
Posted by an unregistered user
It seems almost everything I buy at CT has been returned. I consider these products to be used, not new. I bought a cot. Good quality, on closer inspection, blond hair boot print and dust. Hey, unexpected overnight guests? Buy, no rent, cot at CT and return it the next day. It's back on the shelf for some sucker to buy. Well, at least it isn't broken like some of the other products that I've bought. Black light didn't reveal any interesting stains. :-) lol
This is precisely why Canadian Tire has strict policies on returns for some items, especially tents, booster packs, bicycles, power washers and other merchandise can be purchased (loaned) and returned when finished with.

While policy has ALWAYS been "UNUSED, UNOPENED, ORIGINAL CONDITION", people seem to think they can buy a vacuum, and claim it's "unused". One of the huge problems that I have always not agreed with is the 3 MONTH return policy. If a customer cannot decide they didn't want the product (not used) after 30 days, that should be the maximum.

This just gives more opportunity for customers to buy, use and return it after finished using. Unfortuntely Canadian Tire many times don't seem to follow the "UNOPENED, UNUSED, ORIGINAL CONDITION" policy and tend to take the word of the customer.

If you return a product at my store. I WILL open it even if it's taped up. While this may slow down the cash lane, and annoy customers. I think personally you would rather have us catch those DISHONEST customers than to purchase what should be NEW only to discover it's used.. Sure the customer claims they never used that vacuum, but I am not going to take their word for it so for the sake of our customers and our store, we will open your merchandise to be sure that vacuum is NOT used.

I've caught a LOT of customers claiming (example) the vacuum is unused and then claim it's not powerful enough (ie. IS used), open and only to discover full of cat hair..

Our policies are not there to rip off customers but to STOP things like that happening to you because there was a dishonest customer.
At our store things like that happens all the time. Some manufacturers have very bad quality control and they never have all the parts in the box. So we take parts from other boxes to make a whole unit. Hey it happens. It's funny that customers borrow and return, but even funnier than that is the store managers do exactly the same thing. They need a bike for the weekend, no problem we borrow a store display and then hose it off when we're done. Somebody working on the house, no problem a whole tool section available just for the borrowing.

Blaming customers for the whole "used goods" entirely is without merit when store employees do exactly the same thing. I went camping a few weeks ago and the broadstone tent came in handy as well as some burners and propane. Good stuff!
poor return policy

I don't know about you, but I HAVE to open the box to see what the thing is - it might be the wrong color, wrong size, or any number of things that are different than what I really wanted. Our CT simply WON'T give a refund if the box has been opened, PERIOD. It just doesn't matter if it's still absolutely brand new, not used, etc.
If CT doesn't want me to open the box, they had better have one of every single item on display for me to see before I decide whether or not to purchase.
The other problem I have is when I returned an item unopened, the clerk promptly opened it to see if I was lying (why else?). I find this insulting for starters, but more importantly, the package was then taped back up and put back on the shelf - good luck to the next person who buys it, doesn't open it, and then tries to return it - the clerk won't even look at it because it has obviously been opened! (and yes, this happened exactly that way to my son).
The solution for me has simply been to not purchase anything from them that is in a box. Ever. I can get whatever I need at lots of other places.
The ONLY things I ever go to CT for these days is duct tape. Or glue. Or motor oil.
iam not a bit suprised, i seen this happen many times at the CTC i used to work at, the customer returns the item they tape the box back up and reshelve for resale, even before the customer leaves the store. sometimes when items that are returned without a box everything is piled up in a bin at the back warehouse the guys/gals that does shipping/recieving (warehousing) demolishes the used/return products and thrown out into the garbage bins out back (talk about filling our land fills with electronics that can polute soil and drinking waters) the right way to deal with returned product is the returned product should been marked, written off and ship back to CTC so the dealer/owner could get a credit towards the owners account for future purchases of the same products.

