We opened up a few things here and there. Some were in plastic containers some were in boxes, [it's] just the way [we] shop. CT [staff] you might want to clean up that mess, it makes the store look dirty.


I'm pretty sure the Unregistered Guest was doing a bit of role-play, and pretending to narrate activities that they know would annoy you.

I suppose there actually are people who would mess up a store just for fun, or out of retaliation for past mistreatment.
Ok. People here need to start READING messages before accusing people. ONCE AGAIN.. I did NOT point my reply to ANYONE in particular. I merely COMMENTED on the situation of PEOPLE opening up box's in general and other CUSTOMERS having to deal with the open boxes from OTHER customers (and not always necessarily returned products) because OTHER customers had opened up the box and now there are pieces missing.

I said it was not necessary always just products being returned. Those who also end up suffering from people before opening box's in the store and losing pieces are other customers AFTER wanting the same thing. Taking them home only to discover pieces are missing because someone in the store before them decided to open it up, and take a SEALED box leaving that one.

I NEVER replied to the lady in question nor did I even blame her for anything in particular. My message was entirely taken out of context as if I was accusing THAT lady of anything.

The reply after mine was from (yet another) "unregistered" person who replied calling her an idiot and it so seems people have assumed that was my msg.

As mentioned before.. When I state "YOU", I refer to the customer in general and NOT anyone in particular unless I direct the reply to that person (which I will quote) IF they actually are not anonymous.

I'm pretty sure the Unregistered Guest was doing a bit of role-play, and pretending to narrate activities that they know would annoy you.

I suppose there actually are people who would mess up a store just for fun, or out of retaliation for past mistreatment.

True, but the people who end up hurting are the customers after that person who end up taking the product home only to find it is missing pieces. Or is broken because the customer in general who opened the box perhaps dropped the lid and put a hairline crack in it.
I must apologize. I re-read my message and see where it may APPEAR I was replying directly to her. I actually was not and was merely a comment on the situation. I used *A* pot set as an example simply because it's one of the most commonly open product that is very expensive and hard to put back into the box (other than a vacuum but is not exactly the same cost value).

If I were replying directly to her, I would have quoted her message. But if you read my message fully, you would have seen that I was not replying directly to her and rather was a comment on the situation in terms of customers opening up box's and taking NEW sealed ones leaving the open ones only to very possibly have the next customer have to deal with the missing, broken item.
Re: poor return policy

The other problem I have is when I returned an item unopened, the clerk promptly opened it to see if I was lying (why else?). I find this insulting for starters, but more importantly, the package was then taped back up and put back on the shelf - good luck to the next person who buys it, doesn't open it, and then tries to return it - the clerk won't even look at it because it has obviously been opened!

Look at it in a different light and not in a defensive manner. The reason we open it up is so it DOESN'T go back on the shelve with pieces missing. People open box, use it, tape it back, return it again claiming it's unused. Unfortunately the world is not always honest and the dishonest people have made it hard for honest people.

When you walk into a bank and the security is looking at you.. Unfortunately it's not you in particular they are watching, it's PEOPLE in general.

No one, including canadian tire wants to put products back on the shelf used. If it's used, we'll either put it as defective (with receipt and under warranty) or as a "Customer Satisfaction" claim. :)
Re: poor return policy

Look at it in a different light and not in a defensive manner.)

Shocking that you can say that. But only when it's to your advantage ct.

I stopped shopping at crappy tire entirely for poor auto service. A few days, months went by and nothing's changed for me except that I can shop without fear of being hassled at your customer service table.

The despicable treatment of Canada's soldier is not an isolated case at CT, but happens everyday there. I tried to exchange some glassware last January as it was broken, only to be told " tough shit. You should have opened it up in the first place." CT wants it both ways, to take our money, but offer no help when the goods they sold is bad. The same goes for the retail side. I learned the hardway from taking my car to the them.

