
Posted by an unregistered user
I watched Claude at the parts counter speak condescendingly to a nice old guy asking him questions. No eye-contact - a pissed off look on his face - condescending attitude when he didn't agree with the old guy's assumption about what part he needed, etc.

This is commonplace at this store. Claude always looks pissed off when dealing with customers and comes across like they are bothering him or are stupid for asking questions.

When my turn came up - and Claude decided to have the same attitude with me - I decided that he needed to be called on it and told directly to his face how he is coming across. His attitude just got worse with me. When I explained that I just watched him also have attitude with the previous customer and he always seemed pissed off and not happy with his job, some white haired guy behind the counter next to him gets involved and says..."Then why do you keep coming back?". I replied that "Unfortunately it is the closest location to my house". The two of them need to either be fired or put in positions that do not require them to deal with customers directly. When leaving....I received a very sarcastic "Have a nice day".

Management at this store is very poor. They rarely have sale items in stock and many of the staff seem annoyed when having to help customers find items they are looking for. I do not trust the management at this store to take complaints seriously so I will be sending a letter to Canadian Tire head office. Hopefully, if enough people that receive poor service from this store also complain, the store management will be forced to deal with the issue.
I had the same experience but not with Claude it was a girl in the atomotive part of the store. She was so rude, that I would rather drive to Morrisburg Canadian Tire than step foot inside this one ever again. Walmart is coming, and the customer means something to them. They will be getting my business and alot of my family and freinds, as they have had issues with customer service as well.