I think Jumpstart probably does some good things. But not everybody agree.

Vernus Byes but if you are a working parent you do not qualify. If your kid cannot be in sports because it is too expensive too bad. Many of us go though this, and we certainly do not expect others to pay for it.
Candy D.:

Dear Canadian Tire on 130th ave Calgary OMG it rained!!!!! My car had an appointment for a balance job on the tires at 3:00. It rained OMG IT RAINED IN CALGARY!!!! My car was in a puddle they said at 4:45. They couldn't get to it. Do they not sell rubber boots at Canadian Tire or rain coats. My car still needs a balance on the summer tires because it rained in Calgary and those pansies couldn't either think to put boots on or they couldn't get wet feet.
Oh, those illegal "surprised at the exit" backpack searches!

And what happened to poor Ashley's original post? Did Crappy perform yet another pissed off "maintenance" round again

Dustin D.: As a cyclist I often wear a backpack. Leaving your store in Wpg I was asked to have my bag searched which I flatly refused. Apparently its a policy now to search thru peoples personal belonging in a biased and discriminatory way. Why wouldnt you search thru all bags like purses etc (which are far easier to slip something in than a backpack). I felt violated and upset and will never shop in your stores again until you stop harassing and profiling people.

Ashley B.: No, thank you. Said location's "Associate Dealer" at that time has ruined any chance that I would have a positive experience in that store, years ago. I will continue to shop elsewhere, just don't want anyone else to go through the same thing I did.
A lot of this going on, still:

Randy M.:

I made a complaint about the Maple Ridge B.C. store on here a few weeks ago and they asked me to contact them with more info. I did and the reply I got was basically "we've forwarded your complaint to the store and if you want to you can contact the store directly." Like I hadn't already done that. So from now on I will not be boycotting the Maple Ridge Canadian Tire. I will be boycotting ALL Canadian Tire stores.
CT sucks at skates:

Ivone G.. Is nice they do that, but I wish they would have just exchanged the one size too small skates that we got by listening to the persistent advise of your employee. After sharpening and trying them again at home they did fit but not comfortably so our soon had to miss his first skating class. I gave a call and was told the person in charge of that location would give me a call but didnt. In short I dont need help to pay for my kids activities, just wish you wouldn't have ruined my kid's first class. Btw the same skates I got for 80 found at Wal-Mart for 22 on sale so it didn't pain that much thanks to that.
Shawntel M.D.: what i always wanted to ask and please no one get offended i would like to see jumpstart supporting more then just hockey as not ever kid in the world wants to play hockey how come you guys only help out with hockey not football or soccer or any other sports we love more then just hockey. i simply do not donate to the jumpstart program when i go itno my local canadian tire due to this factor.
James M.: Why is it that i look up a 35 mm socket on my store Canadian Tire website and find the 35mm socket i am looking for has 2 in stock Get in my Car drive to my store find the row where it should be and not only is it not there..there isn't even a post for it between a 34mm and 36mm socket With walmart down the street that have them in stock and a Parts source on the other side of the street and Home depo the next block and because this is not the first time I have since returned my wheel hubs and rotors brake pads back to Canadian tire No sence of buying parts if you don't carry the tools to install them whom ever is doing the stock listing and /or inventory hasn't been doing so well for awhile now
Randy M.: We took Lorraine's car in for a tire repair. Tire was not fixable, but had road hazard protection. Problem is, tire is no longer available. After much discussion, they applied the warranty to all four tires and replaced all four with one size larger. Not a big deal, but the warranty ended up costing us money instead of saving us money. However, the bigger issue was when we picked up the car the first time, we found that they had broken the interior door handle. After much discussion the service manager said they would fix it. Brought it in a few days later to get the tires installed and he waited until the tires were on before saying "oh, we will have to charge you for the handle". Told him to keep the handle. If he had told us before theories were on I would have told him to keep the tires too.
Crappy says this hose Ultimate. Customers say it sucks. Who's telling the truth? One guess!

Bran K.: This hose sucks ! So does the sprinklers .! I bought 2 just to find that they all leak . Disappointed
This ultimate hose sounds like it's ultimately bad:

Darryl S.: I spent a hundred some odd dollars on this hose and it is the worst for kinks. Does not roll up on a spool due to a jumbled mess of twists that are impossible to unwind. Very disappointed in the product especially considering the advertising claims. Not sure of others experiences but I am not a fan.
Poor Pat. The latest person to realize that "This isn't your father's Canadian Tire".

