
canadian tire has extremely rude staff and i was completely unsatisfied. I was shopping for a christmas tree and was completely unhelped. I understand everyone was busy but hello i waited for 20 mins until one girl, i cannot remember her name, melanie i think it was, was finally was able to help me after she kindly helped her customer and she was extremely polite and considerate. good customer service, however, i still waited for 20 mins!!! that is completely unexceptable. danika is the other girl, she has good customer service as well. your part-time staff is much more polite compared to your day staff, especially managers. nolan from hardware is another fellow who has great customer service. keep it up you guys is is people like you who make me come back!
canadian tire has extremely rude staff and i was completely unsatisfied. I was shopping for a christmas tree and was completely unhelped. I understand everyone was busy but hello i waited for 20 mins until one girl, i cannot remember her name, melanie i think it was, was finally was able to help me after she kindly helped her customer and she was extremely polite and considerate. good customer service, however, i still waited for 20 mins!!! that is completely unexceptable. danika is the other girl, she has good customer service as well. your part-time staff is much more polite compared to your day staff, especially managers. nolan from hardware is another fellow who has great customer service. keep it up you guys is is people like you who make me come back!

You mentioned it takes 20 mins for you to get service but when you do get help the employee is polite and considerate and you receive good customer service. What is it that customers don't understand! On any given evening the are only 2 people working in each department. Not only do the have to service customers but the have to fill shelves as well, along with any other jobs the manager gives them. A lot of times employees are in the warehouse pulling stock which takes away time from the customer. Employess are in the warehouse getting an item for a customer because there in no stock on the shelf but the computer shows stock etc. Employees also spend a lot of time with customers i.e cutting rope, cutting carpets etc. If your going to complain, complain to the right person "THE GENERAL MANAGER" and tell them they don't have enough staff.
There will never be more staff. retail runs on thing profit margins,high volume, low wage costs. It's a function of the industry, not Canadian Tire. Staff can't be in every aisle every minute, and if it just so happens that for a period of time there is a spike in traffic.... in a Department or for a certain product, sometimes there's just not enough hands there to help. Or someone gets tied up for 20 minutes with a customer, surely others won't be able to reap the benefits of their help. The scenarios are impossible to predict, they happen sometimes at 8 in the morning on a Tuesday, or 4pm on a Saturday. All you can do is cope as best possible, hope our customers have some patience and understanding, and do the best job possible.

If you had to spend an extra 10 minutes of your life to get the appropriate help, seems like a fairly minor thing in the big picture!
"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed".

When we say that something "sucks", we usually mean that it fails to meet our expectations.

With the various dollar stores, bargain shops, and other low-end retailers, we seldom say they suck, despite their history of poor service. Why is that? It's because we know going in what to expect:

- low prices.
- poor service.

The problem is, we (the customers) have come to expect better service from our local Crappy Tire store. We need to give all of our heads a shake, and get real about what CT is willing to offer us.

A lot of the complaints I read seem to have the un-stated message, "Dear Canadian Tire: please do better".

However, the various explanations provided by staff and managers on this and other web sites make it clear that Crappy Tire owners have made a strategic decision: to keep prices low and profits high by under-staffing, under-training and under-paying.

So, my fellow customers and I need to scale-down our expectations to the new, low level to which Canadian Tires has sunk.

They want to be the new Bargain Harolds? So be it.

There are many stores that have figured out how to keep prices low without providing a miserable customer experience. We need to take our business to them, not Canadian Tire.
Which stores would you be referring to? I've been in Walmart, Cosco, Zellers and I see even less staff assisting customers in those stores. All big boxed stores are the same. Do you think these store train their staff ie electrical or plumbing . Even Home Depot and Rona don't employ professional trade personnel. Why don't customers take the time and inform themselves about what items they need prior to going to these stores.
Even Home Depot and Rona don't employ professional trade personnel.

Actually, Home Depot DOES employ trades people for their plumbing and electrical departments. At least where I live. And that's not just in ONE location. There are 2 Home Depot stores in my town, and BOTH employ PROFESSIONALS!

And yes, it does seem to be true that there are very few employees to be found at times in ALL stores, it's still NO excuse for Canadian Tire to do one better and actually HELP their customers instead of following suit with their competitors.

Doesn't it make more sense, especially as a CANADIAN store, to offer BETTER service than any competitors they might have? But alas, they just go along with the crowd and say "not our problem. other stores do it too. we're no different".

I personally, like to do my hardware shopping at Lowes. They DO have EXCELLENT customer service and always someone there eager to help. And without an attitude. Store is laid out in a way that makes sense, and prices are comparable with quality products. (even the cheap stuff).

It used to be that canadian tire was a quality store. Until the brothers that started it were no longer. As is usually the way with any large corporation. Gone to pot!