So, like I said, the avalanche-inspired comments on Ol' Crappy's facebook "our batteries don't suck" thread, fall into 3 groups:

- complaints about crappy batteries.
- complaints about the crappy stores in general.
- complaints about the crappy and highly suspicious "tests".

Here are some of the "yes their batteries do indeed suck" comments - sponsored by: your local Red Triangle of Crap!

Bruno M.: It will start.... But how long would it last.....

William J.H.: I herd the birds talking about a new line of batteries coming to Canadian tire. But I don't think that they will be any better. A battery is a battery wether you drop it or take care of it and use in its proper application the results will all be the same wink emoticon

Aaron R.: Canadian tire has the worst batteries out there. They are a total safety hazard and it's been proven time and time again. If you don't want a battery that randomly explodes the stay away from the whole moto master line.

Ben B.: Canadian tire is a joke when it comes to tires and mechanical. I would rather put my nuts in a vice then buy tires from them

Denis C.: Its a moto master works the first Time then do you have a recette!!!

Mark R.: just bought 2 Walmart energizers for my truck. 750 cca ea. best part 99 bucks ea. even better was the prorated discount from buying 2 of the same back in 2011 for 99 ea. total discounted price 35 ea. so if you think about it I've bought 4 batteries for 270 bucks. going to c.tire for the same would've cost nearly 800. that's crazy.

Steven S.: my new battery from canadian tire dont start at -20 below. . nice one for sure

BL P.: Costco's Kirkland batteries are the best deal out there. Period.

James N.: CT's batteries are beyond junk. Everyone that wants to replace their own battery seems to think "I'll go the Canadian tire" but sadly they are making a big mistake. I run a small shop and I would have to say that 9/10 if we are replacing a battery in a car we are pulling out the original that's over 5yrs old or a 6m-1yr old CT that the customers claims it's not the problem "it's almost new" and sure enough it's the problem. In those positions, you'd be better of at Costco. ...or local napa

Frank L.: So what is the big deal no warranty lol

Rod P.: It sure didn't win when I tried to start my car yesterday in Toronto - complete fail. Maybe I should have pushed my car off a 27 foot building...

Mike T.: Completely false advertising

Robert J.M.: I got one , it went dead in two weeks never held a charge again bought a crap battery and it's still working in the same car no changes . Lost the receipt for battery purchase ,, told to pound sand for warranty !!

Josh R.: Canadain tire batteries don't work on a good day, out of 3 batteries i have baught this year ive already returned 2. nice try thoe boys lol

Andre G.: Bought one 2 days ago was dead right from the store

Don M.: Many years ago, I bought a battery from Cdn Tire. Never again. Exchanged a battery 4 times trying to get one that held a charge. Finally got my money back and walked across the street to Woolco and bought one that worked for 7 years with no problems.

Andrew C.: the tech wasn't willing to exchange mines so i went to Costco to get One next One I'll get an optima

Stuart B.: Impressive commercial but I will never buy another battery from Canadian tire after numerous purchases (my own or in cars I bought). They all failed after short life. If it's an Excide product, it's likely crap!

Gerry N.: As a mechanic that's installed hundreds of batteries over the years on a multitude of vechicles and heavy equipment I must confess, canadian tire batteries are complete trash.. They're only saving grace is that they'll exchange the crap battery for another new crap battery if you have proof of purchase.. I firmly believe these batteries are at the lowest level of quality that can be purchased for personal use.. Buyers beware of any motor master battery let alone the other cheaply made motor mater brand... I'd rate them at a princess auto level of quality

Paul H.K.: The only battery I've ever had problem with was on from ct! Had to exchange it 3 times before I got one that worked! They are worth their weight in scrap!!

