
Posted by an unregistered user
I Type in Canadian Tire on my Google page and i stumble upon this stupid site, i find it quite funny that people actually take time out of their "precious" lives to trash talk a store and its employees. Its sad, I would love to see where people who use the forum work. As an employee of CT and university student, I find it appalling that there is even a site like this, its honestly sad, grow up and if you dont like CT, then im sure Wal Mart or whoever will be willing to accept your money. Just stop bitching and whining, if you hate CT so much piss off and stop dwelling on it, because half of you on this website are probably returning customers, hypocrites.
I Type in Canadian Tire on my Google page and i stumble upon this stupid site, i find it quite funny that people actually take time out of their "precious" lives to trash talk a store and its employees. Its sad, I would love to see where people who use the forum work. As an employee of CT and university student, I find it appalling that there is even a site like this, its honestly sad, grow up and if you dont like CT, then im sure Wal Mart or whoever will be willing to accept your money. Just stop bitching and whining, if you hate CT so much piss off and stop dwelling on it, because half of you on this website are probably returning customers, hypocrites.

Typical CT employee attitude? If you don't like it go somewhere else? Great customer service that is. How about trying to address your customers' complaints instead of telling them to "piss off". If you did that then maybe there would not be a need for a site like this.
Not all CTC employees are cynical. I work at CTC Essex and I would just like to say to any of of our regular customers and any potential customers also, I appreciate the fact that you shop with us!
So what if they only pay minimum wage- they told me that in the interview, that does not give me the right to treat customers like crap or to have a terrible attitude.
No matter where you work you will have to deal with unsavory people on occasion so learn how to cope. Remember, treat others how you would like to be treated... and then go vent with your co-workers in the privacy of your break room.

Not all CTC employees are stupid either. I am college educated and lost my cushy job due to company closure. I searched long and hard for a job and CTC was the only company who offered me a position, so I am extremely thankful!

To any CTC London employees- treat Joy well. She's an amazing person and you are lucky to have her!
Not all CTC employees are stupid either. I am college educated and lost my cushy job due to company closure. I searched long and hard for a job and CTC was the only company who offered me a position, so I am extremely thankful!

I disagree stupid. You're college educated only to end up working at CT. Most people would define that as FAILURE!
I don't know anyone who's ever shopped at Canadian Tire that doesn't have a bad story about their customer service. Although it's true that some customers can be over the top with expectations, in my experience with respect to how I've been treated and the stories I've been told and read about, Canadian Tire has got to be the worst or one of the worst retailers we have in Canada when it comes to taking care of the customer. I avoid them whenever I can and frankly only go there for exclusive CTC items or items on sale as their items on sale are usually a good deal.

I once waited 20 minutes for someone to come help me so I could buy a snowblower on sale. Nobody came, I walked.
Years ago I had a ctc card, I had to argue in order to PAY off my balance. Once I said are you people really so stupid as to not understand that I want to PAY? The manager paused did say a word, you could see the light turn on above his head and he "allowed" me to pay my bill.

Really I could go on with stories but who cares.

Bottom line is the stores are more independant than we think. There's no uniformity between stores it seems, as far as how we're treated. Yes I have been treated well a couple of times but for the most part, brutal.

The employees are paid crap and it shows, they don't care.