep, no labour and life time warranty right. Then in Sept of '03 the Jeep was getting noisey again, great now it's the cat/converter but low and behold it was the year old muffler with a big slit right down the seam. No problem, life time warranty. Not with Statford Crappy Tire. They replaced the muffler, charged us $32.50 for labour and additional six and a half bucks for clamps and gas, presumably to cut off old clamps, I guess the muffler guy didn't have a 9/16 wrench. The moron at the service counter then proceded to tell my wife that the muffler wasn't the one they had put on a year earlier, I guess we went to the trouble of pulling off a good muffer, finding a bad one of the same model, installing it our selves with rusty clamps that needed to be cut off, just to rip off Stratford Canadian Tire. P.S. Head office for Can Tire refunded our money after I complained stating that we should not have been charged a red cent. Just wonder how many other people they stole from.
I got a better one..On oct 12 /02 my wife had the muffler replaced on her '95 Jeep, no labour and life time warranty right. Then in Sept of '03 the Jeep was getting noisey again, great now it's the cat/converter but low and behold it was the year old muffler with a big slit right down the seam. No problem, life time warranty. Not with Statford Crappy Tire. They replaced the muffler, charged us $32.50 for labour and additional six and a half bucks for clamps and gas, presumably to cut off old clamps, I guess the muffler guy didn't have a 9/16 wrench. The moron at the service counter then proceded to tell my wife that the muffler wasn't the one they had put on a year earlier, I guess we went to the trouble of pulling off a good muffer, finding a bad one of the same model, installing it our selves with rusty clamps that needed to be cut off, just to rip off Stratford Canadian Tire. P.S. Head office for Can Tire refunded our money after I complained stating that we should not have been charged a red cent. Just wonder how many other people they stole from.

my guess... your a common theif and stole a muffler and warrantied a new one.
Now you're calling me and my wife theives, how gallant. You sound like you are possibly the coward that treated my wife like this in the first place. Read the little story there fuck face. If you payed attention instead of making unfounded accusations you would see that it don't add up. One year on muffler, clamps so rusty they needed to be cut off, not overy rusty muffler split down the seem. Hum, sounds like a poor seam or weld which I can live with, warrant the thing I'll carry on down the road. Maybe it was a Monday morning, Friday afternoon muffler, do I need to explain that term to you, and those things happen. But to accuse my wife of being a theif and then getting on here to tell the world what a coward you are, reeks. Any time little man, any time.
I have the distinct feeling that this guy is a retard. He doesn't know any of us, yet "honest people don't act like" me. What a goofball.

Hrm.. funny you mention that.. cause you guys on this site generalize all ct's and ct employees with the same ignorance. Not too nice when the shoe is on the other foot.
Well I don't know if I'd go as far as calling them all fuckin retards, mentally handicaped people may take offence at being grouped in with such a bunch of losers, but your average CT employee does leave a lot to be desired. Rude, stupid and poorly trained, argue with customers about an oil filter on a Dodge being determined by 2 vs 4 wheel drive, dumb shits maybe..and from Ratford to begine with, no wonder they have issues.
Well I don't know if I'd go as far as calling them all fuckin retards, mentally handicaped people may take offence at being grouped in with such a bunch of losers, but your average CT employee does leave a lot to be desired. Rude, stupid and poorly trained, argue with customers about an oil filter on a Dodge being determined by 2 vs 4 wheel drive, dumb shits maybe..and from Ratford to begine with, no wonder they have issues.

Not gonna comment on the rest but the CT system requires the CT staff to narrow the search peramiters in the auto look up system so they ask you 2 or 4 wheel drive casue they have to put something and it may as well be the right answer. Also there are a few dodge vehicles were it did make a difference as well as ford, I have come across a couple V8's were the 2 wheel drive vesion had a metric thread on the filter and the 4 had a standard. And for the love of god people CT haters and CT lovers I'm just posting a response and giving some info not looking for an argument.
Well I don't know if I'd go as far as calling them all fuckin retards, mentally handicaped people may take offence at being grouped in with such a bunch of losers, but your average CT employee does leave a lot to be desired. Rude, stupid and poorly trained, argue with customers about an oil filter on a Dodge being determined by 2 vs 4 wheel drive, dumb shits maybe..and from Ratford to begine with, no wonder they have issues.

typical piece of scum
Not gonna comment on the rest but the CT system requires the CT staff to narrow the search peramiters in the auto look up system so they ask you 2 or 4 wheel drive casue they have to put something and it may as well be the right answer. Also there are a few dodge vehicles were it did make a difference as well as ford, I have come across a couple V8's were the 2 wheel drive vesion had a metric thread on the filter and the 4 had a standard. And for the love of god people CT haters and CT lovers I'm just posting a response and giving some info not looking for an argument.