Craig S.: I got one and it was dead brought it back the next day. They gave me a new one ... put it in my truck and would not start ... whent to gmc they put one in my truck and it started no problem . Took the battery back to crapy tire and and to call a manager then customer relations just to get my money back.... this shows why the dealer is better ... trying to save a buck costs more
And here, in response to the Battery Spam, are some of the "those Crappy Stores Suck in General" comments - sponsored by: your local Red Triangle of Crap!

Rob W.: Wtf is the point of this? You're still crooks

Yvonne T.: Canadian tire sucks in Canmore, they wouldn't sell a tire to Tasha and Codi. So they had to drive on a donut to Calgary
They didn't want to be liable for a tire. WTF.

Joe D.: I have SEEN their batteries self ignite. I have ALSO had some of their tires SHRED when I had JUST bought them new. Tools? Pretty tough. BUT I can break them easily.

Rob H.: All Canadian tire parts are second rate.

Michel L.: canadian tire is for people who love dollar store items.

Jon S.: All they did was parallel a probably blown open battery with the original battery in the truck. You can see the jumper cables. It proves nothing other than how electricity works. Congrats Canadian tire. The same company that would try and convince an elderly man that his car was damaged before THEY drove it off the vehicle lift themselves.

Dave M.: After breaking 357 batteries one of them worked

Grant B.: Why isn't there a dislike button on facebook posts?

Craig S.: Here's a good test go to a dollar store then go to Crapy tire.. only thing I see is price all the same stuff
Well, there were a LOT of comments on these stupid 'tests', but some people really got into it. Some noticed how there were many batteries used, but the edited it together to make it look like just one battery. There also may be multiple trucks, with batteries moving mysteriously from side to side, between shots. And, in most cases, there seems to be a battery still installed in the truck, LOL!

And there was one fanatical ex-crappy-wannabe, who was a true evangelist for these crappy batteries - he seemed ready to fight with anyone who dared challenge the awesome supremacy of Crappy Tire Killer Batteries! GGGRRRRR!!!!

Anyway, here are the ones I managed to grab:
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Comments saying what stupid tests these were - brought to you at great expense by Crappy Tire!

Joel H.: Of course it would start right away. Breaking the case won't discharge the battery. Break it and let it sit dry for a day or two and see what happens...

Julien V.: Lol if you truck fall 30ft, it wont matter anyways

Rick V.: Must be battery in truck or why did they need booster cables. That part where they started the truck is fake. Not sure if the battery would actually work like that but as for no liquid. The new eliminator line is AGM.
AGM (absorbed glass mat) is a special design glass mat designed to wick the battery electrolyte between the battery plates. AGM batteries contain only enough liquid to keep the mat wet with the electrolyte and if the battery is broken no free liquid is available to leak out.

Jamie T.: So stupid.

Jemar C.: Stupid

Steve A.: How many times did they have to do that before they got that take?

Darryl M.: Good to know my battery will start if i drop it from 27 ft lol

Graham N.: Try dropping the truck but it won't matter who's batt will be in it!

Robbie B.: So if I drive my truck off a 27' cliff I can start it right back up and drive away? ...... It's about time.

Jian L.: How about you drop the truck with the battery in it. See if that will start.

Luc P.: You need a better approach than this, Canadian Tire... I hope you didn't wasted much money for this advertisement.

Louis R.G.: one is ever in a situation where they drop a battery 27 feet. Bet that's not covered in the limited warranty ...idiotic proves nothing

Lance M.: If you know anything about batteries,this means nothing. They most likley droped a few before they got one to work. . Means nothing.

Ben B.: I gotta say, that was the dumbest, most irrelevant test I've seen. Thanks for its comedic value tho!! Hahaha

Colin R.: Where did the chemicals go? Dry? Why the fk would i put that back into my vehicle after a 27 ft drop? Am i launching my vehicle into the air?

And so on, and so forth.

But the thing is: do you want people that are dumb & devious working on your vehicle, or even trying to sell you something that's crap? That's the real message.

Thank You, Red Triangle of Crap People, for funding this great source of complaints against Crappy Tire!