i honeslty was baffled when i noticed the terrible things that are happening in the store, and most of the time it isnt the workers fault at all.. it is the senior management and owners forcing ridiculous policies upon them to either follow or be fired.. the General Manager i used to work for said this many times in staff meetings "if you dont want to do what your told, you can be easily replaced with someone that is willing to work for $8.75/hr (min wage) and follow orders"

when i was still working at CTC i was getting paid 9.56$ full time i dont even get 80hrs every paycheque working fulltime some days i work 16hrs to cover people that call in sick... they still cut my hours down to average 67-75hrs NO overtime pay NO stat holidays..NO benefits i have all my pay stubs to prove. (isnt this against the labour laws of Canada?!!!). so i had enough i quit after working 2months there, the stress of having every responsibility shoved onto you (GM and Managers are lazy and spends most of the time out back smoking cigarettes) and the hate between employees and trash talking of each other(you get pay more than me and you do less work etc..) i dont know if iam the only ex-employee that sees this nonsense i mean i would love to hear your (ex-employees) stories of horror.
Re: poor return policy

I don't know about you, but I HAVE to open the box to see what the thing is - it might be the wrong color, wrong size, or any number of things that are different than what I really wanted. Our CT simply WON'T give a refund if the box has been opened, PERIOD. It just doesn't matter if it's still absolutely brand new, not used, etc.
If CT doesn't want me to open the box, they had better have one of every single item on display for me to see before I decide whether or not to purchase.
The other problem I have is when I returned an item unopened, the clerk promptly opened it to see if I was lying (why else?). I find this insulting for starters, but more importantly, the package was then taped back up and put back on the shelf - good luck to the next person who buys it, doesn't open it, and then tries to return it - the clerk won't even look at it because it has obviously been opened! (and yes, this happened exactly that way to my son).
The solution for me has simply been to not purchase anything from them that is in a box. Ever. I can get whatever I need at lots of other places.
The ONLY things I ever go to CT for these days is duct tape. Or glue. Or motor oil.

I agree 100%. Since they do have good sales at times and are jerks for returns, it only makes sense to open up the boxes to make sure everything is there. I opened up a lagostina set as I wanted ensure everything was there before I buy it.

The clerk told me no and said that everything is in there so I don't need to open it. I opened it anyways. The clerk radioed the manager and he showed up in an instant. I repeated to him my concerns and continued. I counted every item that it was supposed to have for the 12 piece set regularly priced at $600, and guess what? The damn thing was missing a lid.

Right there, infront of two store staff I counted out the items once again and even they agreed it was missing an item. They had nothing to say. I asked them to open another box and assured them I was going to buy it. They did so reluctantly, and guess what ? It was also missing the same lid.

So that's two professional lagostina sets missing something that someone could have bought and not be able to return or exchange. At least the stuff from china never missed a piece especially for something premium. The manager, who by the way was becoming more of a jerk insisted that I buy an unopened set and to come back later if there's a problem. They must think all women are dumb and gullible. I agreed but only if he signed something. He refused and was insulted that I didn't take his word for it. If they refuse to back it up in writing, then they're lying to you. I left the store after wasting an hour arguing with those jerks but at least I didn't get ripped off.
Re: poor return policy

I agree 100%. Since they do have good sales at times and are jerks for returns, it only makes sense to open up the boxes to make sure everything is there. I opened up a lagostina set as I wanted ensure everything was there before I buy it.

The clerk told me no and said that everything is in there so I don't need to open it. I opened it anyways. The clerk radioed the manager and he showed up in an instant. I repeated to him my concerns and continued. I counted every item that it was supposed to have for the 12 piece set regularly priced at $600, and guess what? The damn thing was missing a lid.

Right there, infront of two store staff I counted out the items once again and even they agreed it was missing an item. They had nothing to say. I asked them to open another box and assured them I was going to buy it. They did so reluctantly, and guess what ? It was also missing the same lid.

