Here, this should help - Manufacturer's Warranty

Faker advocate, so easy to discredit.....too many lies he tells.....tries to pass off his opinions as sad.


Angry CT Guy is up to his old sleezy tricks again!

Where to start?

Well, first of all this is a link to the U.S. site, not Walmart Canada. Ha-ha-ha! Yeah, Angry CT Guy loves to do that, but then whines when we mention what happened the last time they entered the U.S. market. They lost tens of millions!

Second, this only shows the "Supplier Warranty", which won't even matter for out-of-the-box defects, because Walmart Canada's policy is to give refunds for unwanted or defective items, for at least 30 days. Not just for some things, where the consumer has to ask about each item. No, for everything they sell (with the usual exceptions for underwear, ammunition, etc.). Walmart Canada's policy has been posted here many times. Since it shows how much Crappy Tire's policy sucks, here it is again: Customer Service / Return Policy - Walmart Canada - Save Money Live Better

One more thing that's wrong with that link Angry CT Guy deceptively posted: it's for online purchases, not in-store! So funny! They can't even lie convincingly anymore!

Yes, CT Angry Guy just doesn't want Canadian consumers to know about Walmart Canada's great return policies for in-store purchases.

He doesn't want us to know just how crappy the Crappy Tire policies are for inflatable toys, fish finders, battery chargers, and everything else Crappy Tire sells.

Yes, Crappy Tire has the crappy "repair only" and "exchange only" return policies. And Crappy Tire has the even crappier "no warranty" items, that the store won't even repair.

Nice try, Angry CT Guy!

Thanks for another opportunity to show what a liar your are, and to prove how crappy your store's policies are.
Here’s a link to a pricy item: $649.99

Hydroforce Steel Frame Pool, 18-ft x 48-in | Canadian Tire

What can you do if there are parts missing?

What can you do if it leaks like a sieve?

What can you do if anything breaks down on the first day?

Nothing. You bought it, so now you own it. No refund, no exchange, no repair. Ever.

Too bad, so sad.

One of the hundreds of “no warranty” items Crappy Tire will sell you, but refuse to stand behind.

Why buy anything there at all?
Here’s a link to a pricy item: $649.99

Hydroforce Steel Frame Pool, 18-ft x 48-in | Canadian Tire

What can you do if there are parts missing?

What can you do if it leaks like a sieve?

What can you do if anything breaks down on the first day?

Nothing. You bought it, so now you own it. No refund, no exchange, no repair. Ever.

Too bad, so sad.

One of the hundreds of “no warranty” items Crappy Tire will sell you, but refuse to stand behind.

Why buy anything there at all?

Absolutely not the case, and if that's what you were told that is terrible service.

When did you buy it?

What's the problem?

If there are parts missing, the store can get you the part you need. Are you pissed off with it now and just want your money back? If you bought it recently, sure. The store can claim that under customer relations.

Breaks down on the first day? Within 7 days the store can scrap most items (I think this product is included in that but I'd have to check), so go back and get a refund.
From what I gather this guy didn't buy the item

He is just digging through the website looking for a no warranty product trying to create some grief for something that hasn't actually happened.
He did the same a few weeks ago with a duracell charger, also an item he didn't purchase
The first "no warranty" product to be confirmed was the Duracell charger. Confirmation was by calling the customer service number, then visiting a store. It was also verified by one of the Crappy People, here:

The next item was the inflatable kayak. Again, confirmed at the 1-800 number, then in a store.

(Note that the original web page for this product has since been changed, and it now shows a "repair only" return policy - which still sucks, by the way.)

Crappy People have also admitted that hockey sticks routinely come with no warranty at all, confirming again that "this product has no warranty" means no refund, no exchange, no repair.

Other than the first few products, I don't think anybody has bothered to keep digging up the same answer, over and over again.

Have any of the "no warranty" items been proven to have any kind of return/exchange/repair policy?

No, of course not!

Instead, the Crappy Tire people on the phone and in the stores keep advising customers, "Don't buy it".

The point is, there are hundreds of items listed with "no warranty", meaning no refund, no exchange no repair.

No other major retailer would attempt to sell products under these terms without a big warning sign (i.e., "As-Is" or "clearance").

And the Crappy People who post here keep lying about it! Unbelievable!

Crappy Tire sure does suck.
The first "no warranty" product to be confirmed was the Duracell charger. Confirmation was by calling the customer service number, then visiting a store. It was also verified by one of the Crappy People, here:

The next item was the inflatable kayak. Again, confirmed at the 1-800 number, then in a store.

(Note that the original web page for this product has since been changed, and it now shows a "repair only" return policy - which still sucks, by the way.)

Crappy People have also admitted that hockey sticks routinely come with no warranty at all, confirming again that "this product has no warranty" means no refund, no exchange, no repair.