Pat L.:
Canadian Tires service is going to the crapper . All my life I was sure of one thing , if you had a problem with a product , it could be returned ;usually , replaced with a product of equal VALUE . here is my recent experience . Less than one year ago my wife purchased for me, a Michelin low profile 2 ton car hoist . She grabbed it on sale at the Pembroke Ontario store location . It was the one that I wanted because it appeared to be the best quality for a reasonable price .Kind of the Canadian Tire motto eh?
Well , Canadian tire also thought that it was a good product , because they've replaced that exact Michelin hoist with the EXACT SAME PRODUCT only now it's red and has the their logo on it .
That's just fine , except : My less than a year old hoist , was leaking at the piston.When I took it in to the store , the automotive manager tells me,he can only give me a store credit ,because they do not carry that product any longer . He helped me open the Canadian Tire product (Michelin) and agreed that it was the exact same product . 2 ton low profile hoist . I needed the jack to go home and finish installing my canadian tire products on my truck ! He again informed me that he could not give me the RED jack in place of the BLUE one . it would be $40 more+tax ...........After quite a hassle and a few trips back and forth to the service desk , I left with my original money , no jack !
However , you can now pick up some groceries whilst you are waiting on your service decision !
Christian P.
I wanted to post about my experience tonight at my local Canadian Tire in Barrie, ON. Before I made the trip, I checked online to make sure that they had stock of Mobil 1 5w20 oil that was on sale for $28 for 4 litres. Sure enough, the online stock said 4 left...drove to the store, couldn't find them, got re directed from associate to associate to try and find the elusive oil that indeed the computers in store said they had, but yet had foiled us all... 15 minutes later, finally a mechanic from inside the garage was grabbed b/c no one else really had any idea what they were looking for and he looked everywhere, even in back stock and came up empty handed. I was then told basically told sorry about your luck...I explained I had driven in to Canadian Tire specifically for the oil and asked if they could at least substitute the 4.4litre jug for the same price for my inconvenience and was told "no way"...I find it hit and miss for my experiences here at Canadian Tire from service to stock of items (good luck if it is an advertised sale item) and figured I would let the powers of Canadian Tire Facebook know about my experience.
More on those ultimately bad hoses that CT is using to hose Canadians:

Chris M.: Bought 2 Yardworks hoses, a shovel and a rake. All broke within months. Junk!
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If your battery is totally dead, it can take a looooong time to recharge. Sometimes they cannot be recharged at all. Just sayin'.
Jo-Ann O.:

A couple of weeks ago I messaged about not receiving a back order from Feb 23, 2015. You pm me asking for additional information and I sent in pm to you. Unlike you suggested Canadian Tire has NOT got in touch with me about the light shades for the ceiling. GREAT customer service do you not agree!!!!!!!!! But no worries....it just mabe one less credit card for your staff to maintain and two less people for your cashiers to ring through....
Mario L.:

Am located in Quebec City. Just wanted to let you guys know how sick and tired I am after being asked to show the contents of my backpack everytime - and I mean 'everytime!' - I buy something at your store...
How can Crappy Tire, in good conscience, continue to hawk these horrible 'Yard Works' products, that generate so many complaints, and are of such horrible quality?

Yet they continue to post false claims on their facebook page, and do nothing to address these issues!

Dianne G.: Stay away from yard works........they kink even though they say they are anti kink, and are stiff, and ct would not take it back, offer a refund of anything when I went back with it the next day! Gardena is the way to go!

Andrew B.:
Do NOT BUY YARD WORKS - Two Reasons - 1)I almost lost my finger this weekend because the handle for my yard works hedge trimmer broke off while trimming a small boxwood and my hand slipped into the cutters. I ended up in the ER with part of finger sliced off.. I was very lucky to not have lost my finger and so is CT...The trimmer is 1 year old... wonder what CT thinks of this.. I don't want another one that is for sure 2) my shovel broke where the shaft meets the spade... the medal spade actually split in half. Its a shovel, I don't care that should never happen.
In the past, the CT'ers have freaked out, when things like this have been posted here:

Darrin S.: Its amazing how all these companies offer these things at our expense. We pay the two dollars and they get the tax write off and the credit. I believe in helping our youth in being able to do all these activities. Why can they not donate the money or gear for these activities. Brian