Tony S.: i like the truck. but the battery may perform well in the extreme cold but i would like to see it preform in a desert like say Australia or put it on a car in the world solar challenge. that would amaze me. because from what i know this battery would be more likely to start venting than giving amps. but if im wrong feel free to tell me.
You may recall that on December 21st, Crappy Tire offered a "free gift" of a "Promo Card" if customers spent more than $200.

This offer was spammed to a lot of Canadians, many of whom have learned the hard way not to trust Crappy Tire. In fact, many took the opportunity to tell their fellow Canadians about issues they've had with general automotive repairs.

Here are some of the complaints I managed to capture, before they were deleted by CT:

Tesie C.: I agree dont shop @ canadian tire!!! They broke my car last year... Never shop there!!!

Dale H.: Is there really anything anyone would want to buy at Canadian Tire? I shopped there a long time ago - and don't get me started on their car repairs!

Foster S.: just have to say this piece of trash appeared on my Facebook page as an unsolicited advertisement and I am not pleased, I gave up going there to get my car serviced and now go to in an independent mechanic for personalized service, where I do not feel like an irritant, and when are they going to get lighting in the stores that is not a cheap yellow fluorescent migraine-inducing hangover from the 1980s that leaves an unclean tinge of all that it falls upon? On reflection, perhaps these adverts are quite good, get to vent my spleen in intrusions into my privacy and remember why I avoid these impersonal corporations. Will I now get a link to some anonymous customer service lapdog who gets paid poorly to appease the unhappy victims of Canadian Tire?

Ron L.: The garage department pathetic they change parts that don't need to be change I know manager department thats what he does he laughed about it

Ashley K.: Iv never had a good experience at canadian tire. They're service sucks. AND what has always pissed me off is they have called me by the wrong name numorous times. Not to mention they told me that my front right wheel baring was broken and yet it was my drivers side baring. They have no idea what they are talking about and make u spend money for no reason.

Kathy D.: Never, ever have your car serviced at CT!

Josie M.: Canadian tire is the last place I would take my car. Unprofessional people are working there. Don't trust them a bit. I wonder what's in that box? Can't be jewelry and that's what I'm after.

Victoria A.: Devereaux canadian tire auto kingston sucks took my jetta there to have engine rrplaced, not only did the enigine blow 3 months later they stole a light cover and reflector off my car. they denied everything ofcourse.

Clare D.: Hope they help. My father shopped at Canadian Tire all his life everywhere he went. Was a very loyal customer. He got a car engine from them and it also blew about 3 months later and they never did a thing for him. He never went back again and for many years Canadian Tire was a dirty word in our family and he would not allow even a flyer from there in our house.

David B.: Canada tire is the worst company to do apprenticeship location@ medowville town center in Mississauga

Paul L.: Can't support these crooks. If you take your vehicle there expect to make a massive amount of unexpected repairs. Another mechanic informed me they intentionally damaged my Ford Escape.
Around the same time as the "Promo Card" fiasco, CT also paid Facebook to spam Canadians (mostly men), in the run-up to the Icy Truck spam-fest.

This Icy Spam triggered an avalanche of jokes and comments about Crappy Tire’s lack of automotive ability.

Crappy was trying to create some wint'ry buzz with a photo of a stripped-down truck chassis. Instead, they gave Canadians a good, mid-winter belly laugh to warm their hearts.

Crappy Tire asked Canadian men, “What do you think we’re building”?


Paul O.K.: Try building a better reputation

Jeffrey D.: Hey how come there no tools in that shop that say master craft or moto master....must be professionals

Marcel D.: I realy don't care because Canadian tire don't have themechanic to do such a job sorry put true

Peter B.: if it is being built by Canadian Tire mechanics then it will be something that will not run right

John H.: oil change cant fine the oil plug.

Daniel L.: an overprice oil leak inspection just to let you know that your vehicle is leaking oil right after you just asked them about the fact that you are losing oil, then they proceed to disassemble the rest?

William R.Y.: Don't know. Build something good for once.

Blue N.: We had to look under the hood, to further inspect...

Dale B.S.: I think they were just trying to get at the plugs !

Dean D.: Some customer service skills ?

Mark S.: Another fixed but broken again ctc job.

Jon C.: Something where the wheels will fall off 10km down the road?

Mike M.: The real question here is, Canadian tire's has mechanics that can build things??????

David N. What! You just replaced that last year!! Not more ball joints!!

