Interesting topic.

So, a charity might say to you, "If you donate $20 to us, the governments will give you a rebate of $4. Basically, you end up giving the charity only $16, but the charity ends up with $20".

"Wow", you might say, "That's a great way for the government to encourage charitable donations."

But what would Crappy Tire have to say, if they were actually honest with their customers, and told the whole story?

CT would have to say, "If you give us $20, we'll give it to a charity, and the government will give us a rebate of $4. Basically, you end up giving $16 to the charity, the charity ends up with $20, and Canadian Tire get $4".

"Wow", you might say, "How come I'M giving all the money, but YOU are getting the rebate? Why should a store get $4 from MY donation?"

What could Crappy even say??? Maybe something like, "Well, WE are spending our time and effort to ask you in the first place. Then WE are keeping track of the money. And then WE have to delivery it to the charity. We think a 20% handling fee is pretty reasonable. Oh, and, you are selfish to be even thinking about the $4 rebate we'll be getting - after all, it's really about the charity. You selfish jerk!"

"Hang on", you might say. "YOU are getting 20% of every donation, for doing next to nothing. And bragging about how generous you are. But I'M the one who's SELFISH? Tell me: what would happen if I sent the money to the charity on my own?"

If they were honest (LOL!) they'd tell you, "In that case, YOU would get the 20% rebate. It's all about who hands over the money to the charity".

But will Crappy Tire tell consumers that little tidbit? Will they be open and honest about the way they are cheating generous Canadians?

Just read the postings of The Moaner, and you'll have your answer.
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So now your claim is that stores are gaining a tax advantage of 20% of the donation value that customers make to JumpStart?
You, sir, are a friggin' Genius.

You figured that one out all by your little self, did you?

Good Job!! Your Momma must be SO proud!

But actually I'm pretty sure the corporate tax rate is higher than the 20% you are cheating your customers out of (I LOVE getting a chance to repeat that!) - I think the corporate rate is more like 40%.

(Geez Louise, we've only been discussing this for 10 friggin' days, since Trextr first posted about it! LMAO!)
You know, it's still possible that The Moaner isn't really a store owner at all. And even if the are an actual owner, it's possible that other owners didn't share this particular scam with The Big Moan.

It seems very unlikely that The Moaner has the mental horse-power to figure out a scam like this on their own. In fact, they seem to have great difficulty even grasping the mechanics of this rip-off.

Perhaps this is just their tactic to sound like they'd never (No! NEVER!) try to pull off this swindle.

But maybe we are basically training The Moaner on how to pull off yet another rip-off of customers!

Oh-oh! It all depends on just how dumb The Moaner is!

We already know they have the necessary .... 'moral flexibility'! Oops!
Excellent, you have come full circle. Back to calling JumpStart a scam, which you denied previously.

So in your own petty little mind, you've now developed this crazy little scheme where owners of stores are are stealing tax deductions using charitable donations.

It's a sad pathetic day, even in your sad pathetic existence where you've sat down and invented a story like this. Have you one shred of information that leads you to believe this is actually occuring?
Is Moaner1 simply unable to comprehend the English language?

Or are the just grasping for a way to discredit their critics?

Any-hoo ...

I'm sure if the owners weren't asking customers to give them money for Jumpstart, they'd just be asking customers to give the owners money for Heart and Stroke, or the Canadian Cancer Society, or whatever.

No matter which charity they use, The Moaner would still claim those cash donations as their own, and get a nice, fat tax receipt, in order to get a nice, fat corporate tax credit.

Indeed, this whole "you said Jumpstart as a scam" claim is nothing but a red herring.

Don't be distracted!

Don't let The Crappy Owners take your tax credit from you, and claim it as their own!

Be aware of the devious people you are dealing with! Just look at the lies this Moaner guy posts, day after day!

If you really want to help a charity (Jumpstart, H&s, CCS, whomever you like), remember to ALWAYS give to the charity directly, and deny the Crappy Owners a chance to line their pockets at your expense, all the while saying, "Look how generous we are".
I suppose Jumpstart does some good things, but clearly there's a conflict of interest when a CT store owner makes financial decisions on behalf of the CT Jumpstart charity.

I know this is a subtle distinction, so try to follow along.

The Owners on the board have a conflict of interest, because they can gain financially based on the decisions they make while on the board.

For instance, let's say they had to decide if they should start giving out tax receipts for every $2 donation they collect from customers. That would be a LOT of lost tax credits that the Owner could no longer claim! See the conflict?

But that doesn't mean the Jumpstart charity itself is a "scam" - that's just some B.S. that The Moaner One made up.

(That reminds me: Hey, Moaner! Where's all that evidence you said you had about every single retailer of automotive batteries, all across the country? Oh, and where's the evidence about CT's recently changed policies on returns??? You said "any research anywhere" will find it ... So where is it??? Huh? Oh, is it hidden away with the battery research you keep 'forgetting' to post?? Maybe lost among all your Jumpstart tax receipt for donations made by customers??? LMFAO!!)
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Well, the big May push to get donations from Jumpstart is now over.

At least the customers' donations will go to a good cause.

But what about the tax credits on that $2.2 million in cash that customers donated?

What do you think the owners and CTC will say when they hand over that cash to the folks at Jumpstart?

"Gosh, no, Jumpstart - we don't want that tax receipt! Sure, we'd get a tax credit of at least $440,000, maybe even up $880,000. It sure would look good on the bottom line! But, nope, that would just be, you know, unethical. Yup, that money rightfully belongs to the many generous Canadian who responded to our request, and handed that money over to us in good faith. For us to beneift from that generosity? Nope, we want NO part in that. No-sir! Just leave that tax credit with the CRA, if you don't mind."

The Crappy People claim that their owner/dealers never make a single decision about how their customers' donations are spent, and never take an iota of credit for the work that their supposedly arms-length charity performs.

But now we see a Crappy Owner/Dealer getting his picture taken, as he takes the credit for how customers' donated money was used (presumably after getting a tax break for those same donations).

NiagaraThisWeek Article: Ground breaks on new diamond

Great job, taking undeserved credit every which way you can!
I actually missed this the first time I read the article.

After the owner/dealer made all these decisions on how the donated money would be spent, did they at least name the facility after Jump Start?


"Billes Family Field"

Way to work "behind the scenes"!

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Owners do not make ANY decisions in regards to JumpStart.

LOL! It's always fun when this moron gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar!

By the way, I checked this tread, and nobody else even mentioned whether owners or dealers decided where the funds got spent. So, The Big Moan was just making crap up, yet again!

The only issue was whether or not the store/charity would issue a receipt to the customer who ponied up the actual dough, instead of letting the store get the tax receipt and hence the tax credit (Yes! A double win for them! Get the refund for someone ELSE'S donation, AND mug for the camera for what you did with THEIR money!)

But it's a double win for readers of this thread when the owner/moaner decides to bring up a brand new topic like that, and makes a total fool out of themselves in the process.

Can't wait for the next quarterly statement to come out, so we can read more hilarious claims by The Moaner!
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On the whole "buy our crap because we bought advertising rights for the Olympics" thing:

Clayton Eigler Customers and employees raise the money and Canadian Tire takes the credit. What a great Canadian company
Lloyd isn't interested in being cheated by CT over their charity, either:

Lloyd Q.: You have balls for saying that. Nothing more annoying that they ask you to support there charity. They don't give a charity receipt so they DO deduct it from their income tax
An interesting idea ...

Carl S.: And of course who gets the tax credit for the donation. Another example of a corporation riding on the backs of working people.