for a while i was taking this seriously

now i think these guys pretending to represent ct are really just a caricature of bosses

like michael scott played by steve carell on the office

a villain we can all love to hate

they are just too over the top to be actual people

the jokes been on us for even responding to him/her

maybe its even the site owner trying to drive up site hit by being the worst imaginable ct owner

that would explains all the reminders to donate, lol


faker ct reps
Unfortunately for you, the measurement of who is a good owner or bad owner is not for you to decide.

Faker reps, not likely. There is atleast two of us on here posting regularly that are owners.

What makes a good owner? Someone who runs a clean organized store that keeps customers happy, and keeps them coming back. the store is full, fresh with new items on sale each week and has a core group of staff that like working with customers, and that like to work where they do. Of course it has to meet the standards set out by the Corporation and.... it must be profitable as well.

If your thought is that we're bad owners because we argue on here with customers and ct employees, that's a shitty metric. Here's why. The whiners on here are not customers providing constructive criticism with the intent to help stores improve where they can. It's been made very clear that the intent is to sink Canadian Tire, oh by the way good luck with that lol. Customers who actually want to have discussions about things that go wrong, those are the ones we listen to. On here, no matter what we say, you all call us liars, assume we are wrong and i don't recall even once a ct hater on here ever changing even a single opinion one time or realizing they could be wrong. The worst case of stubbornness i've ever witnessed.

Ditto for the current or ex employees who come here to whine. nobody forced any of them to work at a ct store. they are in a situation for whatever circumstance(s) that this is the role they have ended up in. the common complaints, underpaid, overworked, managers that don't bring in enough staff. Guess what, we know what it takes to do the job. A lot of us worked our way from stockers to managers to owners over the years. If they are not happy, they are free to move on, but nobody is in a position to say how many staff is needed to run a store on any given day except the management team and me. This is typical of people who see in their own mind that retail is a last resort and not a real job. They will behave and perform accordingly. those who come to work ready to work, committed to doing a good job and happy to be employed, they will outproduce the self professed over qualified whiners 10-1.
Unfortunately for you, the measurement of who is a good owner or bad owner is not for you to decide.


that's exactly what i was talking about!

people are supposed to get all upset that you deliberately mis-quoted them and argue with the faker owners

we are supposed to write back, saying things like, oh, i never wrote anything about what kind of owner you were, you are a liar, blah-blah-blah

no - we are in on the joke now

we know they are not even owners or managers at all

i mean real owners or manager would not be so ignorant and so obnoxious and tell so many lies day after day

plus endorse the kind of behaviour we have read about on this tread and others

you now - its just not as funny now that we know you are only faker owners
I’ve suspected for a while that these weren’t real dealers or managers. I mean, why would they be doing so much damage to their own store’s credibility? It seemed designed more to stir up controversy and debate. Very troll-ish.

This ‘faker ct rep’ idea make things snap into focus. Like all those lies – they seemed so pontless before, but now it adds up. For instance, this claim that consumers think “that we're bad owners because we argue on here with customers and ct employees”. It’s just made up crap, to bait consumers into a fight, then laugh at how seriously we take the fakers. Actually brilliant, to give them credit.

And this complaint about how consumers on “Canadian Tire Sucks” aren’t providing enough “constructive criticism”? I would have missed the humour if it hadn’t been pointed out just now.

Yes, I can see how the goading and provoking about unhappy employees is just a tactic to drive site hits. I, too, was suspicious about the constant references to the “donate” button. Seems a little blatant, now that I think about it.

Good insight – thanks!
I’ve suspected for a while that these weren’t real dealers or managers. I mean, why would they be doing so much damage to their own store’s credibility? It seemed designed more to stir up controversy and debate. Very troll-ish.

This ‘faker ct rep’ idea make things snap into focus. Like all those lies – they seemed so pontless before, but now it adds up. For instance, this claim that consumers think “that we're bad owners because we argue on here with customers and ct employees”. It’s just made up crap, to bait consumers into a fight, then laugh at how seriously we take the fakers. Actually brilliant, to give them credit.

And this complaint about how consumers on “Canadian Tire Sucks” aren’t providing enough “constructive criticism”? I would have missed the humour if it hadn’t been pointed out just now.

Yes, I can see how the goading and provoking about unhappy employees is just a tactic to drive site hits. I, too, was suspicious about the constant references to the “donate” button. Seems a little blatant, now that I think about it.

Good insight – thanks!