Ray C.: your breaks are fine. we cant put it back together

Phillip C.: I hope its at least domestic. And to the haters, the problem as I perceive it, is that there is no one on one with the mechanics. There is someone at the counter that takes your car, and you spend 5-10 minutes explaining the problem, but mechanic does not here all that, all he gets is, "the customer says change this", and that's it. Sorry Canadian Tire, I love and support your store, but I do stay clear of your garage.

Glen F.: They are waiting for the parts on order after the wrong parts were ordered? Customer doesn't look happy, that would be a natural feeling for most customers!

Sebastian S.: That's just a tire rotation done the Canadian tire way

Steve K.: did the mechanics at Canadian Tire remove the body to the vehile trying to find the dipstick again

Nathan S.: Dosent matter if ct is making it it will break in a week

Trina B: Pretty much a lawn ornament because canadain tire doesn't know how to fix vehicles properly.

Nick G.B.: A CAR! but since its canadian tire built it will fall apart daily

Peter C.: Whatever it is it wont work if canadian tire has thier greasy mitts on it

Jason L.: Whatever it is the way Canadian tire charges its in the millions lol

Patrick F.: Shop supplies $ 476.00

Jef W.: all i wanted was my bulb changed........

Chris W.: i don't have any idea what kind of vehicle it is , but what i do know is that if it was worked on at Canadian tire Spryfield , ill be sure to be working on it to fix their mess ups .

Kelly-joe K.: face it they suck

Brian N.: they probably still suck, or they wouldnt have came from "great dealerships" to work at canadian tire

Scott M.: Your building it? I cant imagine Canadian Tire building anything cool! That wont fall apart in a month or two.

Gary N.: A car that does not work!!

Kevin H.: Don't forget the lug nuts this time.

Trenton J.: canadian tire mechanics are not the problem its that management wont pay what it takes for good only pays for bottom 5% of grads

Davin W.: will be a model car because CT cant fix or build anything to run at least not properly!! in the end they will get more money for the scrap metal.

Gary H.: They are trying to build a good reputation

Gary G.K.: It can't be much as they aren't working on it. Must be waiting for a mechanic to show up to do the work for the 5 supervisors standing there .I am still wondering how they have the nerve to charge customers approx.$80.00 an hour to look at our vehicles. The nerve !

Chase B.: A training vehicle for your crayon eating mechanics?

Drunkensask Watch Canadian tires building it ? $20 says it won't get 100 feet passed the door before it falls apart

Doug W.: A truck that your garage takes time to fix properly without someone reading a manual on how to do it.

Brent D.: no just replace parts YOU DIDNT NEED OR ORDER!!

Theodora V.: wow...CT has got a bad reputation...we experienced that with our son's tires....geez...maybe it should be called Tire demon

Rob H.: a new sleigh for santa ? a little late but canadian tire's motto is better late than never . Just hope Santa test drives it before next Christmas as he will probably have to bring it back half a dozen times .

Marc P.: Any garage that is part of a "chain" has monthly objectives etc.. so it's no surprise you will get the runaround when you go there.... they will always try to give you the highest bill possible, so they can meet their objectives..

Mark B.: A HUGE overcharge BILL ? lol

L Darcy M.: Trying to change the gas cap!

Derek Y.: CT, only reason you getting these comments is that you walked right into it..

Mac J.: Is it a representation of how you return people's cars? In pieces and unfinished?

Delvin H.: Yes step one find the dipstick even if I nafta take every bolt outta this infernal machine... Then I will learn how to change the oil...then I will ask someone how to put it back together because I told the customer to be back by 3pm...says the head Canadian tire mechanic at the right old age of 18....LOL

Leonard M.: I think that's my 2013 jeep that had a burnt of tail light... omg I might as well buy a new vehicle with what they are gonna charge me to fix a taillight now...

Tristan M.: Looks like Canadian Tire is trying to do an oil change.

Ray D.: No, a customer brought it in for a burnt head light. Their looking for the light bulb!

Darrell F.: Be stupid enough to go there for ant kind of service, this is ehat rolls out the door. For you to drive away in!


Would you like to view the original Artic Vortex of comments yourself? After all, Crappy Tire posts a new Icy Truck photo every day or two!

But wait! All these comments have been deleted from! LMAO!
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The above comments were just the rib-ticklers, at Crappy Tire's expense, brought on by their years of notoriously bad auto service.

But alas, not all was fun and games.

Here are the real bone-chilling comments, of actual customers left out in the cold by CT.

