
New member
In August, I took my vehicle in for a simple Safety and Emissions. It failed both. I said to go ahead and do an Emissions diagnostic. 2 hours later, they still had not started it. They drove me home. 2 hours later, I call to find out the results of the diagnostic since I hadn't heard from them. I was told they were still working on the diagnostic. 2 hours later again, finally I recieve a phone call. The call was not to tell me what they found; instead it was to say my car was done. They picked me up. I get to Canadian Tire and they charge me over $1000. I found out later that day that in 2002 a law was passed stating that it is illegal to perform services/repairs on a vehicle without authorization. I contacted Head Office. They followed up, and then said the Waterdown store did something they were not supposed to do, and that the owner wanted to deal direct with me. I never heard from him. So, I contacted him via registered mail explaining the situation. I heard nothing back. I then filed with the BBB and the Department of Consumer Protection/Rights. Canadian Tire sent through a rebuttal; it was all falsified information. Fortunately, I'm one of those obsessive people that insists on retaining a paper trail on everything. I have documentation to prove all of their statements were false. More importantly, they ignored the reason I filed complaints; that I was unlawfully charged for unauthorized repairs. I contacted the BBB and Dept of Consumer Protection/Rights again to re-explain the point of the complaint and that Canadian Tire still had no ground to stand on. Following that, I sent out emails to all local newspapers offering them the story of a huge corporation coming into such a small town and taking advantage of the towns people. I am Waterdownian, born and raised, and this is appalling to me...I know it will be to others born and raised here. Already the towns people are upset at what Waterdown has become, with all of the mega stores moving in. Canadian Tire made a comment in their rebuttal that I was attempting to ruin their reputation. I found that ironic, seeing as I have told the truth about the event and they have falsified information wherever possible. With my ability to prove this, you'd think they would clue in to the fact that they would be ruining their own reputation.

At this point I am looking for other options to make myself heard. I am curious whether or not picketing by the entrance of the parking lot is allowed? Waterdown needs to know what Canadian Tire is doing in their town. The store owner needs to know that he cannot pull illegal business practices and get away with it. If he fears for his reputation, then I would like to show him that there is a right way and a wrong way to do business in order to have a good-standing reputation with your current and future customers. Taking advantage of people and performing illegal activities is certainly not the way to do it.

I would love to hear someones advice/thoughts on this matter....
I think what you did was the right thing. You just need to keep fighting them with legalities. That is the only way to go about it. I'm glad there are people like you out there willing to stand up for themselves and to help this to not happen to others.

Keep doing what you're doing! You are absolutely RIGHT!
It's so nice to read that someone is so supportive! I must admit that this whole situation has really become stressful and trying...Little 'ol me against this huge corporation that cares nothing about the consumer. It's been tough. Your words though have given me a bit of a spark to keep at it though, so thank you for that. :) Hopefully this will all be resolved sooner than later! I will add to the thread once there are updates on the 'battle'.

Keep up your fight! Picketing is legal as long as you do it on the public property (i.e. - sidewalk or road allowance) in front of their store. IF you're not on their property, Canadian Tire can do piss all about it.
I had a bad experience with the Canadian Tire Auto Centre on Gibb Street in Oshawa in 2002 and have never bought another thing from their stores since. They truly don't give a damn about their customers and they WILL try to weasel their way out of responsibility any way they can.
In short, they're sleazy.
Similar thing happened to my buddy, and he won in the end (got all of his money back) but you have to keep fighting. He had cardboard signs on his car doors stating "Canadian Tire ripped me off" and drove around town doing his business displaying his displeasure. Alot of people asked about the signs so he got his story out and ruined their reputation. He also stood at the entrance way to the parking lot displaying similar signs and got the message across. The police did come at the request of Crappy Tire but did nothing to him as he was on public property and not causing a disturbance. He was also looking into information on submitting his story to W5? I think it is them that do a yearly show on crooked Mechanic shops. The Tire should have just paid up to begin with and they could have avoided the negative publicity, but they will never learn, its not the first or the last time that they will screw people out of their money.
At least she got her car certified and e-tested !! annd those nice people dropped her off and picked her up too !! What great service !!
It's not the point. They did $1000 dollars of unauthorized work without permission.
From the sounds of it poster wanted just testing, may of ment they were capable of doing the work themselves once they knew what was wrong.
Keep up your fight! Picketing is legal as long as you do it on the public property (i.e. - sidewalk or road allowance) in front of their store. IF you're not on their property, Canadian Tire can do piss all about it.
I had a bad experience with the Canadian Tire Auto Centre on Gibb Street in Oshawa in 2002 and have never bought another thing from their stores since. They truly don't give a damn about their customers and they WILL try to weasel their way out of responsibility any way they can.
In short, they're sleazy.

