
Posted by an unregistered user
haha today was funny, I went to buy a axle stand and the idiotic manager tells me that I have returned a "loan a tool" twice, when infact I rented the loan a tool three times over a duration of the last two months.

Whats funny is, these idiotic managers gave me receipts for two transactions that do not even make any sense, they could not actusally tell me conclusively what dates and transactions pertained to the tool rentals and returns hense I was arguing with them over the return and credit dates as my credit card invoice did not show an overage for credit for the tools even thou they claimed to admit an overage in credit.

Basically they tried to call the cops on me with my gf there for a double return when infact there was no double return everything was legit, I called visa and found out that this manager made a manual transaction of the sum of the tool rental by illigally copying my credit card number and expiry date and running it through hersellf inorder to balance her books???

can you believe these guys??? I took this right to the credit card people and they are investigating, I went through my receipts and these fredericton canadian tire fuckwats basically hosed me close to 200 bucks??? for returned items.

There was a lady who reported me to the manager this lady had ripped me off several times on returns when she instead of giving me the return value back she gave me the sale price back to the credit card, I caught her twice doing it and I guess this was her way to put her misery back on me, well sorry to say it but what goes around comes around, will see what the credit card company says if things go sour I will take these goofs to court.
I was there a couple of years ago and purchased tires. I was informed that if I did not have the tires installed there, then the warranty (@ $12 per tire plus tax and balancing charges) would be void. I asked how they could remove BF Goodrich's warranty and was told that was just how it was. I took my tires and called Goodyear to query their customer service people. They stated that the warranty was good no matter who installs them. Now how many times per week do you think they rake in that extra cash by lying directly to people?
I was there a couple of years ago and purchased tires. I was informed that if I did not have the tires installed there, then the warranty (@ $12 per tire plus tax and balancing charges) would be void. I asked how they could remove BF Goodrich's warranty and was told that was just how it was. I took my tires and called Goodyear to query their customer service people. They stated that the warranty was good no matter who installs them. Now how many times per week do you think they rake in that extra cash by lying directly to people?

They are not lying, just a bit misinformed. Tire manufacturer's warranties are valid anywhere their tires are sold, but only cover defects. If you run over a nail, blow out the tire due to poor inflation, road hazards, etc.......those aren't covered without having them installed at Canadian Tire or probably anywhere else that installs.
Most people do not understand what warranties are or what they cover....they think it's all I get a refund or replacement for ANY reason. Warranties usually only cover manufacturer's defects, which do happen, but far less often than people breaking shit through negligence.
I had them change some tires for me a couple of years ago and they broke the center out of my aluminum rims. They told me that they were not at fault. I talked to a couple of tire shops and they told me that this was because they did not take the tire off properly. I called the canadian tire head office and complained. Within 1 hour they called from smyth store and told me that they would replace the rim. When I went back to get the rim they told me that they couldnt find a match for it and tried to pawn of a set of rusty chrome rims in place of my aluminum rims. (Price of a aluminum rim is a lot more than a chrome rim). Told me to take them or leave it. Called head office again. Once again within an hour they called back and agreed to find some aluminum rims for me. After like a week they found some rims for me. When I went back in to get them put on they tried to charge me again for changing and balancing the tires...after all that I dont think I should have had to pay for the first time that alone the second time since it was there f&%kup. They did decide after I complained not to charge me again.
That place is full of idiots and morons that couldnt get a job anywhere else.
The customer service at Canadian tire Fredericton Smythe is terrible, they are cheaters. I will never buy anything from there in future.
The customer service at Canadian tire Fredericton Smythe is terrible, they are cheaters. I will never buy anything from there in future.

All CT stores suck in many ways.

Can you be more specific, in which way this store sucks more than most of the crappy tires?

They have so many ways of cheating their customers - is this store particularly fond of one specific CT scam?

Good for you for figuring out not to shop there. Was it one thing in particular, or was it just years of constant problems?
All CT stores suck in many ways.