I can understand the need to put in an answer no matter how irrelavent but to argue that it matters to anyone but CT is dumb. If you can tell me one Dodge where it makes a differance I might change my opinion, but I can't think of one and neither can my local Mopar parts manager. Maybe your 'lets change engine models half way through production' Fords have differant filters , 96 Tauraus, no one at CT has figured that one out yet, "Miss you gave me the wrong filter for my son's car, could you cross referance it with the old one so I get the correct one?" "That filter didn't come off a 96 Tauraus" is the typical answer.
I have come across some pretty smart people behind the parts counter, pleasant and informed (Goderich CT) but a lot of stores (Exeter,Statford,Kitchener, Milton) seem to hire the dumbest people they can find. And if my mother wants to pick up a jug of oil and a filter so I can change her oil the 2 wheel 4 wheel thing shouldn't matter.
I can understand the need to put in an answer no matter how irrelavent but to argue that it matters to anyone but CT is dumb. If you can tell me one Dodge where it makes a differance I might change my opinion, but I can't think of one and neither can my local Mopar parts manager. Maybe your 'lets change engine models half way through production' Fords have differant filters , 96 Tauraus, no one at CT has figured that one out yet, "Miss you gave me the wrong filter for my son's car, could you cross referance it with the old one so I get the correct one?" "That filter didn't come off a 96 Tauraus" is the typical answer.
I have come across some pretty smart people behind the parts counter, pleasant and informed (Goderich CT) but a lot of stores (Exeter,Statford,Kitchener, Milton) seem to hire the dumbest people they can find. And if my mother wants to pick up a jug of oil and a filter so I can change her oil the 2 wheel 4 wheel thing shouldn't matter.

Again..... the ct parts system is desinged to be simple even for untrained CT staff (as you put it). They have to put in an answer so it may as well be the right one. It is very annoying when you ask the question (knowing it probably wont make a difference) and have the customer jump on the chance to talk down to you. Lordco and T&T auto parts also ask the same questions regardless, it is simply the way the system works. Furthermore, and again.... there are some cases where they change oil pans partway through a year and went form standard to metric. Now in a few cases i have found that the 2wd and the 4wd were different (i am not a moron and i relize this does not make different physical requirment for the oil filter). As a matter of fact i went through this recently while trying to find some parts for a ford for a customer. We ended up having to call ford for an odd ball wierd emission control box and i asked the guy at ford why the 2 and 4 wd were different and he said that they changed pans parts way through the year on the 2 and not the 4 for some reason. He guessed that after they changed the pan the remaining batch allotment of the original pan went to the 4wd and the new went to the 2. So in this case there were 2 filter options for the 2wd and only 1 for the 4. Feel free to call me a liar becasue some one probably will anyway im simply saying how it is.

Another good example of this is headlights, again we norrow the search peramiters is the system and we ask the motor size before we get to the final screen to choose the headlight. Of course every couple customers jump down are throats and lecture us on how it doesnt matter instead of simply answering the question. And again we have to put in an answer so it might as well be the right one. And also again... in a few cases the motor size does make a difference, not becasue the motor changes the light system but because often the bigger motors come with the sport package or deluxze package of a car and will come with HID bulbs or something to that extent.
I can understand the need to put in an answer no matter how irrelavent but to argue that it matters to anyone but CT is dumb. If you can tell me one Dodge where it makes a differance I might change my opinion, but I can't think of one and neither can my local Mopar parts manager. Maybe your 'lets change engine models half way through production' Fords have differant filters , 96 Tauraus, no one at CT has figured that one out yet, "Miss you gave me the wrong filter for my son's car, could you cross referance it with the old one so I get the correct one?" "That filter didn't come off a 96 Tauraus" is the typical answer.
I have come across some pretty smart people behind the parts counter, pleasant and informed (Goderich CT) but a lot of stores (Exeter,Statford,Kitchener, Milton) seem to hire the dumbest people they can find. And if my mother wants to pick up a jug of oil and a filter so I can change her oil the 2 wheel 4 wheel thing shouldn't matter.

Not ever person behind the auto parts desk are MECHANICS. What would be the point to type in anything just to "hurry things up" to get to the main screen to see what you need, only to discover it's changed. Let's say the customer wanted wipers which most likely have nothing to do with engine size but then was asked for spark plugs which CAN change.. Now you have to go back, and find out the engine and start over. Now what was more of a waste of time? No have it all conveniently and accurately at your fingertips, or to have to go thru it all again because the customer did also need a product that needs to be engine specific.

And btw: While some products have nothing to do with the engine, some engines were only available to certain models. As a result, selecting an engine can tell the computer the customer had a specific model car that very well does change which parts are for what model. Just a FYI. Of course It seems that people on this website don't really care what answers people give, it's all considered 'BS' and I wouldn't be surprised to find a nasty reply to even my very honest answer.
... Let's say the customer wanted wipers which most likely have nothing to do with engine size but then was asked for spark plugs which CAN change.. Now you have to go back, and find out the engine and start over. Now what was more of a waste of time? No have it all conveniently and accurately at your fingertips...

Unreal. If I ask about wipers, why the hell would you automatically assume I'll ask about something engine-specific? Talk about overkill. Maybe the next time I visit my grocer to ask if he has fresh celery, he should take down all my personal demographics first, in case I ask him what type of potato I should buy to go with my spleen.