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  • [color=green]Overall experience was GOOD.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Overall experience was BAD.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • [color=green]Staff is/was POLILTE, HELPFUL and PROFESSIONAL.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Staff is/was UNPLEASANT and UNHELPFUL.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • [color=green]Store is/was well stocked and organized.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Store is/was NOT well stocked and organized.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • [color=green]Store is/was neat and clean.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]Store is/was dirty, neglected and untidy.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • [color=green]YES I am satisfied with the products / service.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]NO I am NOT satisfied with the products / service.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • [color=green]YES I would recommend this store to others.[/color]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [color=red]NO I would NOT recommend this store to others.[/color]

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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Rate this Canadian Tire store?

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  • Only choose the options that apply.
  • Try to be honest.
Post other opinions and thought on this particular store below.
This store sucks, teller number 7 today looked like a 12 year old moron who had zero customer knowledge whatsoever. I spent 1 hour gathering over $100 worth of canadian tire crap to buy including a $2 salt shaker. After the child punched in all the items the salt shaker had no bar code on it. She called out for help and made us wait for about 5 minutes, then she called for a price check over the intercom, now been about 8 minutes waiting, she decides she will now cancel my items and without talking to me or anything she starts processing other customers in the line. I am now not only waiting with my wife and kids but i am now in the way of the other shoppers as I am still waiting to pay. I told the child working that I was not waiting any longer and would never return to Crappy tire EVER AGAIN!

Dont bother with any Crappy tire, there are better deals elsewhere, they are ripping us all off, its not the store it use to be.
Here's an idea. Why don't you go back and get another one with a bar code. There are not enough staff in that department to service everyone at one time. Did you ever think that maybe the 2 people working in that department were busy servicing other customers. Everyone has become so spoiled. Get off you ass and do it yourself.
Canadian Tire complaints

i needed some propane today i understand the weather was not the best of days to get propane for my bar b q .i parked my car and took the tank out of the trunk of my car walked inside the gas station store and told the guy i needed some propane the guy tells me that they are all out of propane i said thank you and turned and walked out before i got to my car the guy opens the back door of his booth and says he can fill it up for $50 bucks i told him i bet you would and got home called the store that is behind the gas bar location and asked to speak to manager after talking to him about what had happened he gave me other phone number to canadian tire complaint department was getting up set because started looking like they where just trying to pass the buck to some one ells .anyways i called the complaint department i had explained what had happened she said she would fill out a report and send it to the proper department .but struck me kind of funny because she didn't ask me what my name was or phone number so they can follow up with me .so really sounds like the person that took the complaint put it on the cheer she was sitting on .and i really think that is as far as the compliant went .
if its anything like the store location at kenilworth and Barten in hamilton .its really to bad that people that work at canadian tire will ripe you off in a second if they can ..and really dont think that they do any type of security check up on the people that work there .i am the last person that would say some one dont deserve a second chance if they have a past .but when they try to out and out ripe of a costumer they should not be given a second chance . this guy deserves to be kicked to the curve .
This forum is just a place for people to complain. You know what? You might get upset because employees aren't about to put 100% for their attention on you but we employees get pissed off because customers are bitchy, rude, and don't realize how difficult the job actually can be. In response to Guest 0388, we are supposed to suspend the transaction while we wait for the product code and serve the next customer in line to prevent our line from getting too long. Makes sense right? Also, if you aren't satisfied with how quickly we are getting the product then get it yourself but don't bitch. At any given time we have about 50 people in the store but only about 15-20 employees working the floor so we don't always have someone available right away. Stop whining and get over it.
Not sure why this was posted for one store in Kanata - this sad example of crappy customer service is typical of the entire chain.

It never fails to surprise me how Crappy Employees descend to such depths of hatred towards the very consumers who are, indirectly, paying their wages.

But I actually blame the owners and mangers, and not individual employees. Mangement will prey on those desperate for a job, or those with naïve visions of actually helping the buying public.