Other than the first few products, I don't think anybody has bothered to keep digging up the same answer, over and over again.

Have any of the "no warranty" items been proven to have any kind of return/exchange/repair policy?

No, of course not!

Instead, the Crappy Tire people on the phone and in the stores keep advising customers, "Don't buy it".

The point is, there are hundreds of items listed with "no warranty", meaning no refund, no exchange no repair.

No other major retailer would attempt to sell products under these terms without a big warning sign (i.e., "As-Is" or "clearance").

And the Crappy People who post here keep lying about it! Unbelievable!

Crappy Tire sure does suck.

Those are manufacturer warranties. Only managers who don't have a brain for themselves would stick to them mercilessly.

There are ways around them, and I guarantee you if you were to come by me with any of these products you would leave satisfied. I had a customer with that exact pool no more than 3 weeks ago, I gave her a new one.

It seems you have a real disdain and bias against Canadian Tire, probably for a legitimate reason. But that legitimate reason has brought you to the point of delusion. I can't fathom anyone buying something, and returning that week... and being told there was nothing that could be done. Even in my first store, which was terrible with customer service, would figure something out. For example, that duracell charging system doesn't have a "manufacturers warranty", you're right about that. That doesn't mean it's a dead end for the customer if something goes wrong. There are mechanisms in place. If you're a customer and you're upset about this, we can do the return and write it down as a "customer relations" return. The store gets the credit for the item from the corporation, and the corporation goes to the manufacturer and asks why this is happening. If it's a recurring theme, the product doesn't last long on the shelves and a "Stop Sale" order would ensue quickly. If it's an item which simply is not suitable and in resellable condition, the 90 day policy still applies for a full refund.

I shit you not, if I were approached with this scenario, there would be no issues whatsoever. I can't speak for all stores, but the corporations initiative is to do whatever possible for the customer to make them happy. That's why these "customer relations" mechanisms exist, to protect against uncooperative manufacturer warranties.
None of what you wrote matches what I was told on the Customer Service line, or in the stores, or by the Crappy Person who admitted to the policy on the charger.

None of what you wrote matches the experiences customers report on this site and ones like it, on a regular basis.

Maybe your particular store is really awesome, but any store that follows the actual policies of the corporation, is going to suck.

You are wrong to suggest that consumers who go to a Crappy Tire store can expect the level of service and the type of refunds and returns you describe.

Before you continue posting this stuff, you should look at what your fellow Crappy People have been writing about these crappy policies, and how wonderful they think these policies are.

The policies of all the other major stores have written policies that promise what you are describing. Crappy Tire is the only one that does not. Instead, consumers are at the mercy of the person behind the desk at Crappy Tire.

Perhaps it is you, who has an unrealistic view of the rest of the chain, and of the Crappy People who run the other stores.

Have a look around the site, and you'll see what I mean.
None of what you wrote matches what I was told on the Customer Service line, or in the stores, or by the Crappy Person who admitted to the policy on the charger.

Customer Service line won't tell you these things because stores aren't "binded" to take those actions. It's at every store's discretion. BUT, every store does have the mechanisms to take advantage of if they so choose. I'm not ignorant enough to assume all stores serve their customers in the best ways possible, and as far as I can tell there's a lot of terrible management going on.

None of what you wrote matches the experiences customers report on this site and ones like it, on a regular basis.

I can see that, and it's definitely cause for concern. It's a sad state of affairs if this is actually a widespread problem, but Canadian Tire serves millions and millions of customers. There are very few complaints here. My store gets complaints from the customer service line maybe once a month. It seems to me there are a lot more satisfied customers than disgruntled ones.

With that said, there are kinks that have to be ironed out. For a customer to be told "there's nothing we can do" within a week of buying something is nothing short of ridiculous. There are multiples ways to help the customer out in that situation.

Maybe your particular store is really awesome, but any store that follows the actual policies of the corporation, is going to suck.

If they followed the actual procedures of the corporation, there wouldn't be issues. Most of the issues I see here are managers following the manufacturers warranty a little too tightly. That's external from Canadian Tire. We're a profitable enough business to support the customer in our own way, completely leaving the manufacturer out of it.

You are wrong to suggest that consumers who go to a Crappy Tire store can expect the level of service and the type of refunds and returns you describe.

You're probably right. My hope is that these customers will take the information I'm giving here and use it as ammo should they have any issues in the future.

Before you continue posting this stuff, you should look at what your fellow Crappy People have been writing about these crappy policies, and how wonderful they think these policies are.

There are a lot of (bad) managers who, if the customer doesn't strike them the right way, they'll deliberately try to sabotage the customer's chances of getting what they want. It happens in all retail settings, when small minded customers upset small minded staff. There are problems, but I'm saying that there is always a way. If the Manager is doing their job, they should be able to find a way to get the customer to leave happy. If they aren't, they're simply not doing their job well. God knows there's a lot of people in this world guilty of that, not just Canadian Tire employees.

