Does Canadian Tire Suck?

  • No!

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Somewhat No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat Yes

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
I recently went in to the local Bracebridge CT store looking for replacement heads for the Barbecue brushes.
I found plenty of units containing a brush complete with spare heads, however when I approached the sales assistant and asked for the replacement heads only she replied, “We don’t keep them any more.”
So when I asked what do I do for replacement heads when I have used the heads contained in the package she replied, “You throw it away and buy a complete new unit,” at which point I responded and lectured her on this “disposable society” and all she did was shrug and walk away.

If this is typical of CT policy then this world is in dire trouble and I have instructed my family that I would prefer them to only shop at CT as a last resort and once they have exhausted all other avenues.
If this is typical of CT policy then this world is in dire trouble and I have instructed my family that I would prefer them to only shop at CT as a last resort and once they have exhausted all other avenues.

Interesting story, yet I have a difficult time believing anyone would ever have to go to Canadian Tire. I haven't shopped at Canadian Tire in over seven years and I get by just fine. Why would there be a last resort? A tornado hitting every other retail outlet within driving distance? Help me out here.
I recently went in to the local Bracebridge CT store looking for replacement heads for the Barbecue brushes.
I found plenty of units containing a brush complete with spare heads, however when I approached the sales assistant and asked for the replacement heads only she replied, “We don’t keep them any more.”
So when I asked what do I do for replacement heads when I have used the heads contained in the package she replied, “You throw it away and buy a complete new unit,” at which point I responded and lectured her on this “disposable society” and all she did was shrug and walk away.

If this is typical of CT policy then this world is in dire trouble and I have instructed my family that I would prefer them to only shop at CT as a last resort and once they have exhausted all other avenues.

Its not the sales associate fault they don't make replacement heads. Also CT is hardly alone in this "disposable society" hense "society" it is the world we live in. And why would you lecture her about it? Having someone come up to you and lecture you on someting you have no control over would simply piss off or atleast annoy most people. Now simply shrugging and walking away is poor service hands down and i dont condone it, however what did you really expect her to say? Was your desire simple to complain to her? What could she have really done?
The forum is obviously a labour of love ... yet, why isn't there more participation? Do people really think CT sucks? Don't think so? Or simply don't care either way.

My local CT seems to suck, according to your poll. 100% suckage, & I'd agree 100%!
My local CT seems to suck, according to your poll. 100% suckage, & I'd agree 100%!

They all suck bad, and the reason that there aren't way more complaints posted is because most of the poor folks being preyed upon by corporate cults like CT are elderly and don't use the internet to voice their gripes, they talk to the guy next door,or the buddy at the local watering hole.But don't be fooled word spreads :D
They all suck bad, and the reason that there aren't way more complaints posted is because most of the poor folks being preyed upon by corporate cults like CT are elderly and don't use the internet to voice their gripes, they talk to the guy next door,or the buddy at the local watering hole.But don't be fooled word spreads :D

People over the age of 60 in Canada account for approximately 18% of the overall population. Under 20 age group approximately 21% which means 61% of the population ranges between 21 and 59.
40% of Canadians shop at CT WEEKLY
Approx 55% of Canadians shop at CT monthly
So how could the whole business model be built on duping seniors and elderly? LOL come on get some facts not anecdotal evidence.
People over the age of 60 in Canada account for approximately 18% of the overall population. Under 20 age group approximately 21% which means 61% of the population ranges between 21 and 59.
40% of Canadians shop at CT WEEKLY
Approx 55% of Canadians shop at CT monthly
So how could the whole business model be built on duping seniors and elderly? LOL come on get some facts not anecdotal evidence.

This makes me laugh as you have no concept of statistics and don't know what you're talking about. Did you make up those numbers or using CT junk numbers? It looks like it as the number of seniors (definition 65+ and growing) makes up more than 18% of the population you quoted.

Yes lets look at facts. The original poster mentioned seniors bad CT experiences and why the feedback loop doesn't get back to CT for improvement. Is it your summation that the experiences of the largest pools of the population with disposable income be cast aside? Then retail giants have it all backwards and shouldn't improve the shopping experience of seniors.
People over the age of 60 in Canada account for approximately 18% of the overall population. Under 20 age group approximately 21% which means 61% of the population ranges between 21 and 59.
40% of Canadians shop at CT WEEKLY
Approx 55% of Canadians shop at CT monthly
So how could the whole business model be built on duping seniors and elderly? LOL come on get some facts not anecdotal evidence.

I'm blown away. Maybe that's why you're still working for CT.
This makes me laugh as you have no concept of statistics and don't know what you're talking about. Did you make up those numbers or using CT junk numbers? It looks like it as the number of seniors (definition 65+ and growing) makes up more than 18% of the population you quoted.

Yes lets look at facts. The original poster mentioned seniors bad CT experiences and why the feedback loop doesn't get back to CT for improvement. Is it your summation that the experiences of the largest pools of the population with disposable income be cast aside? Then retail giants have it all backwards and shouldn't improve the shopping experience of seniors.