So that's two professional lagostina sets missing something that someone could have bought and not be able to return or exchange. At least the stuff from china never missed a piece especially for something premium. The manager, who by the way was becoming more of a jerk insisted that I buy an unopened set and to come back later if there's a problem. They must think all women are dumb and gullible. I agreed but only if he signed something. He refused and was insulted that I didn't take his word for it. If they refuse to back it up in writing, then they're lying to you. I left the store after wasting an hour arguing with those jerks but at least I didn't get ripped off.

You, ma'am are an idiot. As two employees tell you not to open packages, you continue to do so??? Any retailer (I manage a Home Hardware) would agree that customers opening packages is a huge no no, especially without the assistance of a staff member. I'm sure you don't care if you break something, wreck the packaging so that it doesn't look sellable, or perhaps slip another item inside the box on the hope the cashier doesn't look in.....but I assure you the store employees do. People like you need to shop in boutiques that offer the kind of service you want....oh by the way, the price is usually 30-50% higher than mass know, to cover the damage and extra time that people like you cause.
Re: poor return policy

I have no problem with you opening up a box if you wish to view quality, and reassurance. What issue I do have is when we find people not just open the SEALED boxes but rip the box open, take out of all the cardboard, Styrofoam, and wrapping without thinking of how you would get it in the box again.

Then after all that, I watch people just take a SEALED one and then leave the mess (many times completely unsellable) for other customers. People say you do this to ensure it's all there and nothing is missing.

This is quite hypercritical because people complain how the boxes are open and pieces are missing, YET customers open sealed boxes and then leave that for OTHER customers to have to deal with. You don't mind opening the boxes and making a mess, but you take another sealed box (What proof THAT sealed box doesn't have anything missing).. It seems when you are on the other side of the stick, you complain.

When you open a $700 pot set, pardon me.. rip open I should say a sealed box.. (It's packaged up with a lot of spacers and cardboard), then leave it in the middle of the aisle when you take another sealed product. That now is basically a loss of a $700 pot set because NO one will buy it..

And if you say of course they will.


You see an open box of a $700 pot set.. would you buy it? or take the sealed one? Exactly.

So instead of blaming the store for every little problem. It would be a great help to not only the store, but CUSTOMERS SUCH AS YOurselves to show some consideration for others. You wouldn't want to go into a store only to find the one box left was opened up.. Yet you have no problems opening them up and having other customers having to deal with it.

Quite Selfish
That's right Ace and CT Manager. What's an Ace store?

If it was my store I would've thrown her fat ass out. Or most likely would have called the cops as she was causing a disturbance and force her to pay for those opened lagostina sets with missing lids and all! And then get the store general manager to ban her from ours and other stores. The hoops and circles we must jump through to keep self righteous shoppers out of our stores :(
I forth that ! We at 777 Upper James, the infamous Hamilton store would have run her out. But knowing how dumb shoppers are she would've run into oncoming traffic and we'd be in the news again.
You retail store guys are really that stupid! There goes my tax dollars subsidizing more bottom feeders like you.
Learn how to read CT Manager and home hardware flunky! Or better yet sound out the words slowly so you can get the lady's message!

Like any kid would want to work in retail when they're all grown up. How pathetic!
Certainly there are some inconsiderate customers who open boxes just out of curiosity, or open one package and then buy an unopened one.

However, Canadian Tire has created their own monsters regarding returns, and then get upset at customers who are trying to protect themselves.

In years past, if I had any doubt that an item wouldn't work when I got it home, I'd say to myself, "Well, if there's a problem, I'll just bring it back".

Those days are long gone, now that CTC has the "Repair Only" policy on some items, often refuses to take returns on defective items, and randomly refuses to take back other items without any reason at all.

These days, customers are being asked to assume 100% of the risk that an item CT has stocked on its own shelf is defective. Once the customer has paid for an item, it's likely that they will be stuck with it for life, or have to deal directy with the manufacturer - the new "You bought it, you're stuck with it, too bad if it's defective" approach.

So, it's only reasonable for customers to thoroughly inspect items, knowing that they may well be screwed out of their money if the item CT had on its shelf is defective, as so many of them seem to be.