Tsk, tsk....faker advocate (probably only one). You still try to speak as though you actually have knowledge, but yet again are so easy to disprove. You are trying so hard to deflect the obvious conundrum of not having even ONE example of CTC or any other retailer for that matter, having an illegal return policy or contravening the CPA or SoGA. I've mentioned before that I wondered where all the social losers went after Yahoo and MSN chat rooms went away. I see you found your way here. Let's try and at least stay factual.
You'll like these I had 840 customers (a little slower than last year, but it pissed down rain all day). The average sale was $42.32. Now be a good faker advocate and work out how much I profited today. You're affecting my business how? You're relevant how? You're honest how?
For those playing along....the questions are rhetorical.....I already know the starts with a z...and ends with an....o.
Sad to say I think these really are canadian tire dealers and/or managers.

They pull the same shit in the stores every day. Lying to customers and abusing them, and doing the same to employees, like it’s all OK. No surprise that they’d come on here and do the same.

Just in case customers are finding about the SOGA, they'll lie about that, too, just in case they can fool them some more.

When they are caught telling lies, they complain about being called liars. They promise Easy Returns, then deny them for any number of excuses. They threaten to call the cops on customers who yell at staff, then turn around and do the same thing themselves to the same staff.

You think these are Faker Rep’s? No, this is the real McCoy alright. We just get a clearer look at it on here.
Sad to say I think these really are canadian tire dealers and/or managers.

They pull the same shit in the stores every day. Lying to customers and abusing them, and doing the same to employees, like it’s all OK. No surprise that they’d come on here and do the same.

Just in case customers are finding about the SOGA, they'll lie about that, too, just in case they can fool them some more.

When they are caught telling lies, they complain about being called liars. They promise Easy Returns, then deny them for any number of excuses. They threaten to call the cops on customers who yell at staff, then turn around and do the same thing themselves to the same staff.

You think these are Faker Rep’s? No, this is the real McCoy alright. We just get a clearer look at it on here.

Do you add any value?

Are you relevant?

Are you more than a self-serving liar?

All rhetorical.....the answer is obviously NO
Hey has anybody seen the movie cat fish?

I think the fake owners are like that – even though they are annoying, we are better off with them, because they keep us on our toes, and cautious in what we do, so that we do a better job of letting other consumers know the truth about ct policies and stuff.

(well maybe not the "union" and the "lose loser loses" posts, but at least the ones with plausible lies.)

so, even though they seem like such jerks and a-holes at the time, they are actually helping keep us strong.

but they sure are annoying, LOL!
So rather then being thankful that you're employed and can put food on your table, you whine because it's not as easy a gig you thought it was. Come on man, the company doesn't owe you anything, and the world doesn't either. You got caught in a tough spot, you accepted a position to help you out and offer your services. Do the job to the best of your ability, accept the pay, leave it at that.

Never said I wasn't thankful. But thanks for reading more into it. I am grateful to be working...I do my job I don't ask for anything and I leave.I don't think I'm better than anyone else, nor do I think I'm entitled to anything. I have been working since I was 12, owned my own business for a time. Then I got ill and believe me...I'm grateful for the job I have. I thought this was a place I could come and vent....but thanks again for the feedback... I think YOU should get a real job instead of whining about us...get off your computer and go outside...there's a big world out there.
This is the kind of ingrate union minded handout I'm talking about! You don't like the job?!? Leave. You want more money but don't produce anything except more costs to me. Leave. You want to dictate to what you think you're entitled to, on my efforts and sacrifice to get to where I am??? Fuck right off. Get the fuck out of my store. The truth is, people like you don't amount to much. Lots more out there willing to work for their money. All you do is complain, want more money without, without, without adding anything useful to my bottom line. You're not even part of the equation. Typical union loser mentality. You don't like it, get the fuck out. Lots more like you who need a job. I doubt you lazy people have what it takes to be successful.

I never said I didn't like my job...I want the staff to be educated on products...I want the staff to be on the ball. Nice language though...I'm sure you'll go far......
If you want to be knowledgable and on the ball, then put in the effort. Any one that does it on their own, is certain to leave you in the dust and get ahead. No one will do it for you and ambition gets anyone ahead. 100% effort is expected and that's what you get paid for. 105% effort gets those people ahead of all the others that just do their job. I'm sure you've seen it and it works very well to separate the pretenders from the workers. Just sayin
Never said I wasn't thankful.

I never said I didn't like my job...I want the staff to be educated on products...I want the staff to be on the ball. Nice language though...I'm sure you'll go far......

Around here, you get used to being mis-quoted by the Crappy People.

Thanks for your insights - they are of interest to consumers, when deciding to whom we should give our valuable business.
Why don't you quit? Or, go talk to your manager with a pocket tape recorder, and share it with everyone on this site.:unconscious:
if it makes you feel any better im the parts bitch... my manager constantly gives me his work, and is a sexist prick... and i have contacted aohs on my store and they still got away with what they were doing so government does sweet fa to help