I did not address the original poster of this thread. I addressed the message I copied into my thread which said "most of the folks being preyed upon are elderly" - I specifically responded to his/her summation of our customer base. I did NOt say we are not trying to improve the experience for seniors.

My demographics facts come directly from Stats Canada 2007 Census. If you don't like my facts, or don't believe them that's fine, but you can't say my facts are wrong and not provide your own source or information. if you want to debate, come armed!

..'maybe that's why you're still working for CT"
I work for CT because I choose to. This company and the positions I have held from small stores to big stores to Corporate at various stages have afforded me a lifestyle that few people have the ability to live. I am very well paid, have ultimate flexibility in my working hours and I get to help thousands of people every year do everything from repair a leaky faucet to buy their kids first bike. Do you have pride and passion for what you do? I know I do
I addressed the message I copied into my thread which said "most of the folks being preyed upon are elderly" -

You also said "get some facts and not anecdotal evidence". Hard to believe you're in retail with that one but then again that can explain why your stock is worth less than what it was over two years ago. Also the reason why you could never out grow "crappy tire"

My demographics facts come directly from Stats Canada 2007 Census...but you can't say my facts are wrong

Your facts are wrong. You're claiming an awful lot of shoppers during recessionary times even when your own corporation has lowered it's guidance for the past two years. Just to humor everyone, using your numbers ( 40% of Canadians shop at CT weekly) you're claiming that CT has 13.6 million shoppers a week? Breaking it down some more that means each store ( 475 stores from CFA) has over 114 500 shoppers a month. Thats incredible considering 114 500 is bigger than the population of some municipalities that has a CT.

if you want to debate, come armed!
I see a plastic spoon was too much....

I work for CT because I choose to. I am very well paid, have ultimate flexibility in my working hours and I get to help thousands of people every year do everything from repair a leaky faucet to buy their kids first bike. Do you have pride and passion for what you do? I know I do

I also find it hard to believe that you're working in a corporate office with flexible working hours. That is contrary to what 99% of corporations are like i.e. very long hours even for senior staff. Unless you're a very jr executive thinking that $18/ hour is a lot of salary and like working weekends too. Stick to bathroom and seasonal items - your passion.
*snicker* this one takes the cake. You were too kind on Retail douchebag. According to his numbers 40% Canadian shoppers weekly would mean the entire population of the USA would have shopped at a CT twice last year or the equivalent of over 700 million shoppers a year lol. CT's got a lot of nitwits lol.
People over the age of 60 in Canada account for approximately 18% of the overall population. Under 20 age group approximately 21% which means 61% of the population ranges between 21 and 59.
40% of Canadians shop at CT WEEKLY
Approx 55% of Canadians shop at CT monthly
So how could the whole business model be built on duping seniors and elderly? LOL come on get some facts not anecdotal evidence.

douchebag douchebag douchebag
ha ha ha office dumbass talking down to the people gets his ass whooped.

Got any more facts for us?
Re: Poll: Does Canadian Tire Suck? somewhat

we live in rural saskatchewan and we do not get your sale flyers until the sale is over. I guess rural people don't deserve a break , or whatever. yours truly BOOB sask. farmer.
Re: Poll: Does Canadian Tire Suck? somewhat

we live in rural saskatchewan and we do not get your sale flyers until the sale is over. I guess rural people don't deserve a break , or whatever.

The flyer can usually be viewed at the store's web site. There are different flyers in different areas, so you need to enter your postal code.

Remember that sometimes items scan at the regular price, even though the flyer or the sign on the shelf shows a lower price. In these cases, remember to tell them they have to give you $10 off the lower price, or to give you the item for free if the lower price is less than $10.

See for details.

You might want to look at last week's flyer before you go. If items are still marked on the shelf with last week's sale price, the above discount/free rule applies, too.

Also remember that stores have been known to arbitrarily refuse returns on some items, even if they are in unopened boxes, so you might want to only buy things that you can confirm are defect-free before you leave the store.
The best option would be to not buy anything from CT.

If you're curious, drop in at your closest CT and look at the flyer. If something strikes your fancy, by all means open up the package to make sure everything's there. Then open another and another. Make sure all the pieces are there. Don't worry, they have clerks who look after that.

Once you've made up your mind, leave the store and buy it elsewhere asking the other store to match the sale price :) Peace of mind.

You don't ever want to buy anything from CT because if you need to make a return or exchange they make you give them your government ID, and charge you with fraud if you don't. Once they have your name, your phone number, address, from your drivers license lets say, you'll be an open target for identify theft forever. Kiss your bank account and credit history good-bye! Do you want that hanging over your head?

Retail is notoriously easy for getting other peoples info. Is it any wonder why so many retail employees are involved in fraud and identity theft!

Lesson for the day.
Browse and open at CT.
Buy elsewhere using price matching. Bring CT's flyer.
Return and exchange with peace of mind knowing that you didn't need to give out your private information.
They don't deliver to trailer parks.

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