Can you be more specific, in which way this store sucks more than most of the crappy tires?

They have so many ways of cheating their customers - is this store particularly fond of one specific CT scam?

Good for you for figuring out not to shop there. Was it one thing in particular, or was it just years of constant problems?

Here are some better places to shop:

Costco Canada changing return policy for tvs? [Archive] - Forums

Home Depot Sucks - Top Complaints

Good for a start, you can probably find one for every company in North America.
Here are some better places to shop:

Costco Canada changing return policy for tvs? [Archive] - Forums

Home Depot Sucks - Top Complaints

Good for a start, you can probably find one for every company in North America.

Ha-ha! CT Sucks, as usual!

Just for laughs, check out these links - pretty entertaining!

Suddenly, Canadian Tire is comparing itself to all of North America, instead of just Canada?

I guess that's the only way they can make their volume of complaints look not so bad - compare it to stores with 10 times the market size! LOL Hilarious!

Oh, and the 'big news' for Costco? It was back in January ... of 2008! Ha-ha!

And even after this ancient change, Costco is STILL much better than CT! LMAO!

Hey! Check out that US HD complaints site! A total of 56 posts! EVER! For all North America, including Mexico! Ha-ha-ha!

By far, the funniest post we've seen in a while!

Keep up the good work, CT!
Ha-ha! CT Sucks, as usual!

Just for laughs, check out these links - pretty entertaining!

Suddenly, Canadian Tire is comparing itself to all of North America, instead of just Canada?

I guess that's the only way they can make their volume of complaints look not so bad - compare it to stores with 10 times the market size! LOL Hilarious!

Oh, and the 'big news' for Costco? It was back in January ... of 2008! Ha-ha!

And even after this ancient change, Costco is STILL much better than CT! LMAO!

Hey! Check out that US HD complaints site! A total of 56 posts! EVER! For all North America, including Mexico! Ha-ha-ha!

By far, the funniest post we've seen in a while!

Keep up the good work, CT!

Yeah, check out these ones too:

Shocking Customer Service From Sears Canada Canada

i hate costco!!! | Facebook

Home Depot Sucks - Top Complaints

Faker advocate thinks he's unique...LOL. He thinks he's relevant...LMAO. Lots and lots of complainers about anything and everything. Thanks for your opinion....don't forget to donate...LOL
Yeah, those are pretty funny, too!

Well, not so much the “HD Sucks” link, which was funny the first time, but not so much when it's re-posted just 12 hours later. A little originality, please?

But the Sears one was entertaining. They were all “shocked” and what-not … for exactly the level of service shoppers report at CT routinely! So funny! Yeah, CT sells bedding alright – for camping, LOL! Nice comparison!

And the “I hate costco” facebook page? The main complaint is how full the parking lot is, and how long the lines are, Ha-Ha! Only about 30 posts, too, for all of the English speaking world. Sounds like Costco is pretty good at keeping customers happy, LOL.

But what’s with this “topsite” thing? It wasn’t funny, and not even very informative.

Oh, but of course, the poster’s implication is, that other stores sucking somehow diminishes how much CT sucks. Sorry – CT Still Sucks! No doubt there!

And is the best explanation the CT’ers can offer, for all the recurring complaints about their crappy business, all across the country, is that people who get bad service aren’t actually getting bad service?

Gee, how's this for a possibility: You Suck, Canadian Tire!

Anyway, keep up the funny posts – I hope you can find even more that make the other retailers look even better, compared to Crappy Canadian Tire!

But thanks for the laughs, though - mostly at CT's own stupidity :)
Even better:

WALMART @ Pissed Consumer
Home Depot @ Pissed Consumer
Target Sucks « We Hate Target and we know we're not alone!
Costco @ Pissed Consumer

Yep, lots of complaints from lots of people. Before it was word of mouth, now it's social media....and look at that donate button on some, but not others. I tend to like the not for profit sites.
I still love pointing out faker advocates lies though....wonder how he's making out contacting Ellen Roseman, various ministries, lawyers, etc. on the glaring illegal policies of CT and other retailers....yep, wonder how that's going...LOL
Yeah, pretty funny! I especially enjoy it when CT compares themselves to the US.