Viktor S.: With all my respect, Canadian Tire auto section workers can fool you. Be careful. I paid a price already once.

Evan W.: I wouldn't trust CT to build anything, they don't even know how to do an oil change properly

Mark A.: some kind of off road vehicle? i knw a mechanic that works for canadian tire and works part time in another garage and the owner of that garage use to work for canadian tire too an now has his own private garage that he runs mostly by himself and he is a great mechanic, u can watch what hes doing he will explain anything you ask.

Mark B.: seen them in action tried to over charge kid 400 bucks when blew rad on car

Dan D.: Definately nothing to do with automotive, your garages can't even put on lug nuts or a wiper blade properly.

Michael K.: I've used the one in Pembroke, ON a few times and they are okay on the straighforward stuff but they come up lacking when it comes to cost-effective solutions to major jobs.

George Y.: Yup, I agree with the lug nuts... had a brake job done one time and almost lost a tire driving down the highway... they also can't tell the difference between a dead battery and a dead alternator... I can go on and on about the hundreds of dollars they've cost me because they think they know better as to what's wrong with my vehicle... if they would just listen to what your telling them they could save you a lot of money and themselves a lot of negative feedback. You'll never see my vehicle in a Canadian Tire again..... EVER!!!

Ray D.A.W.: Work for a auto recycle yard. We pick cars & trucks up from there all the time because customers can't afford or don't think the car is worth the price they said to repair it. There is one that still bothers me today about Canadian Tire automotive service. Pick up from them 3 years ago a 2000 Neon that they diagnosed to be a theft module. They priced the woman (who was in her late 60's) over a $1,000.00 for a new part installed and programed. The car wasn't even equipped with theft from the factory! She didn't think it was worth the repair for a 2000 Neon. She sold the car to the recycle yard. The problem the car had was a broken ground wire for the starter relay. A 2 min repair with a 0.05 cent part. I have seen quotes from there for $900.00 just to do a brake line. You can buy a roll of brake line that would replace ALL the brake lines on a car/light truck for about $30-$40 depending on the quality of the line. So that would mean they are charging 860.00 for 1.5-2 hrs of work....... I think NOT! My dad had bought a car from someone who had there car at Canadian tire. He sold it because they said it needed a $1800.00 Transmission. When all it did need was a $100.00 axle shaft and a hour worth of work. That's just a few. I could go on all day and night about there automotive garage. I think my cousin hubby could as well. He did work there.....DID

Cameron H.: ha. Very Interesting Canadian Tire... seems despite how much i love the store many people are feeling the same frustration as I... please contact me via your FB page to turn your organization around. I'll start at $250,000 per year.

Jim W.: looks like my truck after your people changed spark plugs
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I would also like to add, does anyone check the credentials of the person looking at your car?
True story: a former auto manager at the langley store, bought a battery, to fix his transmission. yes. which has nothing to do with his transmission. Ironically being in that position, his car has been towed multiple times and parked in their mechanic bays.

he is now the store manager.

Another shocking observation. There are guys who have no mechanic certificate or formal education, fixing cars. Word of mouth. I hope that everyone actually listens and not shop there for any auto supplies or mechanical assistance/ repairs.
Darlene B.B.: Not very happy with Canadian Tire right now!! We purchased a remote start on December. 20/13 made the first available appointment which was today January 11/14 only to find out after the vehicle was there at the Ajax Canadian Tire for an hour, that they do not have the module to install on my vehicle !! Canadian Tire blames the 3rd party installing they blame Canadian Tire!!! I don't care who is at fault I just want my remote start installed!! When I asked to speak with a manager I had to wait for 25 minutes to speak with him to explain the situation and find out what he could do about it, well Larry was not much help and was very dismissive just stated he would look into it. Told us that the 3rd party would contact us , we pay Canadian tire for the service and we need to do the leg work??? This is not right and I will be sure not to use Canadian Tire Service for anything else. ( this is the first time using them)
April R.: That could have been one good lawsuit if you had an accident from loss of brakes!!! CT, get it together! This is human life - what if there were kids in the car?
CJ S.: Canadian Tire has the worst customer service. They absolutely mishandled my car and my patience. I would recommend for anyone to never go there. Managers didn't even give me the time of day when I told them to call me or never spike to me after holding for so long!