But the owners and manager push these new staff members into the fray, like cannon-fodder, with inadequate training and little support. Outnumbered and misinformed, the ill-equipped staff face unavoidable conflict with customers, who have experienced a decent level of service at the other retailers. When the inevitable disappointment strikes these customers, they are left with noone to whom they can voice their concerns in person, save the poorly trained and unknowledgeable staff.

And that’s before Mr. and Mrs. Average Canadian discover the uniquely horrible return policies that Crappy Tire has put in place, in the name of higher profits.

No wonder ordinary Canadians gave Crappy Tire a grade of “F” on customer service, second only to the soon-to-be-closed Zellers.

And what becomes of these staffers, worn down by day after dreary day of struggling to do the job of many, while underpaid and unappreciated?

The result is predictable: employees whose anger and hostility is turned against the very people whose spending is the only source of their paltry wages.

Nothing sums it up quite like the unofficial motto of Crappy Tire: "Get off you ass and do it yourself".

These sad creatures are doomed to become like the embittered cw1994, whose anti-customer attitude is apprently rife within the ranks of Crappy People.
Do not even question my customer service because I have never once been rude to a customer. I have always kept my cool and I have always been polite even though at times I felt like lashing out. In fact, I have actually gotten numerous positive comments from customers about how helpful and polite and respectful I have been. So do not ever questions my customer service. All I am trying to say is that customers expect too much from employees and customers can be rude as well.
This guy sounds like he's ready to snap at any moment.

His arrogance is only going to make it worse when he finally starts "lashing out" at customers.

How long can he hold up, having to grin through his teeth at "rude" customers who "expect too much", day after day?

I think his hostility is going to get him in trouble some day soon ...
This forum is just a place for people to complain. You know what? You might get upset because employees aren't about to put 100% for their attention on you but we employees get pissed off because customers are bitchy, rude, and don't realize how difficult the job actually can be. In response to Guest 0388, we are supposed to suspend the transaction while we wait for the product code and serve the next customer in line to prevent our line from getting too long. Makes sense right? Also, if you aren't satisfied with how quickly we are getting the product then get it yourself but don't bitch. At any given time we have about 50 people in the store but only about 15-20 employees working the floor so we don't always have someone available right away. Stop whining and get over it.

Well maybe if your crappy store was more customer service oriented, someone would have helped the customer. You sound like a reject cashier from Burger King.
Do not even question my customer service ... do not ever questions my customer service.

Um, actually, I didn't "questions" anybody's "customer service".

(Although I did point out that "ordinary Canadians gave Crappy Tire a grade of “F” on customer service.")

No, I simply mentioned cw1994's obvious "anti-customer attitude". Hardly the same thing.

But since the subject has now been raised, 'methinks cw1994 doth protest too much'.
My muffler was on the verge of falling off due to rusted hinges, so I decided to go to CT because it was the only place that could do it after 6 PM. Thus, I didn't have to take time off work. Suddenly the putting on hinges turned into the catalytic converter and its flange being rusted through and would probably break off in days. They said it would probably break off while putting the hinges on. So, it will cost $600 not including labour. I looked at it, felt it and saw some rust, but was not the "paper thin" they described. I told them to put the hing on and I'll consider it for the future (which I had no intention). All the while trying to sell me an interest free credit card to pay for the repair. I said no and to do the small work I asked. Steve, the service rep, yelled back to the mechanic to do the hing work only. The mechanic yelled back, "Are you sure?! I doubt the flange will even survive the job, it's paper thin!". After the work was done, Steve had the nerve to say we'll see you in a couple of days.

A couple days later, I took the car to a trusted mechanic (I had to take some time off work to go see him) to be inspected and to confirm if the catalytic converter was indeed on its last legs. Not at all! The car is in fine condition. He showed me the entire underside of the car, the components and tapped on the flange with a wrench and it didn't move or anything and laughed at the term "paper thin".

I was extremely worried for days about the potential $1,000 (after labour) costs and how I would get the money to pay for this, until I confirmed that nothing was wrong. Just another example of CT scamming people and trying to force unnecessary repairs. NEVER go to CT for repairs! And if you go to this location, don't trust Steve. He's a sleazy car salesman in disguise! He's all friendly, wants to be your friend. But actually just wants to pad his sales.