That being said, I think that opening a package should be a last resort, and only with the intent to purchase the item that's in the box. Ideally, this is done with the permission of and in the presense of a clerk. Several times I've asked, "Can I open this? If it's OK, I'll buy it".

CT has also shot themselves in the foot regarding returns of defective items. Customers find themselves right back at the service desk with a freshly-opened box of some item or other, being told that if it's defective they are stuck with it. Gee, if only it was still good, and the customer had just changed their minds.

It should be no surprise that some customers, having innocently fallen into this trap, will yield to the tempation to say, "It's fine", rather than lose their money on a defective item that CT won't take responsibility for.

Then, the same stores that chose these practices turn around and say, "What bad customers! They open boxes in the store! They lied to us and said the product wasn't defective!"

How about allowing customers to return defective items that you stocked on your own shelves? How about dealing directly with the manufacturers who sent you defective items?

Oh, wait. That would cost you too much.

Yeah, your new system is much better.
My god, such hostile responses from retail store managers. It's any wonder that you're still in business at all!?!

To the home hardware and CT Manager , I'm not an idiot. I'm just a smart shopper who watches out for HER money and does what's in HER best interest. That being said, I refused to be BULLIED into buying an unopened set, especially after finding out that two NEW sets were incomplete. By the way, if you read my post carefully I said that I opened one, and the store jerks opened the other. Not like I opened it in secret, in some corner of the store and was hiding it.

Now, all MY TIME and EFFORT could have been salvaged if the store manager or whoever in charge at the time, THOUGHT it out and gave me a signed, written note indicating that there was a problem with missing lids and that he witnessed it himself and that he and the STORE WILL rectify the problem if I needed to return it for the SAME PROBLEM.

Is that not reasonable retail store managers? Again, I didn't get that little peace of mind. I usually don't have to ask for such things, but the attitude and the nasty remarks during all that made it seem like it was my fault the lids were missing!!! Now I suppose I could've stooped down to your level and give you nasty people a lesson on manners outside of your store.

CT Manager, as for "blaming the store for every little thing". When it's an expensive set, that you have gone to great lengths to chew the fat over, and there's something wrong with it, you damn right I blame the store. Especially after poor treatment and when your return policies are crap!

To the jerks from the CT store that killed someone, go ahead and chase me. I served my country well. I don't run.

From the retail responses it's obvious you're short on brains, customer service and quite biased towards your female customers.

What stores are you at CT and homehardware manager? I'll show up there so you can call me an idiot to my face :)
People seem to be acusing others of not reading and are on the defensive with me yet I never said anything of the sort. If you read my message.. And i QUOTE

I have no problem with you opening up a box if you wish to view quality, and reassurance. What issue I do have is when we find people not just open the SEALED boxes but rip the box open, take out of all the cardboard, Styrofoam, and wrapping without thinking of how you would get it in the box again.

Then after all that, I watch people just take a SEALED one and then leave the mess (many times completely unsellable) for other customers. People say you do this to ensure it's all there and nothing is missing.

My issue is NOT opening packages but customers who don't bother to have an consideration to put it BACK the way it was.. Or if there was nothing wrong to take ANOTHER sealed package and leave US the unsellable product. THAT is our issue.

Seeing how half the people don't want to take the time to actually register on here, it's hard to direct feedback when you are all anonymous.

If I were to open a box (and I have in other stores) I KNOW what it feels like to have to deal with people who are inconsiderate all day. I open the boxes very carefully taking note where the cardboard are and placing them on the ground in the same order. I don't rip everything apart.. If everything is what I am looking for, I will take THAT one as it is.. Why would you be so inconsiderate to leave the MESS for everyone else to deal with and you take another sealed one? Perhaps I was brought up better. (BTW: when I refer to "YOU" it is directed as the "Customer" and NOT anyone in particular on this website).