"LOL Hilarious"!
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It seems if you keep buying batteries from these guys, eventually this is going to happen:

Denise M.: I bought a small eliminator for our 4 wheeler in November. It has given us nothing but problems. We brought it back yesterday and they gave us a hard time . Said they would charge it. The guy called us this morning and said its better than new. Now come on. All I want is my money back and they wont give it to us. My husband has tried charging it 3 times and it keeps going dead. It has been kept in a warm garage. We have bought all of our batteries from you in the past.
Hendrik T.: their word is worth nothing , replaced a battery once but 4 months later the battery FAILS again and when I take it back the guy behind the counter wave me on and says " can't do a thing for you " and begins to serve another customer as if what I had was not worth his time. I have been using the same store for over 30 years but I think I will stop using it all together SO disappointed with not only the product but the service Warranty ?? Ain't worth the paper it was put on.
Jayne F.: In regard to batteries. I can't find where I can leave a mesage about a Motomaster ELIMINATOR 2M Series Spotlight/Lantern. It worked only FOUR times and died! How do I charge it? I'm on a pension and can't afford to keep buying new ones! I've been trying to find the info, but there hasn't been any.
Maureen H.H.: I stopped being a customer after installing a Cnd tire brand battery in my vehicle that fried my electrical system. Had it inspected by an expert who said the battery was faulty and overloaded the alternator. Burned through 3 before they discoveed the problem. Went to Cnd Tire and the person at Cnd tire put a volt meter on the battery and said it was fine. Even that told me they are idiots. Head office guy was just as stupid saying it was impossivle, despite my expert "testimony" from an automotive electrical expert and the general mechanic who was doing the work who consulted the electrical guy. They denied any responsibility and left me 1000 in the hole between repairs and rental. NEVER BUY A BATTERY FROM CANADIAN TIRE. They are hacks no matter if they have good people working for them or not the company does NOT stand by their products or collateral damage. They are Jacks of all trades and masters of none!!!
Steve C.: I take no stock in your battery series of ads . The truck you are starting is sitting in beautiful starting conditions . Make those tests on an engine that is sitting at operating conditions , or minus 30 degrees . Then I could stand behind your organization
Jennifer B.: The same thing happened to me with a car battery...we even had the proof of purchase from Canadian tire, but they would not honour it. I think it is something they do often.
John V.: WARNING - NEVER, EVER buy a car battery at Canadian Tire.
You won't believe this story! I got a new battery from them in June of last year (9 months ago) after the last one crapped out early (3.5 years into the 5 year warranty). I had to pay a pro-rated replacement (3.5/5) for the battery. Fair enough. Now the new one craps out 15% of the way through its alleged life span. Guess what they tell me? "Oh no, your warranty dates from the original purchase. So you are now almost at 5 years, so you might as well just buy a new one." After NINE FREAKIN months?!?! I was incredulous. "That is REALLY your policy??? That's completely unreasonable, not to mention un-fair".
They said, "Sorry. Would you like a new battery?".
"Um, NO! And I won't be shopping in your store anymore either". I walked out. Nobody cared. I guess they have never heard of social media.

And I used to work for the company. Sad to see how crappy it has gotten.
Just re-read old posts.

Never did get a definition from the Crappy People, of what makes a battery warranty "best".

Maybe it's the one with the most stickers, stamps, cards and receipts. Certainly would make it the easiest warranty to deny.

And, never did get any of that "readily available" proof that there isn't any other retailer in all of Canada that offers a 10-year warranty on any of the batteries they sell.

Still, the consumer complaints against Crappy Batteries just keep piling up...