The policies of all the other major stores have written policies that promise what you are describing. Crappy Tire is the only one that does not. Instead, consumers are at the mercy of the person behind the desk at Crappy Tire.

Canadian Tire's written policies are nearly identical with the others. If you were to look as deep into every other retailer as deep as you look into this one, you'd find their dirty laundry too.

Perhaps it is you, who has an unrealistic view of the rest of the chain, and of the Crappy People who run the other stores.

I think what's happening is a disconnect between the corporation/associate dealers, and the staff on the ground who are actually dealing with the customers. A lot of these people are minimum wage, a lot of these people make a career off this minimum wage job. A lot are small minded, and they think that they're appeasing their employer by keeping the returns down. It simply isn't true. Any dealer, or anyone at the top of the corporation, or any good manager would tell you the key is to keep your "lifetime" customers. Very few people make ONLY one purchase at Canadian Tire in their lifetime, very few. It's the most shortsighted thing in the world to piss off a customer and have them not come back over one measly transaction, when you can bite the bullet on this case, and enjoy their patronage for the rest of their lives.

Have a look around the site, and you'll see what I mean.

I'm learning a lot... but... there aren't THAT many complaints. No offense, but even you have to admit you have somewhat of a skewed sense of reality here. I challenge you to buy any of these products, and attempt to return it the next day. Let me know if there are any issues. If there are, let me know the store you're at, the product, and the person you were dealing with and I can get to the bottom of it. I realize that's a perceived monetary risk for you and I actually expect you to do it, but I'm quite confident I'll be right.

Are there problems with the policy and its execution? Absolutely. Is it as bad as you say it is? Absolutely not, not even close.
Canadian Tire's written policies are nearly identical with the others. If you were to look as deep into every other retailer as deep as you look into this one, you'd find their dirty laundry too.

This is my favourite piece of crap-ola, routinely spouted by people who don't know their own policies, let alone the policies of other retailers.

Here's a thread that shows how much better the policies are, at any major retailer, for items that are unsatisfactory:

Get back to us if you have something verifiable to add.

Here's a thread that shows how much better the policies are, at any major retailer, for items that are defective:

Get back to us if you have something verifiable to add.
This is my favourite piece of crap-ola, routinely spouted by people who don't know their own policies, let alone the policies of other retailers.


This is a perfect example of what the CT Manager rep posting on here is talking about. This guy, much like myself and one or two other people post some real stuff, and all you can do is pick apart the stuff you caN STILL bitch about. You clearly are not rational thinking when it comes to CT. Whatever your bad experience was, you have taken it to a level that is so far out of proportion from what you've experienced that all you can do is spend your time complaining, and among 1000 good things you'd find the bad.

He's right, we serve millions of people.......millions. That number is NOT shrinking.

The number of your complaints is VERY minimal, it's just the same two complaints over and over again in different forms.

Both of us who are owners here work very hard to ensure our customers are satisfied. We teach our team to exhaust resources to solve legitimate customer complaints, and there are legitmate ones. We also teach our teams, especially Managers and Customer Service staff that there is a difference between makign something right, and being taken advantage of by a customer. A lot of it comes down to judgement calls for each scenario when the policy doesn't make sense.

I learned something many moons ago. If I have a problem or a complaint, I go in and ask the people for help. Those have always been my first words.... I'm hoping you can help me! Show up with the attitude of "i'm going to complain" and guns blazing, and you'll fidn someone on the other end with armour ready to defend.

It became apparent to me months ago that you are so out of touch with what is REALLY going on when it comes to everything from product quality to warranties to competition, that no matter what anyone says on here, if it is in support of CT, you'll automatically make it wrong. That's simply a reflection of poor decision making.
This is so typical of the Crappy People's strategy.

They post a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, and general B.S. trying to make it sounds like Crappy Tire doesn't suck quite as much as we think.

No real proof is offered, of course: just a lot of "oh, my store isn't that bad" crap, and the usual "other retailers suck as much as we do" nonsense.

Understandably, consumers who know better, decide to post some related information, to set the record straight, and to bring some much-needed facts to the discussion.

But do the Crappy People even attempt to back up any of their bogus claims?

Of course not.

Instead, they blame all their own problems on the consumers, who are simply pointing out their abysmal lack of knowledge by the misguided Crappy People.

So typical.
They post a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, and general B.S. trying to make it sounds like Crappy Tire doesn't suck quite as much as we think.

Key words sir.... "as much as we think"

Your thinking is tainted. You have no concept of right and wrong, real or fake anymore. You see CT, you assume wrong. There is zero hope in dealing with someone who could only ever see bad in every situation.

