
New member
I just recently purchased a new snow blower from Canadian Tire. Have had 3 storms here in Atlantic Canada, and what I noticed right away, this blower just didn't do what it was mean't to do. It was a good deal as far as price went simply due to it being cleared out due to over stock intended for the grand opening in November 2010.

I went back to the store in question, and was told there was nothing they could do. I informed the manager that in fact, this is a snow blower and that it should blow snow. According to your own website, it suggests nothing that this particular model will only blow 4 to 6 inches of the white (fluffy, as they said this was the max weight it would blow) stuff. I contacted their customer service...nothing. I contacted the manufacturer of the blower...nothing.

I even sent off an email to their head office....still nothing. Not even a reply. What truly amazes me would be, I have been a loyal customer for about 25 years, and to think they would throw away my business all for a $700 purchase. If it was my business, I would fire a lot of these people.

The sad part is, and as we all know, nothing lasts forever, and there will come a day when companies such as CT will start to realize that they should have taken better care of the most important of any business....the customer.

I plan on putting my new purchase through it's paces, and will show exactly what this machine won't do...coming to Youtube soon.

The really funny part, but also a claim that just sticks it to me again and again....4 to 6 inches of light and fluffy snow...I think someone should explain to the manufacturer, and to CT that this is Canada, and I purchased this item in Atlantic Canada. They don't receive light and fluffy snow in NB. Why would you choose to sell this piece of junk in a place that sees amounts of snow that well exceed this amount of snow more often than not. A 10 inch plastic impeller just doesn't do it on a snow blower.
Since when is a poor purchasing decision the retailer's fault? Perhaps no one is returning your call because you don't have a valid complaint. Did you not inspect the blower prior to purchasing? Did you not do your research? Have you ever heard of buyer beware or buyer's remorse? No business would survive if your thought process were catered to...If 100% customer satisfaction were even remotely possible, that would mean that a business would have to adhere to every whim of ANY customer, regardless of how inane their request and there are just too many wackos with unrealistic expectations out there.
Wake up and smell the coffee, dufus....take responsibility for your poor decisions.
It's the responsibility of a retailer when I suggested that I wanted it to clear the end of my driveway after the plow dumps the shit after a pass. I didn't have time to do any real research, as these items were priced to clear, and the second of these three blowers was also being sold. 100% customer satisfaction is something many companies stand behind idiot. You must not shop much, or don't have the cash available to do so. They don't call me names like wacko when I am in their store and ready to spend my money moron.

In closing, I don't have to prove anything to you. Give your head a shake. It also amazes me how brave and stupid some people get while sitting in front of a keyboard. There's a good chance, that if you ever spoke to me like that in person, we would have a different situation to deal with.

I rather own my an original thought and respond to a comment that makes a little sense, and I would also suggest that you stay away from coffee-or better yet, take your Prozac.
Canadian Tire=one of Canada's largest land owners, one of the largest capitalized companies, over 1000 retail outlets including the largest network of independent gas bars in Canada, 480 CTC specific stores and 88 years of sales growth.
This forum=less than 100 members; mathematically, a minute fraction of .001% of Canadian Tire's DAILY customer traffic; complainers and whiners that didn't get their own way.
Don't worry, complaining and whining has it's let's the rest of us avoid your sorry asses.

It's the responsibility of a retailer when I suggested that I wanted it to clear the end of my driveway after the plow dumps the shit after a pass. I didn't have time to do any real research, as these items were priced to clear, and the second of these three blowers was also being sold. 100% customer satisfaction is something many companies stand behind idiot. You must not shop much, or don't have the cash available to do so. They don't call me names like wacko when I am in their store and ready to spend my money moron.

In closing, I don't have to prove anything to you. Give your head a shake. It also amazes me how brave and stupid some people get while sitting in front of a keyboard. There's a good chance, that if you ever spoke to me like that in person, we would have a different situation to deal with.

I rather own my an original thought and respond to a comment that makes a little sense, and I would also suggest that you stay away from coffee-or better yet, take your Prozac.
That's right buttercup, you still believe in Santa Clause, and a place called OZ...I get it. Well, I'm sure you and your career (HA HA) at CT will be very happy together. Hey, doe CT give you guys a discount when you purchase their crap?
Canadian Tire=one of Canada's largest land owners, one of the largest capitalized companies, over 1000 retail outlets including the largest network of independent gas bars in Canada, 480 CTC specific stores and 88 years of sales growth.

So, why the list of statistics?

Often when someone writes, "I hope Crappy Tire goes bankrupt", similar statistics are trotted out as evidence that the store is in great shape and won't fail any time soon. But lots of large retailers have failed when they lost touch with their customers.

But I don't think bankruptcy has been mentioned on this thread (yet).

(Personally, I go back-and-forth: I'll hope they fail, just so innocent customers (like Gizzard1959) don't get suckered in by these stores. Then, I'll hope they finally clue in and get rid of their poor products and illegal policies.)

The other occasions when people like to list these statistics is after someone has written, "You suck, I'm not shopping there anymore". The CT defenders like to say, "We're really big, you are just one person, we don't need you".

This forum=less than 100 members; mathematically, a minute fraction of .001% of Canadian Tire's DAILY customer traffic; complainers and whiners that didn't get their own way.
Oh, I see. It isn't just Gizzard1959 you don't need: it's anyone on this forum who is fed up with CT and won't go there anymore.

And you think this is all because someone simply didn't get their own way? There's much more to the story, it you care to look. Here, and elsewhere. Lots of unhappy ex-customers, with legitimate complaints.

In case you haven't read my postings, here and elsewhere, I like to spread the word on the lousy policies and practises of CTC, so that people like Gizzard1959 will stop shopping there BEFORE they get ripped off.

Maybe 0.001% of your customers. But growing every day, thank to Gizzard1959, me, and others like us on this forum.

Don't worry, complaining and whining has it's let's the rest of us avoid your sorry asses.
You don't seem to have avoided this site, though, did you?

And not so useless, if we are able to inform our fellow Canadians of the many risks of giving CTC their money.

How's this for a slogan: "Friends don't let friends shop, buy gas, or take their vehicles for repairs at Canadian Tire".

My apologies. I didn't see your post earlier. I appreciate your kind words of support. It's very much appreciated. Have a terrific day-you've made my day. Stay well and safe.

Best Regards,

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