
Got a quote from the automotive departement for my car. Ended up more $$$$ and they refused to honor their quote! I will never go back there.
Got a quote from the automotive departement for my car. Ended up more $$$$ and they refused to honor their quote! I will never go back there.

Are you aware that according to this websites beloved CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, that an automotive repair bill can exceed a quote by up to 10% without authorization from the customer?
Wow, Consumers!

The self-appointed CT Rep actually admitting that the Consumer Protection Act actually applies to them! Very novel indeed!

Usually they just say that it only applies to Remote Agreements. Or only to Future Performance Agreements. Or, only to agreements between businesses.

So, some progress really IS being made!!!
Wow, Consumers!

The self-appointed CT Rep actually admitting that the Consumer Protection Act actually applies to them! Very novel indeed!

Usually they just say that it only applies to Remote Agreements. Or only to Future Performance Agreements. Or, only to agreements between businesses.

So, some progress really IS being made!!!

Got any examples that CT or any other retailer has a policy in contravention of CPA rules? I didn't think so.
Never been mentioned
No precedent setting case
No real consumer advocate saying so
Common sense says you're a liar.
You can argue that common sense doesn't matter until you're blue in the face, but the VAST majority just won't buy it.
You lose, loser, you lose.
Each and every day.
Wrong thread, again, CT moron.


Have a look there for the examples ("repair only" and "exchange only" policies) that contravene the laws (not "rules").

Happy reading!

You would think that after 6 years since the latest CPA changes that there would have been 1 credible source that would have mentioned Canadian Tire or ANY other retailer has an illegal policy....one that contravenes a law. Yet, after all this time....not even one example that says this is true.....not one retailer EVER mentioned as having an illegal policy. Faker advocate would like you to believe him and that common sense isn't recognizable by most people. Want the real truth....contact your provincial ministry....they will tell you the truth. You won't get it from the faker advocates, just read their threads.
You still seem to be on the wrong thread.

Just sayin'.

Hint: click this link!!!!! ------>>>> https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/general-canadian-tire-complaints-chat/707-sale-goods-act.html

Be sure to check out all the examples. Lots of good references.

Of course, calling the Ministry is an even better idea for consumers.

Oh, and you might also want to stop by Jump Start, and tell them about their Donate button and credit card requirement, and how that makes them "Faker Advocates", just like Canadian Tire Sucks Forum - Canadian Tire Sucks Portal.

I'm sure they'll be glad to read your identical posts, day after day too, LOL!
You still seem to be on the wrong thread.

Just sayin'.

Hint: click this link!!!!! ------>>>> https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/general-canadian-tire-complaints-chat/707-sale-goods-act.html

Be sure to check out all the examples. Lots of good references.

Of course, calling the Ministry is an even better idea for consumers.

Oh, and you might also want to stop by Jump Start, and tell them about their Donate button and credit card requirement, and how that makes them "Faker Advocates", just like Canadian Tire Sucks Forum - Canadian Tire Sucks Portal.

I'm sure they'll be glad to read your identical posts, day after day too, LOL!

For sure....do call the ministry....faker advocates like to challenge you with the request, thinking that you won't....but you really should....it will put the faker advocates lies to rest. Then they will tell you it's not really the law, but just a bad policy.....typical faker advocate, don't forget to donate...mr. Parisi appreciates it.
- Still the wrong thread.

- Still lots of lies from the self-appointed CT Rep.

- Jump Start is still yet another "Faker Advocate" site run by the Faker Advocates at CT, at least by their definition.
- Still the wrong thread.

- Still lots of lies from the self-appointed CT Rep.

- Jump Start is still yet another "Faker Advocate" site run by the Faker Advocates at CT, at least by their definition.

Still irrelevant, still losing....sorry faker advocate....not even ONE, as in ZERO examples. Kind of puts your lies into perspective each and every day.
- Still the wrong thread. See https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/general-canadian-tire-complaints-chat/707-sale-goods-act.html.

- Still those two examples: “Repair Only” and “Exchange Only” policies. See https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/general-canadian-tire-complaints-chat/683-repair-only-policy.html.

- Still the "Donate" button and need for credit card infomation on the "Jump Start" site, so it still meets the CT Rep’s definition of a “Faker Advocate" site, and is thus run by the Faker CT Advocates.

- Consumers should still call their Ministry to find out how to get a refund or exchange for a defective product.

- Be sure and check out the growing list of CT Lies at https://www.canadiantiresucks.net/g...y-do-ct-defenders-post-so-many-lies-here.html.
- Still the wrong thread.

- Stil two exampes in the SOG thread: "repair only" and "exchange only". Oh, wait: three examples: "No Warranty".

- Still no specifics on lies by consumers, and no evidence against them.

- Still lots of lies from the self-appointed CT Rep.

- Jump Start is still yet another "Faker Advocate" site run by the Faker Advocates at CT, according to the CT definition.
- Still the wrong thread.

- Stil two exampes in the SOG thread: "repair only" and "exchange only". Oh, wait: three examples: "No Warranty".

- Still no specifics on lies by consumers, and no evidence against them.

- Still lots of lies from the self-appointed CT Rep.

- Jump Start is still yet another "Faker Advocate" site run by the Faker Advocates at CT, according to the CT definition.

Really, three examples where CT or ANY other retailer has been found to have an illegal policy? Really? Please provide the link to the article, or the court findings, or the consumer site, or the BBB warning, or the letter of apology to the millions and millions of customers. BZZZT....doesn't look to exist now does it?
Still the wrong thread.

Plus, some typical CT lies:

- There’s no evidence that this site is affiliated with any other “sucks.com” site.
- No consumer has written that any retailer has been “found” (in any official way) to have an illegal policy” – only that CT has 3 policies that contravene laws in Ontario.
Still the wrong thread.

Plus, some typical CT lies:

- There’s no evidence that this site is affiliated with any other “sucks.com” site.
- No consumer has written that any retailer has been “found” (in any official way) to have an illegal policy” – only that CT has 3 policies that contravene laws in Ontario.

Ummm..two problems with that "opinion"....1. The point wasn't that this site is affiliated with other sucks.com sites...the point is that with 600 sucks.com sites or more, there are lots of complainers and whiners that will complain about anything and everything. Besides, maybe Parisi does own this site and he's a for profit guy.
2. Of course you haven't found any "official" illegal policy....there isn't any....yet your opinion is still that they do have policies that contravene laws....hilarious! do you hear yourself? Don't see the contradiction in that comment?
Too funny.
- Still the wrong thread.
- It's a lie to say that the existence of other consumer complaints sites means CT doesn't suck.
- It's a lie to say that there aren't laws that CT's policy contravenes.