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CBS reported on a recent Leger Marketing survey and on 'secret shopper' reviews of customer service in Canadian retailers.

It was a close, three-way race for last place, between Canadian Tire, Zellers and Walmart.

In the end, Canadian Tire sucked more than every other major Canadian retailer ... except for Zellers.

And they only sucked very slightly less than Zellers! "LOL Hilarious".

Here’s the link: Canada's Worst Customer Service: Store Edition - Marketplace
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Oh oh!

The Crappy People aren't gonna like THIS very much!

And the consumer advocate they despise the most, Ellen Roseman, is on there too, offering her criticisms of Crappy Tire.

LOL Most of us knew this was coming out a few weeks before it aired, and we waited for it! Of course MY opinion is biased, so get an honest idea of what customers think, spend half an hour reading the comments section below the video on the MarketPlace website.

A LOT of disgusted people who were disappointed by the episode, and pissed about how MarketPlace handled it!

Net Impact - zero
Of course MY opinion is biased, so get an honest idea ...

Well, at least Angry-CT-Me-Law-Guy admits she's biased ... and dishonest, LOL!

... of what customers think, spend half an hour reading the comments section below the video on the MarketPlace website.

Oh, excellent idea.

Be sure and filter out all the 'biased' opinions from employees, who vent their hostility towards customers - very enlightening, and says a lot about why Crappy Tire was given a grade of "F".

No surprise to readers of this and similar consumer sites.

And pay attention to what the consumers wrote (and not just the angry staffers). Customers are indded disgusted, disappointed and pissed off all right - at the crappy customers service!

Net Impact - zero

Yup - zero impact has been made on the store that was given an "F" by consumers and Mystery Shoppers.

Another chance for Crappy Tire to clean up their act .... completely squandered.

A LOT of disgusted people who were disappointed by the episode, and pissed about how MarketPlace handled it!

Yeah, I spent a few minutes looking through the comments.

The "people" who were disgusted/disappointed/pissed were almost exclusively Crappy People, like owners, staff and managers. Or, they work (if only for the next little while) at Zellers.

But oridinary consumers? They had more horror stories to share.

No surpise there - it was consumers who gave Crappy Tire the "F".
Personally I found some of the reasons to be ridiculous. One of the complaints was that staff were not approaching each and every customer asking if they needed help.

I don't know about you but I were to walk into a store and be asked for help and didn't want any, I would politely say no. Then I walk down to another asile and be asked for help by another staff and I would feel rather annoyed. Continue my shopping to another area of the store and be asked for help.. I would WALK OUT!

I know I would refuse to go to future shop because I would be HOUNDED by staff for help.. I just want to shop IN PEACE and IF I need help can ask for it.

Now in regards to wanting personal experience on products. A SMART SHOPPER would NEVER go by what a sales person recommends; a SMART BUYER would DO THEIR HOMEWORK FIRST. Look up reviews.. ask around, ask some more.. google it..

And to be upset because a 16 year old kid isn't able to assist you on how to wire your house is ridiculous at best! There are reason there are ELECTRICIANS. I would never go into a store and expect or rely on a KID to tell me how to wire up something that could turn DEADLY if wired wrong!

Personally what I find is MOST person questions that are easily found.. "How many cups can this coffee maker make?" Flip the box and large print "12 cups"..

"Where is this made? China?"
Turn over the box. "Make in China".

"Which belt goes with my vacuum?"

This is why we have guide sheets near products like these (oil filters, air filters, auto fluids, screws, adheisives, caulking, vacuums, shop vacs, etc..)

More often than not, I find the questions ask, and the time to look for a staff member who may be assisting another customer is much greater and time consuming than would be to simply read the box, or look at the guidance sheets which is usually what we do anyways.

I've learned and don't buy ANYTHING until I research, and research some more. I may go into a store with an idea in mind but I keep track of notes on products of interest. Take that information home and research.

Personally I found some of the reasons to be ridiculous.

The survey showed that consumers don't like the lack of service at Crappy Tire (giving it an "F").

And now we see that the feeling is mutual - the store management doesn't like customers, either.

No surprise to people who read the anti-consumer comments posted here by Crappy People, week after week. At the CBC site, too.

Remember: the store needs consumers.

But luckily, consumers don't need Crappy Tire.

As CT_Manager wrote, "Be a SMART BUYER". Ie., buy at a store that values your business - and that's definitely not Crappy Tire.
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Glenn Butt, executive vice president of customer experience and automotive says, basically, 'our return policies suck'.

"we know we need to do a better job improving the complete customerexperience around returning products to our stores."

Thanks for the confession, Crappy Executive!