I'm sure Mr Moaner and the other dealer/owners will disagree with this guy ...

Sep. 30, 2013
1:08 PM

Why on earth would anybody take their vehicle to any Canadian tire to get work done? I've had work done once and I will never ever go back to those hacks again. Canadian tire in name only. these clowns are not mechanics.
Sep. 30, 2013
1:07 PM

I took my vehicle to Cdn Tire for a brake job. My friend and I went to a nearby grocery store only to see my sports car drive by. So we quickly returned to CT to have a shocked employee asking why we were back so soon. They had taken my vehicle out 'joyriding' before doing any work on it.(There was no need to do a pre-road test as I knew what needed to be done).I had to sit in the shop and wait for quite awhile for my vehicle to be returned while the employees had no way of reaching the guy who took it out. My car had 45 extra kms on it by the time it came back to the shop. I would never take a vehicle to CT again.
Sep. 30, 2013
11:12 AM

It seems the only way a corporation will hold itself accountable is if something high profile like this makes the press. Canadian Tire automotive service is and always has been the worst of the worst, expensive and poor work! I'm sorry this young man had to learn the hard way. The people need an avenue of redress for these types of corporate indifferences, court doesn't work and ombudsman coverage is weak and spotty. A consumer protection branch with the power to investigate all consumer industries be it federal or provincial would sure help!
Toots M.: I just hate the fact that you always have to step in to make the company do something. Glad you are here BUT just wish the little guy didn't always need "the enforcer"."
Steve W.O.: I worked there in management in Toronto over 20 years ago and quit after I witnessed too much disrespect for both employees and especially towards customers. Typical of most stores nowadays especially big ones, but when it's the safety of a vehicle their attitude becomes life threatening. Makes you pine for the old Woodwards stores.
Kyla M.: wow that all i can say i plus hate canadian tire anyway . they always have had lousy service i am not really surprised that this happend . they never hire the best people they hire yahoos that think they can do a good job .
Robert O.: Canadian Tire hires a bunch of school flunky teenagers as "mechanics". I would never let them touch my car.
Nadine R.: We've always said, don't buy anything with moving parts from them. Would this not fall under CT's liability insurance? ICBC will be sure to make a pretty penny on this.
Interesting information on the liabilities for the kind of shoddy work CT tries to get away with:

Doug R.: If Crappy tire removed the wheel, that makes them responsible for replacing it properly and if not done so. They are responsible for anything that goes wrong after they have touched your vehicle... With that said.. I wouldn't let them touch anything on my vehicle anyways, they're a joke !!
Kyle P.: I don't get my car repaired or even serviced at CT. You guys have a poor reputation when it comes to that stuff.
Marcel D.: Not only at Bridgewater it's like that in all Canadian Tire you go there for a oil change and end up they change the belt and so on .My belt was change two week before going to a Canadian tire so went I shown them the receipt it was another story they push there mechanic too sell parts
Stephen M.: Haha. Sounds like Canadian tire in Sydney too. Had my car keyed in their parking lot. When I asked if they had cameras out there their response was it didn't catch anything. Funny thing was they didn't know what kind of car I have or the time I was there. Horrendous customer service
Cory F.: I will never deal with Canadian tire. My vehicle had a lot of damage done to it, when they try to do a wheel alignment. They had no clue what they were doing. I ended up driving my vehicle out of there with damaged suspension.
Jason A.: They have a poor rep in Niagara too a buddy of mine paid to have his wipers installed ya I laughed at him for that but anyway first time it rained one of the wipers fell off scratching in windshield and did nothing for him. All CT is good for are tools when they go on sale
Yeah, the money spent on this Spam was very effective ... at getting the word out, about how much CT sucks at auto repairs!

Mark B.: Wow, Canadian Tire - reading the comments on your promotion have provided a chuckle. You appear to have a poor reputation in this area.
Mike F.: Never ever take your car to Canadian Tire for any type of service. Had to take our company vehicles there three time in 5 years in three different cities because they were the only ones open on a Sunday and all three times they tried to charge more then what I originally signed for. Nothing but con artist.
Warren G.: Canadian tire is sick don't want to bring my car there anymore before my car wasn't have any problem after they change the front lower ball joint of my car they didn't out it back the ball joint lock then it break my mags tire then I spend 800 cad to fix that's bullshit