CJ Salceda I Sent my letter to you guys under the subject heading "AUTO SERVICE NIGHTMARE AND BEYOND " is lengthy but I think someone needs to know what happened. I will update eveyrone on what the out come is...the letter starts out like this...
This is not an angry letter, but this is to serve a manifesto of what happened. I feel this needs to be documented in detail so that Canadian Tire as a company can improve their quality and standards.....
Rob M.: I don't doubt it. .... I'll never drive a car into their auto bay again. Serious brand reputation damage. I don't understand why there is no governance or control over the crap that goes on in those shops. Might as well let your employees empty the cash register on a daily basis.
Agnes S.: If i will give a less than one star....i will give that to Canadian Tire Country Hills... Dont ever bring your car to Auto Service its a nightmare.....
Interesting story.

It's supposed to be a 'feel-good piece' about how this Crappy Store doesn't suck as much as it used to.

Well, that's how it is according to Crappy Tire. But no news yet, on what the customers think, LOL!

Soo Canadian Tire Service Centre on Canada's Top 25 (photos added)

Oh, but what I like the BEST? The Crappy People actually admit how much it sucked!

For instance, they admit that they paid their technicians a commission, which is a clearly at odds with the customers' best interests, since it temps the technicials to over-diagnose, and recommend work that isn't really needed.

“The local market has made it clear they support our move away from commission-based sales and service. "

And they also admit to being (at least in the past) dishonest!

"Our business principles are now in line with those of the people of the Sault ... Without our staff delivering on the honest straight forward approach we have chosen, we would not be so successful in the implementation of this change.”

Right! Got it!

You used to be dishonest and not 'straight forward', and you let your mechanics over-charge in order to increase their commissions.

And CT Corporation knew about this, and let it continue, until the other guy left!

This is an excellent example of what we mean, when we talk about 'short-timers'.

They are allowed to screw over the few remaining customer for quick profits, and then let the next guy deal with the bad reputation. We see terms used by the Crappy Owner like "change in business approach" and "reinvigorating".

So, I see the locals got the word out, and wisely warned each other to steer clear of this rip-off joint. And business suffered as a result. How surprising!

Thank You,, for blowing the lid off this story - even if it was inadvertent!
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hang about didnt mr owner deny this kinda shit was taking place in his own store?and that we were all thieves and whatever else we were?shame on you,and im hoping that this u-turn signifies an even BIGGER boycott of your horrible chain...because lets face it when its out in the open that your store has been ripping people off how forgiving do you honestly think we will be?when there are far better places to go spend our money without that fear......
Sean D.: Bringing your car in there was your first mistake. I wouldn't let one of their mechanics touch my bicycle.
Heather M.T.: I had a slip in my transmission,called to see if this was something they could fix.They said No problem,so I towed it in explained everything and crabbed home.Within 20 minutes they called said yes it was the transmission and I should tow it to a transmission place after I payed them 66 dollars.I was annoyed because other than reiterating what I told them they did nothing.I said fine whatever I will give you my credit card to pay and send another tow truck to pick it up.No they said store policy prohibits that..Note we are long term customers over 15 yrs documented servicing there.So I said it is going to cost me 40 dollars for a cab plus the 80 dollars to tow it there plus your 65 service charge..starting to get ridiculous .I was in turned directed to the service manager,the store manager,the general manager( who was supposed to call back and did not) and back to the service manager none of whom could approve a 65 dollar Visa payment.(2 hours wasted) Frustrating!I then called a tow company to pick the truck up whom I did not know at all who accepted my credit card with no question at all because they I think value their customers.

Heather M.T.: No I won't return..I have zero confidence in their ability to resolve issues.I have witnessed an employee of theirs being very disrespectful to an African Canadian over battery return which upset me aprox. a week earlier.When I discussed this incident with friends and family it appears to be not isolated.I just truly believe they think their consumers are low life's who should be mgrateful to shop there.
Cindy G.: I love the store .but fine a lot of the workers very rude .They talk in their own language and really don't know where a lot of things or or they just don't care a spent half a hour try to fine something to be told oh we don't carry that then to only fine in in next lane what happen to the good old caring store
Two similar stories:

Victoria A.D.: canadian tire auto kingston sucks took my jetta there to have engine rrplaced, not only did the enigine blow 3 months later they stole a light cover and reflector off my car. they denied everything ofcourse.

Clare D.: My father shopped at Canadian Tire all his life everywhere he went. Was a very loyal customer. He got a car engine from them and it also blew about 3 months later and they never did a thing for him. He never went back again and for many years Canadian Tire was a dirty word in our family and he would not allow even a flyer from there in our house.