The Walmart complaints are from Texas, New Mexico, Ohio, Georgia.

Gee, when did CT go down to Texas again? How did that work out? Ha-ha-ha!

Hey, CT? Maybe you can compare yourself to all the stores in Asia and Europe, too! So funny!

But any Walmart complaints from good ol' Canada? Nope, couldn't find any! LOL!

Ditto for HD.

Yup, lots of reason to think Walmart Canada and HD Canada are doin' pretty darn well in the Customer Service departments!

Oh, Target, huh? How long have them been operating in Canada? What's that? Not yet, you say? Hilarious how CT thinks that's a head-to-head comparison! LOL Hilarious!

Hey, CT moron? Can you maybe find other sites that cover Canada? That would be more useful. Thanks.

Oh, and CT moron? Can you maybe post links to different sites, instead of multiple links into the SAME site? Mucho appreciato!

But what's funniest, is how CT thinks this proves that CT doesn't suck!

Great logic there! Absolute genius.

And don't forget: any site with a "donate" button must be a "faker advocate site", according to the CT people.

So, in their little minds, anyone posting pro-consumer information on such a site must be a "faker advocate". As if that were logical, LOL!

And what were the lies consumers post here? The CT people just never do get around to saying that part! Huh!

But it's worthwhile to check out the long list of proven lies the CT people routinely post here:

Oh, and CT? Keep those links to US complaints sites coming! Very entertaining, and they show just how much .... CT Sucks!
Come on, CT Rep!

Let's see some more of your ridiculous links to complaints about US retailers!

Don't forget to include lots of complaints about products that CT doesn't even carry. Ha-ha-ha!

Your loyal followers are especially interested in your hilarious theory, that complaints somehow prove that CT is a GOOD store!

Yes, it's very amusing, how that just shows how much CT really does suck!

Oh, but if anyone is interesting in complaints about store that carry the same things as CT, and operate in the same market, here's a link that is actually relevant, and shows directly just how much CT sucks:

Canadian Tire Sucks Forum - Canadian Tire Sucks Portal
Yeah, pretty funny! I especially enjoy it when CT compares themselves to the US.

The Walmart complaints are from Texas, New Mexico, Ohio, Georgia.

Gee, when did CT go down to Texas again? How did that work out? Ha-ha-ha!

Hey, CT? Maybe you can compare yourself to all the stores in Asia and Europe, too! So funny!

But any Walmart complaints from good ol' Canada? Nope, couldn't find any! LOL!

Ditto for HD.

Yup, lots of reason to think Walmart Canada and HD Canada are doin' pretty darn well in the Customer Service departments!

Oh, Target, huh? How long have them been operating in Canada? What's that? Not yet, you say? Hilarious how CT thinks that's a head-to-head comparison! LOL Hilarious!

Hey, CT moron? Can you maybe find other sites that cover Canada? That would be more useful. Thanks.

Oh, and CT moron? Can you maybe post links to different sites, instead of multiple links into the SAME site? Mucho appreciato!

But what's funniest, is how CT thinks this proves that CT doesn't suck!

Great logic there! Absolute genius.

And don't forget: any site with a "donate" button must be a "faker advocate site", according to the CT people.

So, in their little minds, anyone posting pro-consumer information on such a site must be a "faker advocate". As if that were logical, LOL!

And what were the lies consumers post here? The CT people just never do get around to saying that part! Huh!

But it's worthwhile to check out the long list of proven lies the CT people routinely post here:

Oh, and CT? Keep those links to US complaints sites coming! Very entertaining, and they show just how much .... CT Sucks!