Seeing how people want to hide themselves on here, I can't direct my replies to say "Anonymous posting #1 on MM/DD/YYYYY at HH:MM"..
We opened up a few things here and there. Some were in plastic containers some were in boxes, just the way shop. CT douchebags you might want to clean up that mess, it makes the store look dirty.
We opened up a few things here and there. Some were in plastic containers some were in boxes, just the way shop. CT douchebags you might want to clean up that mess, it makes the store look dirty.

Well that is fine and dandy, the person BEFORE you, who did the very same, YOU got to deal with it because you're the one buying the products. So instead of getting mad at the store, why not point your anger at the people who are opening up the packages and leaving it a mess.

NO STORE, will sit there taking everything out to see if all the parts are there. If someone opens up a box of 100 screws, do you really, honestly think ANYONE will lay them out on the floor and count to be sure they are all there?? NO, we, and everyone else would staple, tape, close up the package. Who ended up getting the blunt end of the stick? YOU the customer. Because people before you, opened up the packages (as you "UNREGISTERED" ABOVE admitted), and left it a mess. Now eventually you come into the store and discover the product YOU want was opened.. No it was not returned. It was a brand new product that was previously opened up and left for the next customer (you).

So really.. Who's laughing?
Well that is fine and dandy, the person BEFORE you, who did the very same, YOU got to deal with it because you're the one buying the products. So instead of getting mad at the store, why not point your anger at the people who are opening up the packages and leaving it a mess.

NO STORE, will sit there taking everything out to see if all the parts are there. If someone opens up a box of 100 screws, do you really, honestly think ANYONE will lay them out on the floor and count to be sure they are all there?? NO, we, and everyone else would staple, tape, close up the package. Who ended up getting the blunt end of the stick? YOU the customer. Because people before you, opened up the packages (as you "UNREGISTERED" ABOVE admitted), and left it a mess. Now eventually you come into the store and discover the product YOU want was opened.. No it was not returned. It was a brand new product that was previously opened up and left for the next customer (you).

So really.. Who's laughing?

ct manager obviously you're stumped and confused by all that's going around you. Why don't you ask your high school / college employees to do the thinking for you. You could spend more time in the office and look busy. While you're at it, why don't you also demote yourself or transfer to the hot dog stand. A lot less to confuse you.

This is one of the reasons why we enjoyed CT so much in highschool. It was terribly easy to run rings around people like you. With a good squad, we improved customer service > people came to us and avoided your type ( us vs customers mentality) for problems > sales improved dramatically during our time there that we beat their best instore sales records. You probably never heard of it but it's the 80/ 20 rule. 20% of the team is responsible for 80% of the results.

Your responses to the army lady was quite rude and ignorant. You offered no apologies or helpful suggestions for her poor store experience. Rather you defend and perpetuate the ignorant attitude of the employees who were supposed to help her. Is that good customer service? What do you think she'll tell other people? Again, thinkings not your strong suit.

So now you want to pass more bucks onto customers for why the stores a mess, why they can't buy unopened items, and why more shoppers have to resort to extremes in making sure their purchases are sound.

"So really.. Who's laughing?" That would be your ex-customers.
Well that is fine and dandy, the person BEFORE you, who did the very same, YOU got to deal with it because you're the one buying the products. So instead of getting mad at the store, why not point your anger at the people who are opening up the packages and leaving it a mess.

NO STORE, will sit there taking everything out to see if all the parts are there. If someone opens up a box of 100 screws, do you really, honestly think ANYONE will lay them out on the floor and count to be sure they are all there?? NO, we, and everyone else would staple, tape, close up the package. Who ended up getting the blunt end of the stick? YOU the customer. Because people before you, opened up the packages (as you "UNREGISTERED" ABOVE admitted), and left it a mess. Now eventually you come into the store and discover the product YOU want was opened.. No it was not returned. It was a brand new product that was previously opened up and left for the next customer (you).

So really.. Who's laughing?

Whatever douchebag. Your store rips off people and sucks ass. I have fun opening stuff in the middle of the isleways and never by anything.

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