I really don't care what happens to CT. It's a shitty store with shitty people.
See what I mean when I say that our Managers and supervisors are morons!!!!!!!!

Just look at the posts centred around the lady trying to buy some cookware. This is so fucking typical of the crappy tire managers. They take a situation like that and turn it into shit. Then, it's usually us, the hardworking, customer associates left to fix this. We apologize for the misunderstanding, and try to get the customer what they want. This happens so often at our store that it's a running joke. We have bets as to how many times the manager will fuck up for the week. All this for not much more than minimum wage and we have to tip toe around the idiot's ego as he'll give us less hours for showing him up.

You guys want another one? This lady, an old lady returns an appliance she purchased minutes ago. She wants to exchange it for something else and has a receipt. It's unopened and sealed up. At our store we have to call in the manager for that. Now dufus shows up and proceeds to open up the package to make sure everything is there and gets called away in the middle of it. Meanwhile, the old lady is asked to wait and she does and dufus gets returns in about 15 minutes or so ranting about stupid customers. He then resumes the task of approving the exchange...or so we thought. He forgets that he's the one who opened up the sealed box and starts lecturing the old lady on making such returns!!!!!!! How stupid is that?!?!?!?!?! Anyways the return, exchange is declined much to the protest of the old lady and the other customers who seen him open the package.

Sad but true everyday.
Another instance. Likely the store will blame a customer, though:

Mary M.: bought my hubby a chainsaw from C.T took it out of the package it had sawdust all over it ..= someone else headaches :S ...on returns you should be checking the items
Al C.: Yup.

They'll get you a new one from the back, and put the one you're returning back in its place on the shelves.

I know this, because that's what happened with mine. RIGHT INFRONT OF ME!!!
Still goin' on:

Dono Bl: You know what kind of trouble I've experienced? I bought a hair clipper set from the Langley BC store. When I got home I noticed it had been taped shut. I thought I better examine it (although I knew there was no way they would sell a used razor, right?) Well I opened the razor only to find HAIR in it!! This store took a returned USED razor (clearly they are unaware of potential health risks associated with this practice) and placed it back on the shelf for resale. I was obviously disgusted and returned it immediately. They did not seem overly concerned. I emailed their head office, who in return told me that they would forward my concern to the store. Never heard a thing. Once again I contacted the head office who then gave me the phone number to the Langley store, suggesting I call them?!?! Why should I be responsible for tracking down someone who cares? I gave my contact information. I am absolutely disgusted and while I will not return to a Canadian tire store, I will continue to use this, and any other means to spread the word.
No one, including canadian tire wants to put products back on the shelf used. If it's used, we'll either put it as defective (with receipt and under warranty) or as a "Customer Satisfaction" claim. :)

Well, the CTers' swear it never happens, but we keep seeing reports like this one, posted on CT's own Facebook page:

Marita S.: I learned a lesson at CT, never buy anything in a box or container that has tape on it. That means somebody brought it back and they put it back on the shelf.
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Quite of few stories popping up lately:

Debbie W.: Yep got a camera from C.T. pictures already taken on it and the case was NOT in the box either.
And these are just the reports I've read about on CT's own Facebook page!

Looking for skates?

DongRak J.S.: seems like they are selling used product without cleaning process or reconditioning, and refusing to refund to make money.

DongRak J.S.: if you are lucky enough, you might also get used socks with brand new skate shoes, in my case i bought a new backpack from canadian tire and got bible with some random people's pics in it, and cat's hair
Pete L.: Bought one- got it home- opened it up and it turns out someone else had already tried it out and returned it! No surprise there- (Unless they are normally packaged with wood chips in the chain housing... )
You get what you pay for... I'm sticking with Stihl-
interesting thought here.wonder if its because of the horrendous repair only policy that someone who is wise to this has made it look like the chainsaw hadnt been used in order to return it(probably didnt work anyway,but only way to get his money back).seems like canadian tire devious policies are making normal people having to become devious too.your creation CT your creation.
For sure, it's not hard to imagine what goes through the minds of many a consumer, when they are blind-sided by CT's ridiculous policy.