Just proving the point that you are neither unique or relevant. Those are US companies that have lots of complaints...I guess you think they are totally different in the different markets they serve.....LOL....right....and who cares anyway....lots more sites than those....lots more armchair critics too... you know the ones... bitch about anything and everything, think only their opinion matters or is the right one....LOL. I guess all those posters were LIARS....LMAO. Yes, very entertaining indeed.
Hmm, the CT’er seems to think that the MORE complaints a store has against it, the BETTER the store must be!

Only in the twisted mind of a CT rep could such logic make any sense. Hilarious!

Just for fun, I decided to look for some sites with similar complaints as you’ll find here on

Guess what I found? Page after page of them, just about little ol‘ CT, who only operate in little ol’ Canada!

I guess the CT'er will see this as proof of their awesomeness! Too funny!

For starters, here's the complaintsboard page on CT. It's a US site, but they've devoted a special pages just to the crap that goes on at Crappy Tire:

Canadian Tire Complaints

We’ve seen how much the self-appointed CT Rep loves (loves!) “Pissed Consumer”. What they somehow failed to mention was the page dedicated to Crappy Tire. Not a lot of posts there. But, hey, it is a US site, after all!

Canadian Tire @ Pissed Consumer

Lots of complaints about CT here at, too. All pretty much the same thing as we see on all the other sites, too. But, hey, it must be just coincidence, right?


Quite a few on Red Flag Deals, too. Not so easy to search that site directly, but lots of hits, if you use Google. canadian tire return policy redflagdeals - Google Search

Wow, that sure is a lot of “proof” of how “good” CT must be, LOL!

It pretty interesting that so many people report such similar issues, from all across the country.

One might think the CT'er would be interested in fixing some of their messes.

But, nope - they think a mountain of complaints is proof of a job well done! LMAO!
Wait what do we have here

Pissed consumer.....last complaint January 2011
Complaints - 9 complaints in 2011 - so about 1 every 3 weeks (pretty good for 485 stores)
The other one I checked, complaints are 2006, 2008
A few from this year here and there

really guys what next? we lost millions 30 years ago on a bad deal hahahah

keep it relevant..... you always say old reports mean fuck all
Such bad language!

The self-appointed CT Rep should be ashamed!

Next they'll be making fun of people with disabilities and illnesses!

(Oh, wait: they already do ...)

Yup, some fairly old complaints about CT's crappy policies, out there.

Lots of really 'fresh' ones, too, though.

What really strikes me, is how long consumers have been rightfully upset with the sad state of affairs at Crappy Tire, and how long the store has continued to cheat customers.

Luckily consumers are really starting to notice, and compare CT to all the superior retailers out there.

But the easiest way to find CT complaints? Try this site:

Canadian Tire Sucks Forum - Canadian Tire Sucks Portal

Lots of good information there, too.

You might even consider "donating" to this worthwhile cause!

(But remember: the CT people say this is a "faker advocate site" - just like Jump Start!)

"Friends Don't Let Friends Do Business With Canadian Tire"
Oh yes consumers are sure starting to take notice LOL
Those increasing sales of ours and growing profits are surely as a result of consumers starting to take notice and finding superior retailers lol

Be sure to bid Zellers a goodbye.... they must've been a superior retailer
Sears.... sorry about your $50 million dollar loss in the first quarter. - Another superior retailer
Lowes has built less then half of the stores they promised when they came into Canada in twice the amount of time promised. - Superiority indeed

Your anecdotal comments about what consumers behaviours are mean zero. I mean surely the business analysts, market analysts, stock traders and investment pros are surfing these boards to determine the buy and sell rating of a company. lol

Come on man, you're up against smart business men here. A handful of pissed off whiners with no more "evidence" as you call it then personal claims that we operate illegally all across Canada, and treat every customer like a crook is hardly driving us down. In this day and age where information is a few key strokes away on the internet, text message, daily news reports etc...if Canadian Tire really sucked as a whole as bad as you either try to make them out to be or as bad as you want us to be.... surely we'd be in trouble. We aren't in trouble. So you're fighting a battle that only brings you personal satisfaction. Youre absolutely entitled to that, but don't be naive enough to think you're "making a difference" in the consumer world