Lost cause sir, lost cause
It's OK for the Crappy People to simply ignore all that is wrong with their beloved store.

They have a chance to fix their crappy stores, but they don't have to, if they don't want to.

It's important to stay focused on what really matters to consumers.

We just need to stick together, and help one-another to learn about all the crappy things about Crappy Tire.

Things the Crappy People would prefer we didn't know about.

For example, the many "No Warranty" products, for which the Crappy Tire policy is, no refund, no exchange and no repair.

A policy that none of the other major retailers have.

Don't be distracted by all the other unsubstantiated claims, or insults directed at innocent consumers.
It's OK for the Crappy People to simply ignore all that is wrong with their beloved store.

They have a chance to fix their crappy stores, but they don't have to, if they don't want to.

It's important to stay focused on what really matters to consumers.

We just need to stick together, and help one-another to learn about all the crappy things about Crappy Tire.

Things the Crappy People would prefer we didn't know about.

For example, the many "No Warranty" products, for which the Crappy Tire policy is, no refund, no exchange and no repair.

A policy that none of the other major retailers have.

Don't be distracted by all the other unsubstantiated claims, or insults directed at innocent consumers.

You really... REALLY need to get laid. Your hard on for blindly hating Canadian Tire after likely one preventable bad experience has set you on this course of delusion.
You really... REALLY need to get laid. Your hard on for blindly hating Canadian Tire after likely one preventable bad experience has set you on this course of delusion.

So typical of the Crappy People.

When their incorrect statements are revealed, do they simply admit that they were wrong in the first place?

Of course not. Instead, they resort to juvenile insults, and vague accusations.

Not very persuasive at all.

How about all those hockey sticks? The charger that other Crappy People advise customers to not even buy? How come Crappy Tire switched web pages for the inflatable kayak? How come a $650 pool has no warranty whatsoever?

Many interesting questions, but no real response from the Crappy People.

So typical
The "No Warranty" showing on the website there is misleading. There is, except it isn't through Canadian Tire. There's a 1-800 number and the customer deals directly with the manufacturer. Most parts are warranted for 1 year, a few for only 90 days. Code 50/55 are both ways for stores to bypass this though.

Thank you, Crappy Manager, for confirming that Crappy Tire's 'return' policy on this $650 swimming pool is, "no refunds, no exchanges, no repairs".

I'm sure all the consumers reading this already knew that, but it's nice to have some agreement once in a while.

We'll add this to the growing list of products where this has been confirmed.

It's important for consumers to know that Crappy Tire is the only major retailer that has hundreds of products like this - no refund, no exchange, no warranty.

And, to make things worse, there are no signs on the shelf, or notices at Customer Service warning potential victims of these products, that the store will not stand behind them at all, even for 1 day, and that the customer will be completely stick with it, no matter what.

Thanks, Crappy Manager!
Here's a product with a strange return policy:

Double Water Slide | Canadian Tire

It says customers can at least get an exchange if it's defective:

"Canadian Tire Warranty: This product carries a 1 year exchange warranty redeemable at any Canadian Tire store."

However, it goes on to say that customers can't get a refund, even if they find out it's defective:

"Additional Product Information: Return policy exception: No returns of open packages."

Now, why would someone want to exchange something they never opened?

How are you supposed to know it's defective before you open the package?

Besides, this "exception" is actually the rule at may stores: they will insist that all items be returned unopened.

(Even though the web site only asks that an item be returned "in its original condition and packaging", and says nothing about whether the package is opened).

Crapppy Tires is looking for more ways to rip off its customers - this time on a defective water slide that costs $400.
A 'return' usually covers a refund or an exchange if it's unwanted (wrong size, colour, just changed your mind).

If it's unopened, you should be able to return it for a refund if you changed your mind about buying it in the first place. It doesn't look like it comes in different colours or types, so I agree an exchange makes no sense.

If it's defective, you should be able to exchange it for one that works (doesn't leak or whatever).

But at least not as bad as those no-warranty pools they won't exchange or even repair.
Original condition and packaging means unopened and unused. The manufacturer didn't pack a used item in a ripped apart box you moron.
Original condition and packaging means unopened and unused. The manufacturer didn't pack a used item in a ripped apart box you moron.

The site says, "To return an item for exchange or refund, bring it to any Canadian Tire store within 90 days, in its original condition and packaging".

Nothing about the condition of the packaging - only of the item.

The Crappy Person just made that all up.

Besides, nobody said anything about "a ripped apart" box - many items can be repackaged.

Just something else the Crappy Person made up, too.

And is there anything on the site about it being "unopened"? Nope, only for items that are "exceptions" and "may only be returned if unopened".

That's yet another thing the Crappy person came up with on their own.

Finally, there's nothing on there about the manufacturer.

The Crappy Tire people sure are good at creating new reasons to keep their customers' money!