Maybe they bought something that is DOA, and Crappy is saying, 'take it for repair', or maybe even 'sorry, that product has no warranty - you own it now'.

Or maybe they opened the package, to discover that it doesn't do what it's supposed to. A snow-thrower that only throws fluffy snow, or a vacuum that won't pick up cat hair. May fine examples.

So the customer is stuck, trying to get the basic satisfaction they've always taken for granted at any other big store: getting a refund for a defective or unsatisfactory product.

But how to do that? The first run at Customer Dis-service often ends in frustration, as we read at CT's Facebook page almost daily.

You can just imagine the wheels turning:

"If they think it's unopened, I'll get a refund, but if I tell them it's defective, I'll get screwed".

I don't think it's right, for one person to inflict their lemon on another unsuspecting customer.

I don't think 'two wrongs make a right', if it's a different innocent victim.

But I can certainly understand the dilemma: how do I get my money back, if the retailer refuses to stand behind what they sell?

I suppose the customer could sue, and hope it doesn't cost too much, to hold Crappy accountable.

I suppose the customer could just chalk it up to experience, and join the ever-lengthening list of boycotters.

They might even exact some revenge, by joining those who periodically tell their tale of woe to the audience of Canadians at www.facebook.com/canadiantire.

Again, I don't think it's right for a customer to pawn off a junk product to someone else, anymore than it was right for Crappy to stick the first consumer with the dud, either.

But I certainly agree: this is a scenario of Crappy Tire's own making, in order to get undeserved profits from an unsuspecting public.

They should be ashamed of this type of conduct.

But like Rob Ford, they seem proud of behaviour that anyone else would find abhorrent.

finally i googled this rob ford....mr crack politician.nice parallels!and yes what you said is basically the point i was trying to get across-the dilemma customers are faced with when buying something that doesnt work properly and finding out you cant just return it for your money back.devious means to counter devious policies.sooner or later there wont be a product on their crappy shelves that hasnt been opened,used,found to be crap and returned only to be resold....what a picture that paints!a crappy store with absolutely nothing that you can buy that will work or hasnt already been used.canadian tire second hand thrift store maybe.
Could the problem be, that the manager his/her-self used the tent, and that's why it's in bad shape, but being sold as new?

Tim P.: bought a tent from canadian tire a couple of weeks ago, went camping this weekend and when i open the tent i discovered it was used, dead bugs inside, dirty and a little damaged. didnt know canadian tire was in the business of selling used products!. been trying to to talk to someone at the store i got it from for the past hour and got cut off by customer service and manager like 8 times. finally got a hold of customer service at head office and they are going to contact manager at the store and have him call me back ( if they can get a hold of him lol ) but may take a few days? what a waste of time! :(
The CT'ers swear it's never happened once in the entire history of their chain .... but this guy had it happen multiple times, in the same store, for the same item!

Mike M.: Yay Canadian tire. I love shopping for used-re boxed equipment that customers returned because they didn't work. Bought an air compressor there, brought it home, opened the box and there were old leaves stuck to it, along with it smelling like gasoline and greasy finger marks all over it. I returned it, only to be given ANOTHER previously enjoyed air compressor. I asked the older gentleman who brought me the box from the back, if he has another box in the back that wasn't opened before. He kind of acted dumb and said he didn't know what I was talking about. So I showed him the tape job on the box and said to him "usually when manufacturers tape up the boxes of the merchandise within, they use only one strip of tape to seal the box. You see how there are two layers of tape, and the under layer of tape has been cut, and the box here on the side shouldn't have tear marks where someone had previously opened. He went back into the back and brought back another re boxed compressor but this time the box was in somewhat better condition. So sufficed to say, I never buy large equipment from Canadian Tire anymore.