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John V.: WARNING - NEVER, EVER buy a car battery at Canadian Tire.
You won't believe this story! I got a new battery from them in June of last year (9 months ago) after the last one crapped out early (3.5 years into the 5 year warranty). I had to pay a pro-rated replacement (3.5/5) for the battery. Fair enough. Now the new one craps out 15% of the way through its alleged life span. Guess what they tell me? "Oh no, your warranty dates from the original purchase. So you are now almost at 5 years, so you might as well just buy a new one." After NINE FREAKIN months?!?! I was incredulous. "That is REALLY your policy??? That's completely unreasonable, not to mention un-fair".
They said, "Sorry. Would you like a new battery?".
"Um, NO! And I won't be shopping in your store anymore either". I walked out. Nobody cared. I guess they have never heard of social media.

And I used to work for the company. Sad to see how crappy it has gotten.

John V. Since there is no way to complain, this page ends up being a gripe session about all the problems - mostly with auto service. My 685 friends on facebook also saw this post - with a nice pic of the logo and a battery with a 'no-smoking' style X through it. Reputational damage, over a ridiculous unfair policy. Earlier today, I spend over $100 at a Canadian Tire store. Wal Mart next time. Canadian Tire really needs to fix the auto service part. It affects the rest of the business.

John V. Naw. I have already called CAA for a new battery to replace the 9 month old one that your dealer says is now out of warranty. Sending an email will make no difference.

John V. My own timeline is now burning up with horror stories about Canadian Tire auto service. Maybe what YOU should do, is contact the dealer and find out why they are ruining your corporate reputation.

John V. The dealer is the one at Trafalgar Road and Dundas in Oakville. If you can call them before CAA gets here, you may rescue $1000's in business for your store.

John V. I WILL however email your address to show them the results of crappy customer service. With screen grabs etc.

John V. I just wont email them when my battery is dead on my car. I kind of need to start it.

John V I realize that you are just some person who works for CTC or a social media moderating company and there is nothing you can do. Nor, do I expect any results from the email to the company. So - it's not your fault. But WOW - I can't believe how little the auto service people care about the reputation of your company!!!!! That's just crazy!

John V No response.

John V I doubt that I will get one. Probably will be re-iterating the battery policy. Not that it matters.
Daniel G.: ... last month my car wouldn't start and was stuck at Canadian tire parking lot. I went inside and spent $150 on a new battery but then I asked the guy that sold me the battery if I can borrow a wrench or something to take out my old one and he told me straight out "NO" I needed to buy one. After spending 45 min outside in -35 degree weather I finally found somebody who had one. Was shocked that they wouldn't help me out.
Jennifer B.: The same thing happened to me with a car battery...we even had the proof of purchase from Canadian tire, but they would not honour it. I think it is something they do often.
Olga M.:

Horrible horrible service today at Canadian tire Pincourt. My husband had to argue with a guy to sell him same car battery as he had before. But the guy kept saying it's ok ... Worn polarity? You can turn it around. Oh? Too big? It will fit.... What the heck? The battery my husband needed was same price and nothing special. He ended up buying the one guys pushed on him and now is back at the store exchanging it for what he asked for in a first place!!!
Barry G.:

Worst service in the auto parts department in Penticton, BC today, I bought a car with a battery from Canadian tire and had the paper work for warranty an is under warranty till April next year, I called an asked if the paper wasn't in my name would there be a problem an was told no. So I go there to get a new one an the sells rep said they can't do it due to it not being in my name even though the girl on the phone said its no problem. So I had to take my dead battery back out to my car an put it in an have a different auto shop come jump my battery in YOUR parking lot as your store would not do it. I'll be sure never to buy anything from there again.
Angry/CT/Me/Law/Guy claims:

"Canadian Tire has the best warranty in the business. The longest warranties for batteries, and also offers a roadside help program if the battery fails. no extra charge"

It will be interesting to see it they can offer any evidence for every retailer "in the business" ...
Crappy Tire's battery warranties are worthless as they use every trick in the book to worm their way out of replacement. After they cheated me years ago on a dead battery supposedly under a lifetime warranty, I've since bought my batteries at Costco where they stand behind what they sell.