Picketing? You're kidding right?!?! Lame. In the age of youtube, and what viral media has done for Susan Boyle ( #1 Album Sales Billboard 200, over 700K sold in the first week vs Whitney's comeback, 200K sales) the CT victim is much better off youtubing their own story with dramatizations, sound bytes, and poignant commentary - Michael Moore style.

Sue them too!
We have so many dumb customers like you who come in and want to be treated like a queen. So we fix your car complete with door to door valet service and you have the nerve to complain because you don't like the bill. Ok how about you bring the car back in and we undo the good that we've done for $1000 and sign some papers.
Re: Unauthorized Auto Services Performed at Waterdown Canadian Tire Store--- the only way to combat such businesses as Canadian Tieres who fel they are above th

In August, I took my vehicle in for a simple Safety and Emissions. It failed both. I said to go ahead and do an Emissions diagnostic. 2 hours later, they still had not started it. They drove me home. 2 hours later, I call to find out the results of the diagnostic since I hadn't heard from them. I was told they were still working on the diagnostic. 2 hours later again, finally I recieve a phone call. The call was not to tell me what they found; instead it was to say my car was done. They picked me up. I get to Canadian Tire and they charge me over $1000. I found out later that day that in 2002 a law was passed stating that it is illegal to perform services/repairs on a vehicle without authorization. I contacted Head Office. They followed up, and then said the Waterdown store did something they were not supposed to do, and that the owner wanted to deal direct with me. I never heard from him. So, I contacted him via registered mail explaining the situation. I heard nothing back. I then filed with the BBB and the Department of Consumer Protection/Rights. Canadian Tire sent through a rebuttal; it was all falsified information. Fortunately, I'm one of those obsessive people that insists on retaining a paper trail on everything. I have documentation to prove all of their statements were false. More importantly, they ignored the reason I filed complaints; that I was unlawfully charged for unauthorized repairs. I contacted the BBB and Dept of Consumer Protection/Rights again to re-explain the point of the complaint and that Canadian Tire still had no ground to stand on. Following that, I sent out emails to all local newspapers offering them the story of a huge corporation coming into such a small town and taking advantage of the towns people. I am Waterdownian, born and raised, and this is appalling to me...I know it will be to others born and raised here. Already the towns people are upset at what Waterdown has become, with all of the mega stores moving in. Canadian Tire made a comment in their rebuttal that I was attempting to ruin their reputation. I found that ironic, seeing as I have told the truth about the event and they have falsified information wherever possible. With my ability to prove this, you'd think they would clue in to the fact that they would be ruining their own reputation.

At this point I am looking for other options to make myself heard. I am curious whether or not picketing by the entrance of the parking lot is allowed? Waterdown needs to know what Canadian Tire is doing in their town. The store owner needs to know that he cannot pull illegal business practices and get away with it. If he fears for his reputation, then I would like to show him that there is a right way and a wrong way to do business in order to have a good-standing reputation with your current and future customers. Taking advantage of people and performing illegal activities is certainly not the way to do it.

I would love to hear someones advice/thoughts on this matter....

the only way to combat such businesses as Canadian Tieres who fel they are above the law and fiduaciary duty to clients is SUE--- sue to win adn get your friends to sue often! They willl eventually wake up to the fact they can not abuse good paying clients! DK in Ottawa
I work at this Store and not once have I seen any such picketing or your BS. You customers sicken me :). Whats done is done. Its your fault for bringing it into Canadian Tire, should of gone to your pathetic BMW dealership where you bought the piece of s@$#. Plus BMW's are shit.
I work at this Store and not once have I seen any such picketing or your BS. You customers sicken me :). Whats done is done. Its your fault for bringing it into Canadian Tire, should of gone to your pathetic BMW dealership where you bought the piece of s@$#. Plus BMW's are shit.

What? Are you a two year old?