CT Challenger

New member
The Crappy Defenders generally say they've survived the arrival of Costco and Walmart, so they are safe.

Even CEO Steve Wetmore has been quoting Churchill, in anticipation of the coming onslaught:

Canadian Tire: Fixing a flat | CanadianBusiness.com

What do consumers think about the impending arrival of Target and other competitors?

Walmart, Canadian Tire in Target’s crosshairs | Retail | Financial Post

Will the influx of American service-oriented retailers going to force Crappy Tire to mend their ways?

Or will they be destroyed altogether?
You did read that article before posting it I assume?
I ask specifically because the report lists 3 other retailers that consumer survey said they will likely to drop, with a much higher percentage then CT. Walmart, Sears & The Bay taking the biggest hit in terms of likely customer loss, Canadian Tire at the bottom of that ranking.

Nice that you posted a report that supports Canadian Tire
Thanks for doing that, we appreciate your support
Sounds like you only pulled the one sentence you liked out of the article, and ignored all the stuff you didn't like.

So typical of a die-hard Crappy Person.

Have a look at the many other factors the report mentions, besides just the consumer survey you zeroed in on so impulsively.
Sounds like you only pulled the one sentence you liked out of the article, and ignored all the stuff you didn't like.

So typical of a die-hard Crappy Person.

Have a look at the many other factors the report mentions, besides just the consumer survey you zeroed in on so impulsively.

yup, you can always count on CT to twist and misrepresent things

best to read things for yourself

just like the crappy return policies they keep lying about

CT is going to have to clean up their act if they want to hold onto customers
I zoned in on it for a reason

You harp constantly that customers are flocking away from Canadian Tire. CT depends on its' customers for survival (duh) , that complaints are on the rise, and that Target will kill Canadian Tire.

Guess who makes those decisions..........the customers! So if the customers are saying that Target's arrival won't affect their shopping at CT.,.. that's kind of important

typical of a CT hater. Can't see things objectively

Speaking of reading thought you might be interested in this article.

Specific notes towards how much of Canadian Tire Martha Billes owns......(previously disputed here)
Average dealer income and value (constantly disputed here)

I eagerly await your response on being proven wrong yet again on some MAJOR points of contention here. I suspect that your claims that we don't make big money will quickly go the way of the CPA & SGA arguments, oh yah and the supposed illegal repair policy that got buried as well.

.....happy reading hahahhahahahahha


As far as the previous article, i've read it in the past and refreshed again today after your post. There's lots in the article, it's quite good actually. It clearly spells out the risks facing all Canadian retailers with Targets arrival. You'd have to live in a cave to know that there won't be an impact. it's fairly clear who will likely suffer the largest impact, and it's not Canadian Tire. There is overlap, there will be market pressure and we will feel it. Keep in mind also that this isn't an extra retailer...it's pretty much a replacement retailer. So some, not all but some sales currently going to Zellers will invisibly transition to Target with little impact to existing retailers.

Hey, if the Crappy People want to bury their heads in the sand, and pretend they can continue to mistread customers with impunity, then they'll just die off that much quicker.

Hey, if the Crappy People want to bury their heads in the sand, and pretend they can continue to mistread customers with impunity, then they'll just die off that much quicker.


I guess all the other businesses listed on the 600 plus sucks.com sites, as well as hissing kitty, complaints boards and pissed consumer should pack up and quit offering services as well.....LOL!
Yup, nothing like facts to quickly put faker advocates in the proper light. Hilarious!
I guess all the other businesses listed on the 600 plus sucks.com sites, as well as hissing kitty, complaints boards and pissed consumer should pack up and quit offering services as well.....LOL!
Yup, nothing like facts to quickly put faker advocates in the proper light. Hilarious!


Angry CT Guy is back!

And he's even less coherent than before .... still comparing American companies. But at least this time, he's comparing them to another American company - Target.

(You may recall how confused he gets when he's ticked, to the point of claiming Target was Canadian, LOL!)

And these "facts" he's ranting about? Just more crap he makes up - nothing new there.
I see lots of responses in other threads to topics discussed yesterday but none to my article posting where an outside source discussed the earnings of canadian tire owners to be an average of $600,000/year

Why no responses ladies?

you now have the verification you asked for about the value of owning a Canadian Tire franchise!
Any questions?
I see lots of responses in other threads to topics discussed yesterday but none to my article posting where an outside source discussed the earnings of canadian tire owners to be an average of $600,000/year

Why no responses ladies?

you now have the verification you asked for about the value of owning a Canadian Tire franchise!
Any questions?

LOL....faker advocate won't like being disproven yet again.
Why, why won't you faker advocates read it? Please read it. We're millionaires not like you 9 to 5ers. Please read it so you know we're millionaires.
Why, why won't you faker advocates read it? Please read it. We're millionaires not like you 9 to 5ers. Please read it so you know we're millionaires.

Poor faker advocate, when faced with facts that disprove his opinion, the best he can do, is ramble incoherently.
Tsk, Tsk faker advocate, Tsk, Tsk!
We're the best at talking out of both sides of our mouth. You believe that you're getting an easy cash refund because we say so. Ha ha and then you come to the store and it gets only better! Surprise, a store credit which in my eyes is way better than cash, or you get denied because we're that concerned over our crap going to the landfill that you should be keeping any how. Now who here doesn't like surprises?

Money in the bank you 9 to 5er's, money money money in the bank. What's that you gotta work till 6pm. Ha ha. Money in the bank.
Again, professionals are available for your issues. Kind of concerning to see you spin out of control like that.
Again, professionals are available for your issues. Kind of concerning to see you spin out of control like that.

You mean professionals who'll service my car properly and not replace perfectly working parts with new ones or damage my car and rip me off and a whole bunch of other people? .Check. I don't take it to CT.

***The W5 hidden camera on two Canadian Tire garages is another damning example of how they operate. Also interesting is the corporate offices response to the findings, notably the absence of an apology or a refund on the overcharges. I guess the moral of that story is, for customers who are stuck with a bad CT repair job and bill - you're SOL. Learn from it and get it fixed elsewhere.

W5: An undercover probe of Canadian garages - CTV News

Or do you mean stores that sell equipment that last and last like pressure washers. What do you sell? Oh that's right, you have a whole line of them. You sell simoniz and job mate crap.

Maybe you mean stores that don't violate the customer privacy when they return items with a receipt, or threaten them with police/ security for trespass violations when you don't like it that they're trying to return items within your store policy guidelines or kill them and endanger others when your death squad pile up team chases somebody out the store into the streets. Check. Another reason to avoid CT.

Yes. I already get a lot of help from professionals by not going to your store.

My cars run fine and the stuff in my garage works perfectly.